Far Cry Revisited


May 14, 2003
Reaction score
After just reading a thread that was dregded up from months ago on Far Cry being a wonderful game and how it could be a potential HL2 beater, I was just wondering 2 things:

Firstly, how many of you still play Far Cry on a regular basis? This includes both SP and MP. I only replayed the first few levels twice or so after finishing the game then it got uninstalled and consigned to the cupboard. It had no replay value to me, it was just completely boring.

As for MP, i didn't even play it. Never even appealed to me for some reason and the specs required for MP gaming on the back of the box weren't exactly promising. Did i miss out on anything special?

Secondly (or thirdly, if you want to be pedantic :p), after the 'wow' factor of the visuals set in, do you still (if you ever did) see Far Cry as a potential GOTY candidate? I for one do not, the game had no substance to it.

Discuss :)
I played it through once on realstic.

Some of the levels were very good, others were mediocre. (loved the monkey Trigens :) Couldn't stand the generic rubbish the 'human' ones were tho :/)

While I certainly enjoyed Far Cry, there's little urge to experience it again. Not a GOTY for me - game of the month perhaps.

(FCs strength was being the first of the next gen shooters ..... we finally got to see what our new pc components could do. It's a cool tech demo :) )
Far Cry looked like it stole Doom 3, and Half Life 2 code the mixed them to together in a bad way with absolutely weak game design, weapons, enemies, and controls. the the MP sucks a$$. the mouse always seems like it was slow it laggy even tho i got decent Frame rates.
Graphics were amazing yeah... that's about it lol :E
I loved it. Best game have played in a long time. The ending levels seemed like they ran out of creativity, but for the most part, it was great. The river level was a blast for me. I cannot wait to replay the whole game with an X800 XT so that I can have fun with the game on max settings 1600x1200 with 60 framerates or more. :thumbs:
When I first played the demo, I thought it was really lame. I thought that maybe it could be the demo 'dumbed down' into ~200mb where the actual game consists of (I think) 5 cd's. Even though I've not played the full game or talked to anyone that has, graphics are FC's only strenght in my opinion.
They ran out of creativity? They had no creativity to begin with.
first off i'd like to say that i absolutly loved farcry...the first time i played it. It was the first of the next gen shooters like u all said and i had a lot of fun with it. But after i played through it and started to try the mp and the game on a higher difficulty (normal to realistic) i realized that all the fun is gone when u know for the most part where everything is going to be. It wont have the storyline or level of interaction with the people and objects in the game that i am anticipating hl2 will have.

and to reply to one of u that said u would run it on full detail at 60 fps with a x800 xt u can't. I know ive tried, you get this laggy ass mouse thing and it screws up the whole game.
I'm playing Far Cry right now on my friends 3.2P4 9800 pro rig. The graphics are amazing and i can't stop playing. I'm enjoying it becuse it is the first FPS in along time that has actually been deserving of my attention. I don't know why you guys all hate it. I find it enjoyable, itsn't that all that matters? Sure, it might not be as involved as HL2 or Doom 3 but its a helll of alot of fun.

I could understand why some people would hate it becasue if you comp. not goopd enough, you'll get major lag on your mouse. Then you can't kill anyone. I've tried it on my computer and it was a no go.

I think this is keeping me happy until HL2 and Doom 3

I can't wait until Doom 3 comes out
pendragon, i think that far cry is everything good except linear. How was it linear? U can go anywhere on islands and in the maps which is so fun for all of us out there that like to think outside the box, lol.
Pendragon said:
I don't mean linear in terms of execution, but in terms of general flow it's very linear and in terms of combat it's very linear. That is to say, it's linear in terms of where the level goes (a problem that will no doubt be present in HL2 and most games outside RPGs for quite a while) and that it's linear in terms of combat--there aren't any physics or other such things to vary the game. However, you're quite right, you can take whatever angle to the combat you want, and that's a good illusion, just not quite good enough for my tastes.

I definitely see what you mean, but on the other hand, can't the linear argument be used for almost every FPS game ever made? Like you say the only way to really get an open ended game is in an RPG.

Although along those lines, stalker may well be one of the first truly non-linear FPS games. But we'll see.

As for farcry, I thought is was somewhat entertaining, but really didn't hold my interest.
Two things that made me want to break my far cry cd's and have a priest slap me in the face for spending my money on it -

1. "I'm gonna shoot you in the face!" ~ Random grunt muttered by a Mercenary
2. The terrible excuse for a desert eagle...what the **** was that thing?
What would you rate Far Cry on a scale 1 to 10? Please be honest and don't bash it. I am thinking about buying the game. I would like to know if its worth the money.

It has the graphics and the stuff you'd expect to see in a shooter up to this point.

I personally played in the beta and then played the SP for completeness and found the game to be sucktastic but that's my own opinion.

Err... try the demos before you commit yourself to anything.
If you want a good, solid FPS with sweet graphics, this is your game. It's not going to be something that'll make you think "wow, this is giving FPS games a new life!" but its is a good FPS that's 10% prettier, 10% better AI, etc.

The lack of variety gets old though. Even though you have vehicles and weapons, they don't really have environments that make them shine (cept maybe for the boats), and the endless waves of grunts just aren't creative enough, while the Trigens don't add too much more on top of that aside from being hoppy. One of the things I'm looking forwards to in HL2 is the very wide range of enemies and enemy behavior. The combine are pretty much the only stock soldiers in the game, but there are tons more creatures all that do all sorts of neat things that should make gameplay, especially in situations where different enemy types are combined, much more interesting. And even the combine have all sorts of neat gadgets and tricks and vehicles to throw at you.
I still play it occassionally... it makes it easy by allowing you to choose what level you feel like playing after you've gone through it once. It's also good for testing out new drivers. :) (the new ATI Omega ones are sweet, by the way)
well....Far Cry went from being the saviour of the FPS to the dark horse of the FPS genre, to 'just another summer blockbuster FPS'.

it's good first time round, second time round it seems like a chore.

we'll see if people still play this five years from now.
i have a pent.4 1.7 gigz 768mb ram and a 9600AIW and I had around 25 fps maybe less. horrrible.
1. I played it through once.
2. I'll probably never play it again unless i'm INSANELY bored (which was the situation that led me to play it in the first place)

Far Cry is dead to me.
Generally, I am waiting for the SDK to come out so I can start modding. :)
me too ray_man. The Sandbox Editor is great fun to experiment with, also the graphics are fantastic (go into the Sandbox editor and apply an offest map to any texture and it looks fantastic).

Other then that, the game was average in every way, and doesnt deserve to be a GOTY contender because its uninspired and lacks the creativity compared to other GOTY winners such KOTOR and Halo (You thought i was going to say Half-Life didn't you?)

Out of 10 i give it....8 overall. Gameplay is fun for the first few levels but wears off and becomes boring and repetitive. Level design is great on the outside levels but the inside levels suck. AI is good but it has noticable glitches. Graphics are great, but the specular mapping is WAY too overdone. Minimal replay value (for me anyway)

Overall the game is a good FPS, but personally i have more fun replaying Hitman 2, and trying to get Silent Assassin rank on every mission (damn thats fun)
I think Far Cry is the most controversial game. Not because of violence, but because of the way people like it. It is evenly divided between people who love it and people who hate it. I loved Far Cry. This is the first game that I have seen people hate and love. :D
ahhh ok i get ya now. yea it is liner in taht sence but not enough for me to hate it. its a really good game, just wished it was optomised ore
It could be worse. It could be optimised just as much as DX:IW (Great game, shitty engine)
I thought it kicked butt. Looked great, and ran smooth. The gameplay was enjoyable, and its probably the most immersive game I've ever played. I would say thus far its definatly worthy of a GOTY candidate. Cant say I play it too much though. I beat it like twice and played it a few times online but thats it. LAN play is really fun though. Especially on co-op maps.
Alot of people mentioned mouse lag. My 1.3ghz 256mb DDR 9600 pro rig never experianced it. However it did experiance 1-5 second lag the first few times you tried to shoot at something. When lag was no longer a problem Farcry was Okay and Graphics where jaw dropping.

Damn those mutated apes........ How many faces have been clawed off?
i enjoyed the single player. the biggest problem was the highly lacking MP. out of the box the MP was just crap. and still is after one patch. within the next week there is supposed to be a second, very large patch to address all the issues. the SDK is also supposed to be released as well as Linux AND Windows, 32bit AND 64bit dedicated servers.

Hopefully that will fix and revive the MP in one swift stroke. If not, then i fear, farcry will fall into the ranks with the likes of Command and Conquer Renegade.
Thats what I forgot to mention.

MP in Farcry was really bad.
I dont know, the assualt mode isnt too bad

the single player was one of the most enjoyable I've had in years, the AI was tough at times but it made the game that much more enjoyable.
CptStern said:
I dont know, the assualt mode isnt too bad

the single player was one of the most enjoyable I've had in years, the AI was tough at times but it made the game that much more enjoyable.
It's excellent in theory. The problem is all the netcode and memory leaks.
I heard FarCry started as nothing more than a tech demo for thier CryTek engine. Perhaps that is the reason it isn't as well made as many hoped.

I played the demo through, it was pretty fun. :) I really enjoy the viewing distance more than anything. I had to play in one of the lowest detail settings though.
AMD Athlon XP 1800, 512mb ram, geforce3 ti 200
I'm on the last levels and...WTF? it suxs. It's awfull!!!

the beggining levels were beautiful, in the islands... and then zombies....and then closed env.....why did they had to **** it up....
well, I just played the demo, and it sucks!
The graphics are good, yeah. AI seems pretty smart .. but the gameplay isn't that good ..
plus, it feels somehow .. "stiff", you know .. like its from the HL1 generation .. the world doesn't interact with you .. I didn't see no cool physics, for example .. just look at the the way you throw the grenade!!!

There is no way this game is from the 'next' generation .. plus I always thought call of duty was a 'next' generation game.

Anyway, somebody mentioned something about buying it ..
why wait for opinions on a forum? just go ahead and download the official demo and you'll have a taste of the game for yourself.

I thought FarCry was something .. but I'm not interested anymore!
Murray_H said:
Far Cry Revisited

Oh...haha, tha cracked me up.

Seriously, i never finished the game. I dunno why, but for some reason i stopped playing. Its not that i don't like it, it just doesn't really have anything to draw me to it.
blahblahblah said:
What would you rate Far Cry on a scale 1 to 10? Please be honest and don't bash it. I am thinking about buying the game. I would like to know if its worth the money.


blahblahblah said:
What would you rate Far Cry on a scale 1 to 10? Please be honest and don't bash it. I am thinking about buying the game. I would like to know if its worth the money.
I'd reward it with a 9.5/10. An absolute must-have.