Far Cry Expansion in Aug?


May 5, 2004
Reaction score
"There is a listing for an unannounced Far Cry expansion on Play.com , though Frans points out a Gameplay listing for this appeared some time ago. The listings bear two different release dates (August and October, respectively) for the untitled project, nor are there any details (besides "Requires Far Cry to run"), thought Gameplay's page does list Far Cry publisher Ubisoft as the publisher of this project"


I enjoyed the game and I'd probably get the expansion ...but it's been a long while since far cry was released and the mod community never really materialised ...hopefully this will re-ignite it
hmm... I doubt I'll buy it if it's true. Far Cry was a good enough shooter, but I got bored halfway through and haven't touched it since. It seems to me an odd time to release an expansion pack: most expansions are released within a year to catch people while they're still interested... as it is, this Expansion could come out the same time as Aftermath. I can't see a Far Cry expansion doing well sales-wise with a Half-Life 2 expansion on the shelves...
i got my acount stollen for the FarCry multiplayer, played it once and then lost in, sucks doesn't it
Oooh. It was a very pretty engine. I wonder of the expansion is the actual "game" that seemed to be missing in my copy.
If it comes I would definately buy it. FC is one of not so many games that actually have done something to innovate the genre lately. Perfect? No. Good enough for the connoisseur of first person gaming that is I? Yes.

Ill be getting it for sure!
PickledGecko said:
Oooh. It was a very pretty engine. I wonder of the expansion is the actual "game" that seemed to be missing in my copy.
WTF are you talking about? Far Cry was a plenty long game that had alot of diverse elements in it. And did you ever explore that island at night? I've spent hours just playing around on that map. Sounds like someone's trolling for flames.
Parts of that game I enjoyed:
1. come out the cave on the first level. "Oooohhh thats a pretty beach. And some really nice water."
2. “Hey is that a hang glider, can I use it. Yay I can. Wow the scenery looks beautiful from up here.”

Parts that were too disappointing to express:
1. “Hey I hear the AI kicks ass. Ok lets sneak up on this guy. Oh no another shitty game that lets the NPCs see through stuff and shoot you in the head from miles away to compensate for what lacks in their actual intelligence.”
2. “Oooh a monster. Wow look at it leap.” Crack I’m dead. “Oh ok lets see, I have to kill it before it has a chance to leap, oh yeh and I can only kill it by unloading a full M16 mag into its head. Looks like this is another game that expects you to, rather than beat the enemy, try and find and exploit weaknesses in its AI.”
3. “Wow what a large monster with a really big rocket launcher. Lets try and kill it. Hmm one full mag of my M16 in its head has done nothing, quick change to my SMG. Hmm another full mag in its head and its still standing. Next weapon. Oh look, because I have no cover and it takes so long to bring this thing down its pretty much pot luck if I manage to down it before he fires his one hit kill rocket launcher at me.”
If the expansion has a less convolted plot, better voice acting, and no stupid ass monsters, I might get it.
PickledGecko said:
3. “Wow what a large monster with a really big rocket launcher. Lets try and kill it. Hmm one full mag of my M16 in its head has done nothing, quick change to my SMG. Hmm another full mag in its head and its still standing. Next weapon. Oh look, because I have no cover and it takes so long to bring this thing down its pretty much pot luck if I manage to down it before he fires his one hit kill rocket launcher at me.”
If this is serious, then you're probably just a shitty player.

FarCry was good fun, if I can find the discs for it then I'll definately get this expansion if it's ever out.
What the hell could they possibly expand upon?
I enjoyed the game. It was a nice escape from boring corridors and sewers. I did not hop on the "We hate Far Cry!" bandwagon. I swear people just hate the game because it sounds like the cool thing to do.
I thought Far Cry was awesome, but I'm not sure if this rumor has any chance of being true.

I mean.....wouldn't we have heard something before now?

Stealth development!
chu said:
I enjoyed the game. It was a nice escape from boring corridors and sewers. I did not hop on the "We hate Far Cry!" bandwagon. I swear people just hate the game because it sounds like the cool thing to do.
it bored me, just rehash, but it was pretty
Normally I'd just dislike a game and leave it at that. But the thing that pissed me off so much about Far Cry was the fact that everyone; every magazine review, every TV show presenter, talked about it like it was the next best thing in gaming. I don't normally buy into over-hyped bullshit but this time I did. I'm sure many people enjoyed the game, I know a lot of people like Quake 3. I however don't like either.

Vorac1ous said:
If this is serious, then you're probably just a shitty player.
Well maybe you would be so kind as to enlighten me as to how you managed to kill them with less than 90 bullets in the head.
Different strokes for different folks.
chu said:
I enjoyed the game. It was a nice escape from boring corridors and sewers. I did not hop on the "We hate Far Cry!" bandwagon. I swear people just hate the game because it sounds like the cool thing to do.

I agree, i feel as if many people here just hate FarCry simply because it was and still is strong competition for HL2...i don't care much of what anyone says, FarCry is by far one of the best FPS to come out in many years. I, myself would place it above HL2 for SP. A good list for me would be 1. FarCry/HL1 (joint) 2. HL2 ....errr...yeah! so name some other FPS games that are actually more than a half arsed attempt at a game (SP) and not just solely for money purposes....
chu said:
I enjoyed the game. It was a nice escape from boring corridors and sewers. I did not hop on the "We hate Far Cry!" bandwagon. I swear people just hate the game because it sounds like the cool thing to do.

damn straight. And the far cry AI is loads better than hl2 ai. In addition, anyone who complains about being killed by the AI must be the most un-stealthy terrible shot ever.
chu said:
I enjoyed the game. It was a nice escape from boring corridors and sewers. I did not hop on the "We hate Far Cry!" bandwagon. I swear people just hate the game because it sounds like the cool thing to do.

That's one of the reasons why I got a little disappointed with it when we were indoors for the middle of the game. And when you're dealing with one-hit-kill Trigens in a small space, the game gets ridiculously hard (it becomes trial and error at that point). The pacing of the game slowed down to a crawl, and I found myself re-tracing my steps looking for code keys and reloading save points every minute or so because I was dying all too often.

Once I got out of the corridors and back to the massive outdoor environments the game improved. I especially enjoyed the level with the 5 islands, where you go about destroying the antenna towers. Now that I think of it, that level had no Trigens...

FictiousWill said:
In addition, anyone who complains about being killed by the AI must be the most un-stealthy terrible shot ever.

Indoors were my only problem because there was little places for cover.
FictiousWill said:
damn straight. And the far cry AI is loads better than hl2 ai. In addition, anyone who complains about being killed by the AI must be the most un-stealthy terrible shot ever.
stealth? where was stealth useful? the ai was omnipotent
yep, it was realy like going on some vacation , and just chill on the sun :) most refreshing FPS in the history.
and like on vacation there is always some idiot blocking your sun. nothing is perfect.
Far Cry was somewhat over-rated IMO. Sure, the graphics are beautiful, you won't find any disagreement from me on that point. But the gameplay left something to be desired for me. The only parts I really enjoyed were the outdoor jungle areas without trigen.
I played it every now and then when I was bored... About half way through I finally deleted it.
PickledGecko said:
Well maybe you would be so kind as to enlighten me as to how you managed to kill them with less than 90 bullets in the head.
OK, how about use a better gun? Or aim for the head? The M4 is one of FarCry's lower grade weapons, you shouldn't be using it in to take on Trigen Commanders in the first place. It's like using an SMG with no grenades against an Antlion Guard in HL2.
FictiousWill said:
damn straight. And the far cry AI is loads better than hl2 ai. In addition, anyone who complains about being killed by the AI must be the most un-stealthy terrible shot ever.
Or maybe they have a problem with being detected when they spawn at the beginning of a level with no A.I in sight. Happens to me all the time at the start of the pier level. Plus it was just the same thing over and over again. Sneak around the joint, kill anyone who spots you and continue to the next level. At least games like Splinter Cell vary it a bit as well as having an interesting storyline to go with it. The A.I was good, but it was way too omnipotent and glitchy for my liking.

Icarusintel said:
stealth? where was stealth useful? the ai was omnipotent
Exactly. One of the main reasons i hated the A.I in that game
chu said:
I enjoyed the game. It was a nice escape from boring corridors and sewers. I did not hop on the "We hate Far Cry!" bandwagon. I swear people just hate the game because it sounds like the cool thing to do.
Yeah sort of like steam.

If there are going to be expacks released, I'm buying them.
Man, every single time one of these threads pops up and everyone talks about how great Far Cry is i get the urge to install the game again and give it another shot. And every single time without fail i always get to the same point and quit because i remember how lame the game is. That damn Treehouse level.

I agree with True Canadian. That island level and that Rebellion level are easily the best in the game.
I think MP pretty much is. Its got a small cult following though. Most people who enjoyed it remember it for its SP.
Sparta said:
I think MP pretty much is. Its got a small cult following though. Most people who enjoyed it remember it for its SP.
I think every game with a multiplayer has a cult following of some sort. UT2004: now there's a game that BREEDS cult followings. Every third-party modded game type is one.

But I'm already offtrack.

It's hard for me to be able to justify saying that I'd buy the expansion because I pirated the game to begin with. If I had bought the game, then I prolly would.
I liked the look of FarCry, but I didn't like the feel of it. Your character was a bit ... floaty. The weapons lacked weight. It was like playing in a big plastic sandbox.
Why is it people slate FarCry? it's good ffs, go dig out another FPS worthy of a mention and while you're at it, tell me what's so "WOW" about HL2, kthx.
Alig said:
Why is it people slate FarCry?
Not everyone can or will like something. FarCry strikes me as a pretty well recieved FPS, and the ammount of dislike towards it is hardly worthy of a "Won't somebody please think of the children!" level of response.
Alig said:
while you're at it, tell me what's so "WOW" about HL2, kthx.
Unparalleled Physics manipulation and interaction.

Realtime and top quality "acting" by entities with pratically unriveled animation of facial and skeletal meshes as well as something more fundamental like good VA work (if there is one thing no-one can claim is good in FarCry, it's the voice acting ^^).

Cracking level design (moan all you want about the linearity, but you can't claim that the levels aren't well designed).

Beautiful graphics that aren't just a matter of chucking a mish-mash of Special "ooh shiney" effects into a scene and hoping for the best (i.e amazingly well researched art and concepts that feel like someone has nicked bits of the real world to put into levels).

Original and varied locales. Also, though the levels are technically fairly average size, the game itself has an epic feel and the world feels like it retains some kind of accurate scale.

Top quality enemy design, showing us some bizarre and exotic things that function well in gameplay and are unquestionably original.

Decent sound effects and music that, though it doesn't exactly stand out in a "outside of the game" way, complements the experience to a very high degree.

A decent mix of different conundrums preventing the game from falling into the trap of being a non-stop shooting experience - physics puzzles, vehicles, standoffs in the prison, squad based encounters.

That isn't necessarily all, but it's certainly gives you some idea of the feel of "specialness" I got from Half-Life 2. So you don't quite see it - that's fine, though frankly I do wonder what's wrong with you or whether you just revel in being different for difference's sake...
First of all I’d like to get something straight. I don’t normally go around forcing my negative feelings about something in a thread that is obviously there for others to express their fondness of it. In this instant, as I have stated, I was burned pretty bad by the hype machine and that pisses me off. I’m sorry if my words have put anyone on the defensive, please enjoy Far Cry, I don’t want to take that away from you.

Secondly, I never claimed Far Cry was a bad game. I only said that I didn’t like it and I outlined my reasons for that. For me, yes, Half-Life 2 was a better game. And yes, it had its faults too, I’m not blind to that fact; it’s just that, for me, Half-Life 2 had it where it counts.

This may come as a shock to you, but my first post was not in any way sarcastic.
PickledGecko said:
Oooh. It was a very pretty engine. I wonder of the expansion is the actual "game" that seemed to be missing in my copy.
I like the engine, now if you could put the elements of what I liked in Half-Life 2 into the Far Cry expansion, then that would be one hell of a game. That was what I was getting at.

Also, I’d like to point out that I am not some kind of Half-Life 2 fanboy. I never mentioned Half-Life/Half-Life 2 in any of my posts. I like all sorts of games for different reasons, from Rainbow 6 to Unreal Tournament, and my favourite of all time is probably No One Lives Forever 2.
Can't wait for this. I loved Far Cry up until those monsters got released :|
Im confused how come you can get farcry for a tenner now? its so cheap... did it really come out that long ago? its still one gorgeous amazing unbeaten game... the only bad thing about it is the one-hit-kill monkeys.
Need to find my old manual

As for the budget release Rocker, it's sales probably declined steadily after teh SDK fiasco and the general fading away of the community.