farewell to my grandad


Dec 15, 2004
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the reason i am posting here is because this is how i express my feelings i would like as many people as possible to see this poem :)

the end of another life.

My grandad passed away about 2 or 3 hours ago
inbetween 1am and 2am UK time 9th march 2005.

he was a very good man, full of kindness and he only had to look at me and i would smile. I love him very much and its very sad that he has to pass away.

I'd like your thoughts on a poem i just wrote


Goodbye Grandad.
Your time has come to say goodbye
to leave this world, to reach for the sky
a proud man,
a wise man,
a gentleman.
Does this mean it's over?
Does this mean it's the end?
Death is inevitable,
as sure as any story has a beginning and an end.

Do this for me, your ear please lend.
You made me smile and made me think.
But now you are gone should my heart start to sink?
I promise not to cry and not to be low.
You will always be with me I have your lessons to follow.

You fought for your country, your family and friends.
You have seen the world and done so many things.
Things you have taught me ensure that my heart soon mends.

You're gone now and one thing remains,
breath in deep and shout it aloud.
I carry your blood and I can stand proud.

Lee Price 9.3.2005
Sorry to hear, if my grandpa died i'd freak :( I see him every week. My condolences on your loss. I dont know my other grandpa tho so if he died it woulden't be that big a deal to me ( as cruel as that sounds).

Any rate, sorry for the loss :(
Wow, I just came back from my grandmother's birthday.

I just can't think of losing any of my relatives or friends.

My warmest regards and consolations for your loss.

Sorry about this. My grandma died.. just under a year ago now, gave a reading at her funeral, it's always hard.
I carry your blood and I can stand proud.
Great ending... I'm sorry for your loss, never easy to lose relatives.
My best wishes to you and your family. It's a great thing that you were close to your Grandfather. That is a great poem too.
my grandad passed away last sunday morning and we had the funeral today : (
My Grandpa died a few years ago :/
It sucked, he just got done building his ultralight plane too :/
I´ve carried 5 of my family to the grave, sucked every time, sorry for ur loss m8.

I lost two grandfathers and one grandmother at a very very young age. I only have one grandmother left.
My grandad fell face first at the dinner table. Face landed in his soup bowl.
(No, I'm not kidding.)

And then, my grandma accidently knocked over his ashes, and vaccumed them up.

He would have thought it was funny. :)
My sincere condolences. :sleep:

My grandpa died about four years ago. I owe much of who I am to him. Well, the better parts, at least.
I send my condolencies to your family and friends.
meh, all mine are long dead.......never saw any of my grandads either.
Exclamatio said:
the reason i am posting here is because this is how i express my feelings i would like as many people as possible to see this poem :)

the end of another life.

My grandad passed away about 2 or 3 hours ago
inbetween 1am and 2am UK time 9th march 2005.

he was a very good man, full of kindness and he only had to look at me and i would smile. I love him very much and its very sad that he has to pass away.

I'd like your thoughts on a poem i just wrote


Goodbye Grandad.
Your time has come to say goodbye
to leave this world, to reach for the sky
a proud man,
a wise man,
a gentleman.
Does this mean it's over?
Does this mean it's the end?
Death is inevitable,
as sure as any story has a beginning and an end.

Do this for me, your ear please lend.
You made me smile and made me think.
But now you are gone should my heart start to sink?
I promise not to cry and not to be low.
You will always be with me I have your lessons to follow.

You fought for your country, your family and friends.
You have seen the world and done so many things.
Things you have taught me ensure that my heart soon mends.

You're gone now and one thing remains,
breath in deep and shout it aloud.
I carry your blood and I can stand proud.

Lee Price 9.3.2005

that poem made me cry ;(

i'm sorry for your loss, and well done on the poem
Nice poem, I lost my grandpa a few years ago and he had always almost been like a father for me(I stayed at his place when my dad was drunk and abusing my mom), but I didn't really feel sad about it, I don't get sad when people die of "natural" causes, it's the circle of life, no?
My deepest condolences, and I must admit that was a beautiful poem.
My dear Exclamatio,death is just a path that we must all take,but do not take it so seriously,his pass is just earlier then yours,you will be able to meet him after this lifetime,but don't do anything that he doesen't intend you to do.
Sieg said:
you will be able to meet him after this lifetime
Not everyone are Christians/Religious and share your belief mate, keep that in mind.
I'm only saying this because you're expressing your opinion like it was a fact when it's not.
Gargantou said:
Not everyone are Christians/Religious and share your belief mate, keep that in mind.
I'm only saying this because you're expressing your opinion like it was a fact when it's not.

Word! :p

And sorry for your loss to get back on the subject
Exclamatio said:
I carry your blood and I can stand proud.
I'm with gh0st on this: Nice closing line.
Sorry to hear about your grand-dad - I've lost three of my grandparents and I know how it feels.
Sorry for your loss. My grandma died this summer. It's always hard to loss someone you use to see every week. Again, my regards and consolation.
Sorry to hear that, it's a difficult time ;(

Know how you feel, just stay strong.