Fastest way to travel from LA to NYC in a few minutes.

Teh lawyer will conact you about the lawsuit :p
Bah. Mods? Delete... <grunts> Bastard!
That's so awesome :D Best part is when the car breaks down and they take it to the shop. :D
I remember this on tv a couple years back. Anyone know the name of the artist?
It made me smile. I lol'ed at the traffic at the end, too :D
I did something similar to this in Google Earth... Used the directions tool and it traced the path between these two big cities on opposite sides of the country, and then zoomed in and angled the camera down a bit, and followed the road. I did it at a fairly slow speed for about 5-10 minutes, and zoomed out to check my progress. I hardly went 1/10 of the way. Just makes you sit in awe at how large the world is.
I thought that was cool. I loved how he did that.
Wow, that was really neat.

/me bounces in chair to the techno. :D!
haha, i love the bit were the car breaks down, you see both of them trying to start it, then it's at the garage.

Interesting footage that.
Wow that's really cool, thanks.

Pitz any idea what that song's called?
JiMmEh said:
Wow that's really cool, thanks.

Pitz any idea what that song's called?
nuh uh. I've got alot of techno on my computer, and that isn't ANY of them :(

I'll try to see if anybody has heard of it.
Bollocks. Someone here must know what that song's called! :(
JellyWorld said:
How far is LA from NYC?

Its just shy under 3000 miles. Its like travelling from Madrid spain, far beyond moscow into russia. Craaazy distances.

Remember, the USA is HUGE! And LA and NYC are at the opposite ends of the country.
Catchy song, and pretty sweet video. Neat to see the atmospheres change around as they traveled through the different states.
i wonder how much that guys gas bill was :x
gh0st said:
i wonder how much that guys gas bill was :x

It isnt too much. travelling half the distance, about dallas to LA, only uses a few hundred bucks on my poor MPG vehicle. If his car had good gas milage, he could probably do it in about 600 bucks maybe? Also depending on the route he took, and the speeds he went.

I really dont know, though.