Farting camels must DIE!


May 5, 2004
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An Adelaide-based entrepreneur has hit upon a novel method of fighting global warming: he intends to exterminate Australia's vast population of feral camels by means of gunfire from helicopters and jeeps, so preventing the beasts from unleashing a deadly planet-wrecking miasma of greenhouse gas from their rumbling guts.

The idea is that the War On Dromedaries would be paid for – and indeed, turn a profit – by selling government carbon credits issued on the basis that a dead camel cannot be emitting methane by means of belch or trouser cough. Methane is a vastly more powerful greenhouse gas than CO2, so the elimination of even quite small sources of it can equate to a substantial carbon-emissions reduction.


More than a million mustang droms are thought to prowl the Australian interior, having bred there after camels were imported during the 19th century to act as beasts of burden. The creatures have become pests: in one well-known case in 2009, the outback town of Docker River was overrun by thirsty camels seeking water.

"If everyone knew what they were doing, people would be more concerned," Moore tells the Financial Times, "especially when they start coming into town and kicking down your toilet."

this is common in australia?
I laughed so hard that I unleashed a deadly planet-wrecking miasma of greenhouse gas from my rumbling gut.
Just so we're clear, Adelaide-ians are not affiliated with the rest of Australia.
damn if he'd pay me to help out I would be down lol

Just shoot one and it will cause a chain reaction of burning methane that will take out the rest of them along with half the continent, or is that those DOOM exploding toxic barrels? Either way those camels are dangerous
A hoarde of thirsty camels running toward a sandy town with tongues flapping in the wind. Tearing down doors and drinking the water of the denizens.
Didn't even know they had camels in Oz. Wouldn't it be cooler to ride roos?
Didn't even know they had camels in Oz. Wouldn't it be cooler to ride roos?

Rookie mistake. Emus are the way to go.

But what about all the delicious curreny y'all get from selling them to the Saudis?
So did someone make a hilarious flash game out of this yet.
I'm not a camel, but I do have flatulence. In fact, I think we all do. Is that wrong? No, it's not. It's the natural expulsion of gas through our rectum.

In fact, flatulence is composed of nitrogen and carbon dioxide. In some cases, the flatus may also contain hydrogen, oxygen, and methane.