far cry is a great game

Been so long since I last played through SP. MP wasn't too bad either. With so much foliage around there are so many places to hide.

I think the game was great in everyway although the Trigens were annoying sometimes, especially the large ones with rocket launchers. Anyway, this thread convince me to install it again. :O
I loved it. I thought the gameplay was phenomenal, the graphics and levels were beautiful, the weapons were cool, and the open-endedness was wonderful. I loved the way the lack of quicksaves made me really plan ahead. Hell, the Trigens didn't even bother me. It's true that the plot and voiceacting were absolute shit- but then, I play games to PLAY them. If I want plot, I read a book or watch a movie. Far Cry still blows me away.
Story, dialogue and acting was complete tripe to boot. Personally, I prefer Instincts.

I completely agree. Instincts was surprisingly kickass. Really enjoyable. It only had one of the many pitfalls of Far Cry and that was Rocket Snipers.

The story was B movie cheese :P but I really enjoyed shooting the marines and navigating the outdoor environments, for example the fort level was the best in the whole game for me.

I reckon that boat level was the best. The one where you have to island hop and destroy those communication towers, followed by the battle with that really annoying army guy. That was a great level.
It was a good game, but I never finished it.

Same here. I plan on finishing it, eventually...

I actually disliked the sneaking through the jungle part. I think they may have added quicksaves in a patch, but I played with only their autosaves and those sneaking parts got frustrating after a while. I mostly ended up sneaking halfway through, then I would take one bad step and have to kill everyone.

The dialogue was just stupid though. I remember when I played the demo, I was amused at how enemies would stall in front of me to yell, "I'm gonna shoot you in the face!" when really I just took that moment of them being dumb to shoot them in the face.
Its weird how some ppl dislike this game, Solaris clearly states I know what you mean, I spent an hour trying to beat a bit, where I was never alive for more than 2minutes.

And then u have those type of gamers ooh but it wasnt long enough. FarCry has been the longest game ive played in years, so why do people have to complain about the enemy been too tough, or having to re-play a certain part of the level. These people need to learn that games are not just about run & shoot, but they are time consumer, and its all part of the fun to keep dying, or having to re-play that mission as u forgot something, or u missed a secret.

And yesa the GFX used on this game are still not been beaten by games been developed nowadays, and its just over 2yrs since this game was released. Crysis will beat this with there super engine.

Far Cry suffered for being too long. It dragged and most, if not all of its levels were not with the trawl. Also, I pray you never make a game.
Far Cry suffered for being too long. It dragged and most, if not all of its levels were not with the trawl. Also, I pray you never make a game.

FarCry levels were amazing, u could walk for ages before coming to an invisible wall, u could just lay there in the jungle & watch the enemy do differnt random things.

I dont think this game was that long, that it dragged. It was excting, the most fun in games since HL. Since u say that u dont like to play games with too many enemies, i take it you never played any of the Quake series, Doom 3, Serious Sam 1 or 2, Will Rock? As all of them have overwhelming enemies, but a great sense of humour to the game.

You basically cannot appreciate this game.
FarCry levels were amazing, u could walk for ages before coming to an invisible wall, u could just lay there in the jungle & watch the enemy do differnt random things.

These bits were great, others not so much so.

I remember playing one of the earlier levels - charging down the beach in a jeep, being fired at from a boat on the shore and a rocket launcher on a cliff face, all while trying to ram another jeep off the road at squash people. It was insane. At that point I thought Far Cry was the best game ever. Unfortunately nothing in later in the game came even close to matching this.

At best it's the most fun fps i've played on the pc, at worst it's a very, very poor Doom 3.
I thought it was good that the game tries to "beat" you. You can go through a level without dying 10 times, but it takes much longer (you have to use the binoculars properly, use the open terrain and cover, and learn what you're fighting before you actually shoot).

Its a much slower pace than most games. I've beaten it on the hardest difficulty, and with something called realism mod (it takes 4 hits to get killed from a normal soldier). The way you play it is sneak past the enemy instead of shooting everyone, and this works in far cry because of the jungle and big enviroments. Finding your own way through a level tests the patience though, so most people find it either too hard or too boring.

If you like to sneak around in the jungle and kill like the Predator, it's a well balanced game. If you want a bunch of running and shooting, its just too hard.
I thought it was good that the game tries to "beat" you. You can go through a level without dying 10 times, but it takes much longer (you have to use the binoculars properly, use the open terrain and cover, and learn what you're fighting before you actually shoot).

Its a much slower pace than most games. I've beaten it on the hardest difficulty, and with something called realism mod (it takes 4 hits to get killed from a normal soldier). The way you play it is sneak past the enemy instead of shooting everyone, and this works in far cry because of the jungle and big enviroments. Finding your own way through a level tests the patience though, so most people find it either too hard or too boring.

If you like to sneak around in the jungle and kill like the Predator, it's a well balanced game. If you want a bunch of running and shooting, its just too hard.

Excellent, thats was explained much better. I agree with you totally, its more of a gme to sneak around as u say its has such open areas u can hide just about anywhere. Also if u go on long walks in the jungle there is many other ways to find to the destination. I found myself climbing up a hill, into a bunker, to come out at the top where i neeeded to be, bypassing various enemies below.
It was by no means perfect, but It was fun. That's good enough for me.
The trouble with Farcry was it didnt say what it was on the tin.
Looking at the box or p/reviews on the web , people get the impression that its a run and gun in the doom-HL mold, but it isnt that at all.
You can play it "all guns blazing" style, but you are swimming upstream and people quickly get tired of dying and reloading endlessly.
Once you switch to a stealth assassin approach, the game starts to show you what its strengths are, and it gets really good. Its just a shame they never told anyone that Farcry was a stealth shooter.

The error is compounded by encouraging people to experiment with tactics without allowing character customisation to allow for changes in approach(think deus ex without the mod canisters, if you will).

A flawed masterpiece.
i just loved the tension knowing that someone has heard or noticed me and the smart enemies have started to come after me from half the map away.
Fighting the mercs was fun, but the mutants were lame and frustrating. Likewise the outdoor segments were infinitely superior to the indoor bits (you could tell the movement and combat wasn't balanced for small, cramped spaces). Vehicles were awesome though, and it still looks great.

Story was pure rubbish, but with voice acting that bad I can't imagine it was meant to be taken very seriously. :P
Fighting the mercs was fun, but the mutants were lame and frustrating. Likewise the outdoor segments were infinitely superior to the indoor bits (you could tell the movement and combat wasn't balanced for small, cramped spaces). Vehicles were awesome though, and it still looks great.

Story was pure rubbish, but with voice acting that bad I can't imagine it was meant to be taken very seriously. :P

I stopped playing when I got to an indoor area with those tiny mutant things, the ones with the silenced machine guns and knives and stuff.
FarCry levels were amazing, u could walk for ages before coming to an invisible wall, u could just lay there in the jungle & watch the enemy do differnt random things.

I dont think this game was that long, that it dragged. It was excting, the most fun in games since HL. Since u say that u dont like to play games with too many enemies, i take it you never played any of the Quake series, Doom 3, Serious Sam 1 or 2, Will Rock? As all of them have overwhelming enemies, but a great sense of humour to the game.

You basically cannot appreciate this game.

I'm sorry, my memory isn't quite what it used to be. What exactly have you done in the video game industry that allows you to make qualified to apperciate games, where as us mere mortals can not make qualified opinions about FarCry. There are parts in FarCry where the best FPS players in the world would not be able to beat in 1 try. And I don't consider myself bad by any means, I've competed in CPLs and in the highest levels of CS 1.6 (cal-p with e-police, lanned with u5 and jmc, went to cpl with u5).