Fastest Download Speed?


Sep 19, 2004
Reaction score
Whats the fastest download speed you've had via steam (Updating or installing HL²)

most ive had is 974kb/s
Although im sure theres higher speedss capable
Most I remember having while I watched a Steam update was 2.4Mb/s (Content Server 25) :cheese:
2.4 Mb/s

Wish i could feel those benefits but i only have 1 Mb Broadband :(
I don't really feel those benefits anymore, my sister tends to hog all the bandwidth watching music videos online on my other computer :angry:, me running my own online radio on that computer doesn't help much either :p

Fastest I've seen lately has been around 1.5MB/s on the updates :| that most of the uk is limited to 3 mb internet...cos our government isn't willing to invest in upgrading the system.
You do know that steam is kb/s and not KiB/s?
The speeds in Steam are measured in kilobits per second.

The fastest I've seen is 4mbps and that was when we downloaded the CS:Source BETA at ECTS :D
So that means to put it in perspective of your other downloads not on steam, take that number divided by 8.

2.4Mb / 8 = 307KB/sec

I don't recall what my highest has been. Last I saw was 1.5Mb/sec.
1004 kbps, but after two seconds it sunk down to 900, and finally stopped at 630. Still pretty good, and nice to know that I have a good connection.
The best I've seeni s around 3.0 mbit/s which is not bad considering my main down is 4.0 and my up is 512kbps.
1100 from Opt Online ftp.

Connection is 10000/1000, Opt Online.
What are all your guys' pings on internet games, like 2?! I usually get around 80 on normal servers and around 50 on close servers like in Chicago.
Limited to 3Mb?

Not really, TeleWest ISP do a 4Mb connection ( I have their 2Mb ) and British Telecom report to have an 8Mb connection, although they do cap the data limit per month.

I have achieved a steady 1.2Mb from Steam by the way.
my ping is usually about 30 on servers in Atlanta but never higher than about 100 on US servers at least :upstare:
/me wonders why everyone is suddenly reporting download speeds in bits, when the actual client only lists it as bytes

I mean, where are you getting your bit numbers from, as there seems to be no reason to take a byte number and multiply it by 8 manually?

Highest I've gotten was about 600-700 k/s, and my download is 10 mbit. Not bad considering none of the content servers are even in my country.
mine- highest- 8MB/sec, and it can acually maintain that.

What isp are u guys with? Uk isps suck...lots of caps

Im with NTL 1mb
KunFUChopSticks said:
mine- highest- 8MB/sec, and it can acually maintain that.

dl with 1000kb/s per second. sweet.. very sweet...

mp3 song (~4mb) in 4 secs. *drool*
the fastest internet speed ever was over 2 GB/s from California to Singapore.