Far Cry: why is it so hated?

B.Calhoun said:
Well im going to play it no matter what, because im getting it for FREE with my new computer. I was just wondering why so many people said it sucks, not asking for you guys to spoil the game or anything cause I might acually like it. Get my drift?
Hey, and when you do get it and finally play it. Tell me/us what you think of it, okay?
Mr-Fusion said:
It's hated because the game is a steaming pile of shit.

You, my kind friend, are correct. Although i experienced some kind of oozing sensation instead of steaming.
If you havent played the game like me.....i was spoiled
By telling me about the apes it reveals that theres somekind of experimentation with making super apes?

i saw a pic entitled "The mad scientist was hard at work" this is what gave me the idea of experimentation....although i didnt know on what exactly, but then traesko told me.

I dont consider myself retarded and im able to figure things out Traesko, thats why this info can ruin the game.

EDIT: and User Name i will do my own reveiw and post it when i get the game. (prolly sometime next week)
The last level is hard, you have to fight the black girl in the missile silo and it turns out she's really an alien.
I didn't like the game first time round. Thought it was cliched and easy (Played on Medium difficulty), but then i played it the second time round and it was really fun, up until the Catacombs, where it became kinda boring again. But still its a great game if you've got the patience for it.
B.Calhoun said:
i ordered a new computer and farcry comes with it for free. And i think it looks like alot of fun.

But it seems like everyone on this forums doesnt like farcry.....

Could you tell me why? and hows MP in farcry?

far cry was really fun for me.
B.Calhoun said:
i ordered a new computer and farcry comes with it for free. And i think it looks like alot of fun.

But it seems like everyone on this forums doesnt like farcry.....

Could you tell me why? and hows MP in farcry?

It's boring and uninspired, and the graphics are so overrated that it isn't even funny.
I didn't like the farcry engine in terms of walking, jumping, running and shooting... I like the graphics and levels, but I couldnt be arsed to finish it when I was stuck somewhere at a boat :p ..
Far Cry: you either love it, hate it or you think it's sort of ok-ish.

I love it personally... shall I write you a nice little review?