Doom 3 reins supream in my opnion.
1. Atmosphere - Doom 3 is the scariest game ever created, bar none. period. You can't argue with me on this one
2. Graphics - (Duh) No explaination. -You would only bash on Doom 3 if you can run it as it was intended (high settings)
3. Sound - How can you compare Doom 3 and FC sound? Doom 3 has so much ambience and suttle sounds that make the game come to life
4. Gameplay - There is alot more substance to this game than you think. Guns all have their own strenghts and weaknesses.
Pistol - spiders, zombies
shotgun - pinky, flying skull shooting things, anything up close and personal
fists - when you gotta get things done beserk style
chain gun - when a shitload of badies are looking for your balls
plasma rifle - dispences many enemies quickly but run out of ammo very quickly
BFG 9000- when shit hits the fan
I thought once you play a level it won't be exiting anymore but Doom 3 still scares you even if you've already played it though
I'm done...I'll ramble forever...Don't get me wrong, I'm a HL2 fanboy but Doom 3 is the best FPS I have ever played, (Except the original HL) =)
1. Atmosphere - Doom 3 is the scariest game ever created, bar none. period. You can't argue with me on this one
2. Graphics - (Duh) No explaination. -You would only bash on Doom 3 if you can run it as it was intended (high settings)
3. Sound - How can you compare Doom 3 and FC sound? Doom 3 has so much ambience and suttle sounds that make the game come to life
4. Gameplay - There is alot more substance to this game than you think. Guns all have their own strenghts and weaknesses.
Pistol - spiders, zombies
shotgun - pinky, flying skull shooting things, anything up close and personal
fists - when you gotta get things done beserk style
chain gun - when a shitload of badies are looking for your balls
plasma rifle - dispences many enemies quickly but run out of ammo very quickly
BFG 9000- when shit hits the fan
I thought once you play a level it won't be exiting anymore but Doom 3 still scares you even if you've already played it though
I'm done...I'll ramble forever...Don't get me wrong, I'm a HL2 fanboy but Doom 3 is the best FPS I have ever played, (Except the original HL) =)