Farcry 3

Assuming that there's any actual substance to the game (unlike FC2, like you mentioned), this game will be ffffffffffffffffffffffff****ing amazing. That demo looked so immersive and dynamic and almost realistic. I love the way the perspective shifts when you take down enemies in melee combat.
Well at least they went back to the good ol' tropical island setting. I hope they got rid of that annoying weapon degradation/malfunction "feature".
I kinda liked that actually....it was one thing that set FC2 apart from other FPS games
I liked Far Cry 2 for about the first 75% then after that I only kept playing so I could finish the story. Hopefully they moved away from the endlessly respawning enemies and central checkpoint.
FC2 was brilliant in some ways and pretty bad in others, it did a good job of creating an open space, and in using the First Person perspective in interesting ways, (the first aid system for instance), the main thing that let it down for me, was the poor pacing and dialogue that seemed to be delivered by people who never stopped to breath.. like EVER! oh and the repeatedly spawning clown car enemies that have been mentioned in pretty much every review of the game.. if they could fix a lot of the major quibbles but keep some of the good stuff, it could be an awesome third game. The dialogue in the trailer was a bit silly, but the combat seems to focus on the better elements of the previous two.
Big old meh. Looks like Far Cry 2 but in a jungle with more focus on cutscenes. Until we are informed from the devs that they have fixed the major, horrible, game destroying mechanics of Far Cry 2, I have no interest.

Also, what jack off decided it would be good to scale down the video so we could watch some nobody using the controller?
As if showing someone holding a controller "proves" the game is being played. Seriously, guys, just stop. Speaking of which I call BS on the knife stab-throw combo and tilted gun use. Obvious E3 fluff. Gotta love the jungle setting though. I'm pleased at the return of vegetation.
Have you guys ever tried playing FC2 recently? Back in, you know, THE DAY, the game looked like Crysis. Even better actually! Well I wanted to play it recently and it ran effortlessly and looked like crap. Then I looked up gameplay trailers and found out it always looked like that.
the game looked like Crysis.

No it did not. It looked pretty damn good in daytime settings, but night time looked horrible. It was never as good looking as Crysis though, despite people claiming otherwise.
Seems to look much better than FC2, at least. I hope the gameplay offers more, though.
I liked that insanity guy, up until the point where they were so chuffed with their writing that he had to keep saying his titular line. Which is sad, because I was actually rather impressed by the script before that.

As for the gameplay I couldn't tell shit because there was none.
Wow, this looks a lot more true to the first Far Cry than the FC2. Far Cry 1 is one of my favorite shooters, despite how poorly it's done(story, AI problems) I really liked the concept and there are no games that did something similar(an unscripted shooter where you're left alone on a big island and have to kill a lot of bad guys).

I was disappointed to see the scripted helicopter action, though.
The insanity guy is just the Jackal 2.0. Also, I wonder if they are suggesting if your character might be going insane, and you will have to take medication to prevent insanity. You know, like what they did with malaria in Far Cry 2 :|
Skeptical, but hopeful. I was way into FC2 despite it's many flaws, so they really wouldn't have to change a whole lot to make this appealing to me. Looks fun, anyway.

Kudos for making a villain even more annoying and prone to cliche than Jackal, though. Wow.
I like Far Cry 2 and I'm replaying it now. I like the setting and the Jackal (who isn't a villain and isn't a cliche) and it really looks damn pretty, especially the sunrises and sunsets.


Hmm, might be fun, but the presentation looked scripted and the guns seemed a bit too accurate (like when the character was 'blind' shooting and hitting people at 25 meters).

I enjoyed Far Cry 2, so if this will be even a slight improvement over it, I'll be happy.
I liked FC2, except for the ending. The ending was absolutely bloody awful.
I only played a small portion of FC2 and I wasn't particularly impressed. As for this game: even with the return to the FC1 tropical setting, it's the same use of it as seen in this series and Crysis. Didn't anyone else roll their eyes when he looked down at the village and its guerilla inhabitants? The deja vu was nauseating.
While variety is nonexistent, Far Cry 2's gunplay is excellent. It's a great combination of appropriately challenging enemies, gun choices and just plain ol' run'n'gun.

It also feels damn satisfying, even when you go overkill and use a Carl Gustav to level a checkpoint.

I do love the jam/break animations - a misfire on Carl Gustav results in the rocket dancing through the air making swirls like a mini-Challenger, while it breaking makes the rear blast guard fall off. Or the exploding AK.

I also heard that a misfire on the RPG-7 results in the projectile falling out of the barrel and exploding at your feet...
I never beat FC2, but I will try this when it comes out and see what I think.
While variety is nonexistent, Far Cry 2's gunplay is excellent. It's a great combination of appropriately challenging enemies, gun choices and just plain ol' run'n'gun.

It also feels damn satisfying, even when you go overkill and use a Carl Gustav to level a checkpoint.

I do love the jam/break animations - a misfire on Carl Gustav results in the rocket dancing through the air making swirls like a mini-Challenger, while it breaking makes the rear blast guard fall off. Or the exploding AK.

I also heard that a misfire on the RPG-7 results in the projectile falling out of the barrel and exploding at your feet...

Easily my favorite thing in that game, which no other game I can think of does, is catching the grass on fire and watching the ensuing chaos as everyone scrambles to get away from the mini wildfire. Its especially awesome because it can happen during a normal firefight too, if you or they accidentally shoot a gas canister or something.
I personally liked FC2 (aside from the stupid ass ending), and didn't regret playing it at all like a lot of people seem to. Really looking forward to this if they realize what they did wrong with 2. And no ****ing aliens.
Also, something about Far Cry 2 makes me physically ill. I was curious if anyone else felt similar and it seems a lot of people experienced nausea from the game. It's definitely a combination of the movement blur and the hue of everything.
There was motion blur? Must be a DX10 thing I guess.
There was motion blur every time you ran, and also a radial blur when you used iron sights.

Oh that, yeah. I can see how it'd make you nauseous but I didn't have any problem with it.
I liked that footage, but regenerating health, in my Far Cry? I doubt this will be very faithful to the first FC except for the setting.
Looks nice, and I like that they give you multiple routes to complete the outpost, but you notice a lot of things from the first demo happening in the same place at the same time, even when coming at them from a different angle. Hope they don't rely on scripting too heavily.
oh god please get rid of the +10 bullshit and the overly prominent shot indicators (red directional things that pop up when you're being shot at)
then it'll be good
And take away the ****ing ironsights. I liked the combat in the first Far Cry - this looks (quelle surprise!) just like CoD.
Ironsights are fine. I think far cry works ok with it.

That perk bullshit isn't.

I'll love it no matter what though
hell, I loved FC2
I'd like to see a walkthrough with the player not being invincible, as obviously was the case here (at least I hope so, the guy was being shot way too much) - it wasn't a live presentation, so he could've filmed several attempts and show the one where he made it.

I've been playing a little bit of FC2 on the X360 recently and got reminded how annoying it can be to get to a mission in this game, with everyone you encounter on the way acting like a mad dog and chasing after you to kill you. I still like the game, but when you just want to do that next mission to get some new guns and instead you're involved in several random gunfights on the way and, worst case scenario, die, then it can be really aggravating.

Anyway, when I first played FC2, I played on normal. I usually go for the medium difficulty in games and when there's four options I go for the second hardest, but FC2 was the first FPS I played on a console and thumbsticks are just not my thing.

Now I decided to try the hardest, Infamous, difficulty and damn, this game got hard! Maybe if I was playing with a mouse then it would be a nice challenge, but on a pad - hell, no. I quickly went down a notch, to Hardcore and am playing it on this difficulty now.

And take away the ****ing ironsights. I liked the combat in the first Far Cry - this looks (quelle surprise!) just like CoD.

What's wrong with ironsights? Are we supposed to be shooting from the hip?