Far Cry vs Doom 3

Which is better : Far Cry or Doom 3

  • Far Cry

    Votes: 9 18.4%
  • Doom 3

    Votes: 40 81.6%

  • Total voters
Doom 3 reins supream in my opnion.
1. Atmosphere - Doom 3 is the scariest game ever created, bar none. period. You can't argue with me on this one
2. Graphics - (Duh) No explaination. -You would only bash on Doom 3 if you can run it as it was intended (high settings)
3. Sound - How can you compare Doom 3 and FC sound? Doom 3 has so much ambience and suttle sounds that make the game come to life
4. Gameplay - There is alot more substance to this game than you think. Guns all have their own strenghts and weaknesses.
Pistol - spiders, zombies
shotgun - pinky, flying skull shooting things, anything up close and personal
fists - when you gotta get things done beserk style
chain gun - when a shitload of badies are looking for your balls
plasma rifle - dispences many enemies quickly but run out of ammo very quickly
BFG 9000- when shit hits the fan
I thought once you play a level it won't be exiting anymore but Doom 3 still scares you even if you've already played it though

I'm done...I'll ramble forever...Don't get me wrong, I'm a HL2 fanboy but Doom 3 is the best FPS I have ever played, (Except the original HL) =)
Its average in my books, i'm gonna play it later tonight and see if it gets any better, from what i've heard it doesnt, and if it doesn't i'm returning it and getting my 100 bucks back
More like, Half-Life 2 vs Every single other game in the freakin world

But i'm not gonna start that thread, i just wanted to see who you guys thought was the better game, and its pretty obvious that Doom 3 is