Fat City


Sep 19, 2004
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Right now im watching a report on MSNBC about houston, TX, the fattest city in the world. The interviews with these people is disturbing. This one dude wont even walk to his mailbox, he drives. and this lady, she drives her son to the bus stop 50 feet down the road rather than walk with him.

Im tired of lazy americans who expect to be magically cured after they eat and get fat their whole life. people here dont think about that kind of stuff, its all about satisfying impulses and instant gratification.

Some of you may say, "oh, its genetic" or "some people cant help it." unfortunately, people can help it, its called not eating fast food for every meal. Its called going and excersizing once in a while.

Its not a shallow or superficial complaint, though an obese person's appearence can be disturbing to some. Rather, its a serious health issue in the states.

The moral: eat right and exercise. dont take diet drugs that will crack you out i.e. anna nicole smith

those ppl are really rare in america. ppl really have misconceptions about US. Yes American is prolly the fatest nation, but its a very small minority that is excessively overweight. Most are slightly above the ideal, however they are some that are under, without using diet pills, surgery or anorexia
rpgprog said:
those ppl are really rare in america. ppl really have misconceptions about US. Yes American is prolly the fatest nation, but its a very small minority that is excessively overweight. Most are slightly above the ideal, however they are some that are under, without using diet pills, surgery or anorexia

half of all adults in america are overweight. a third of all adults are obese, meaning they are overweight to the point where there are serious, possibly fatal, consequences of the weight. I dont know how u can say that there is a misconception that Americans are fat when u admit that were the fattest nation. If you doubt me, goto WAL-MART.
i rest my case
Actually, the way they find people fat is by using the Body/Mass ratio, which essentially takes into consideration nothing more than your height and weight. Ironically, I know a lot of people who work out a lot, and under the system typically used to say "America is fatz0r" they're considered overweight, even though they're some of the fittest people I know. Hell, one of them even finished the L.A. marathon a few years back.

Now I'm not saying that America is full of exceptionally fit people, because that would get me laughed off. Of course we have lots of fat people, and yes it's because they're lazy. But its important to remember they are still a minority, and a looked-down upon minority on top of that. It's kinda like saying France is full of homosexuals - sure there are many French citizens who are homosexual, but the statement really isn't accurate.
Maui said:
Actually, the way they find people fat is by using the Body/Mass ratio, which essentially takes into consideration nothing more than your height and weight. Ironically, I know a lot of people who work out a lot, and under the system typically used to say "America is fatz0r" they're considered overweight, even though they're some of the fittest people I know. Hell, one of them even finished the L.A. marathon a few years back.

Now I'm not saying that America is full of exceptionally fit people, because that would get me laughed off. Of course we have lots of fat people, and yes it's because they're lazy. But its important to remember they are still a minority, and a looked-down upon minority on top of that. It's kinda like saying France is full of homosexuals - sure there are many French citizens who are homosexual, but the statement really isn't accurate.

ur absolutely right. weight does not judge your health and maybe i should have clarified that better. I should say that people in the US have a much higher body mass index than do other nations. The high body mass is what causes the health problems later on. If you are 350 lbs but its cuz ur a bodybuilder, ur probably very healthy. If youre 350 but u dont work out or dont have a lick of muscles, youre probably in for serious health problems
ur absolutely right. weight does not judge your health and maybe i should have clarified that better. I should say that people in the US have a much higher body mass index than do other nations. The high body mass is what causes the health problems later on. If you are 350 lbs but its cuz ur a bodybuilder, ur probably very healthy. If youre 350 but u dont work out or dont have a lick of muscles, youre probably in for serious health problems

didn't u say you rested ur case? :|
and people in america aren't fat IMO. they're just big boned :LOL:[/SARCASM]
Yeah, it's really the fat. To be honest a lot of peoples' lifestyles don't help a lot with staying in shape. Many peoples' jobs involve lots of office work for long hours, only to come home to do work at home. They're often tired after that, and then what can you do?

Fortunately being a college student I can usually keep myself going okay, though not as well as I'd like. For me the biggest problem is my school gym not having a shower, which means I have to drive home after the gym whenever I use it or go to class all sweaty. Maybe I should clarify - we have a shower, but it's been broken and closed off for as long as anyone can remember. Unfortunately lots of people don't seem to shower after the gym, especially that one guy that sits behind me in CS 210 :(
Maui said:
Yeah, it's really the fat. To be honest a lot of peoples' lifestyles don't help a lot with staying in shape. Many peoples' jobs involve lots of office work for long hours, only to come home to do work at home. They're often tired after that, and then what can you do?

Fortunately being a college student I can usually keep myself going okay, though not as well as I'd like. For me the biggest problem is my school gym not having a shower, which means I have to drive home after the gym whenever I use it or go to class all sweaty. Maybe I should clarify - we have a shower, but it's been broken and closed off for as long as anyone can remember. Unfortunately lots of people don't seem to shower after the gym, especially that one guy that sits behind me in CS 210 :(

awww. i can smell it now and its not a pretty one. Ima college student too but i dont have to do much to stay in shape. i do a workout before i goto bed, just pushups and stuff, some free weights. If you just run a half hour each day, thats all, you will be really healthy. also, its not totally exercise. if u eat better stuff, you wont have to exercise as often.
johnmedz said:
*snip*also, its not totally exercise. if u eat better stuff, you wont have to exercise as often.

Yeah, I'll admit that my appetite could be a lot better. No arguments here :) (But Little Caesar's is so good! $5 for a large pepperoni pizza! Mmmm...)
johnmedz said:
Im tired of lazy americans who expect to be magically cured after they eat and get fat their whole life. people here dont think about that kind of stuff, its all about satisfying impulses and instant gratification.
Who was expecting to get magically cured or even making a fuss about it? If anything tubby people (Never heard of anyone that is the HUGE type of obese, only on TV shows) are some of the happier people. I hear bone skinny people say "I'm fat" more often than any fat person in a complaining tone and it's just another way for them to say "give me compliments"

Have you ever had this shoved in your face by someone besides from the media which you chose to watch/listen to? If so, maybe look at that fact.
RakuraiTenjin said:
Who was expecting to get magically cured or even making a fuss about it? If anything tubby people (Never heard of anyone that is the HUGE type of obese, only on TV shows) are some of the happier people. I hear bone skinny people say "I'm fat" more often than any fat person in a complaining tone and it's just another way for them to say "give me compliments"

Have you ever had this shoved in your face by someone besides from the media which you chose to watch/listen to? If so, maybe look at that fact.

one of my freinds is obese and having heart problems and hes 21. its not something i just see on TV, its something i see every day of my life. The thing is, when i stop watching the TV show, i will still know that half of the people in the US are overwight and a third are obese. i will still know that obesity related deaths are the easiest ones to prevent besides tobacco. You know some of TV is true, dont tell me you rely on halflife2.net for the news...
i have such a high metabolism that i cant even put on weight if i try. I keep myself healthy though.
johnmedz said:
one of my freinds is obese and having heart problems and hes 21. its not something i just see on TV, its something i see every day of my life. The thing is, when i stop watching the TV show, i will still know that half of the people in the US are overwight and a third are obese. i will still know that obesity related deaths are the easiest ones to prevent besides tobacco. You know some of TV is true, dont tell me you rely on halflife2.net for the news...
I've only ever seen one of those huge obese giant people on TV. I'm overweight but my body doesn't hold it badly. When I'm in shape I'm still on the chart as overweight, and that's when I'm fit doing sports and looking good. I'm out of shape right now but not grossly, 6'0 225 pounds and I am on the chart considered obese. I'm probably nothing as you imagined when they say that. What these agencies NEED to do is start going by body fat percentage instead of BMI. You'd see numbers fluctuate. I'm not saying that there's not a problem, but it's being represented as a pandemic sort of disease when it's not.

Sorry about your friend but I can only think of one person who is obese fitting with their body fat percentage out of everyone I know, and they could change that with regular exercise.

Also, with knowing that. The reason I responded in the first place was that your post started to turn towards flaming those people, as if they put together the news program to shove it in your face. If anyone, get mad at the media for making such a fuss up over some schmuck getting fat.

Use this real quick and post results (everyone) if you feel comfotable. I am 30.5 right now.

RakuraiTenjin said:
*snip*Use this real quick and post results (everyone) if you feel comfotable. I am 30.5 right now.

I'm at 24.4 right now (6'0", 180 lbs.). Apparently I'm right on the border of being obese, and most people I know probably wouldn't describe me that way :D I'm kind of like you johnmedz, I eat like a pig but stay relatively thin. Of course living in California with that metabolism is bad because I'm always hot, except right now while we're having more rain than Seattle, Washington thus far this year (!).
EDIT: Did you know if you're 12 feet tall and weigh 8 lbs, you're only 0.1 lbs/in^2 from someone two and a half feet shorter than you?
Maui said:
I'm at 24.4 right now (6'0", 180 lbs.). Apparently I'm right on the border of being obese, and most people I know probably wouldn't describe me that way :D I'm kind of like you johnmedz, I eat like a pig but stay relatively thin. Of course living in California with that metabolism is bad because I'm always hot, except right now while we're having more rain than Seattle, Washington thus far this year (!).
EDIT: Did you know if you're 12 feet tall and weigh 8 lbs, you're only 0.1 lbs/in^2 from someone two and a half feet shorter than you?

mine was 19.5 but i agree that fat percentage needs to be taken into account also.

also, i know the media really hypes it up but its also a serious killer. thats the truth. think of all of the heat diseases, clogged arterys, diabetes, and high blood pressure not to mention many other problems.

also, this low carb diet stuff is getting really annoying. i know carbs are bad, people should watch the carbs but u also have to watch everything else, fat, and such. no carb is always a bad idea! you need carbs for energy among other things.
johnmedz said:
mine was 19.5 but i agree that fat percentage needs to be taken into account also.

also, i know the media really hypes it up but its also a serious killer. thats the truth. think of all of the heat diseases, clogged arterys, diabetes, and high blood pressure not to mention many other problems.

also, this low carb diet stuff is getting really annoying. i know carbs are bad, people should watch the carbs but u also have to watch everything else, fat, and such. no carb is always a bad idea! you need carbs for energy among other things.
Oh yeah I do realize it's an important issue and all. Just your first post seemed to be a flare up and I felt it needed to be responded to, just felt like you were kicking at those people, when it's not them making the noise about it.

Low carb is an effective diet if you follow a professional plan with how it's supposed to, such as Atkins or another. If you just go "carbs- no" or wing it on your own you'll do it wrong and hurt yourself. But it's been widely used by bodybuilders long before Atkins made it famous.
I don't blame Americans for being fat, if you go into certain areas you get overwealmed by the number of fast food shops there are you can't eat healthy food anywhere, since the smell of Burger king chips gets to you in combination with all the huge numbers of advertisements etc.... I blame the industry
The only thing stopping any fat person from eating less, eating healthier and getting fit is laziness and a lack of motivation. Genetics is not an excuse to be fat.
Some people are so wired into video diversion that they've become completely ignorant of their bodies. You don't have to live any more, you can just watch TV. That's why these people exist. Nature abhors a vacuum, and a vacuum with 24-hour television and fast food delivery would fill up pretty quick.
I'm borderline underweight-normal, but that's because I'm out of shape.
johnmedz said:
Right now im watching a report on MSNBC about houston, TX, the fattest city in the world. The interviews with these people is disturbing. This one dude wont even walk to his mailbox, he drives. and this lady, she drives her son to the bus stop 50 feet down the road rather than walk with him.
I'm pretty sure that is the same programme that was shown here at the beginning of last year.

Some of the people on it were truly disgusting :x
Heh, reminded me of that fat cheerleader chick in 'dodgeball'
Razor said:
The only thing stopping any fat person from eating less, eating healthier and getting fit is laziness and a lack of motivation. Genetics is not an excuse to be fat.

Yes it is, just not for everyone.

In fact, in the politics forum there was a perfect (if rather extreme) example. A person who was going to be locked up because he couldn't stop eating. Its not because he was greedy or lazy, he had a condition which meant that he didn't know when his stomach was full.
Thats because you throw the fat people into the sea and use them for building projects, such as blocking up rivers to make way for hydro electric dams.

Scotland is apparently the most unhealth country in Europe. :O
Ask teh other Brighton people on here...I think its ironic really, as i'm not healthy at all..
by maui:
Yeah, it's really the fat. To be honest a lot of peoples' lifestyles don't help a lot with staying in shape. Many peoples' jobs involve lots of office work for long hours, only to come home to do work at home. They're often tired after that, and then what can you do?
qft, you can say a lot about americans but they are not like razor said lazy, in fact Americans work the most now, even more then the japanese, and eating healthy and watching your weight does take a lot of time and effort which a lot of americans don't have.
Grey Fox said:
by maui:

qft, you can say a lot about americans but they are not like razor said lazy, in fact Americans work the most now, even more then the japanese, and eating healthy and watching your weight does take a lot of time and effort which a lot of americans don't have.

lol no it doesnt

did you know that working out once a day for 6 mins and u will be able to burn a lot of fat

eating healthy doesnt take long at all

working out, eating well and staying healthy doesnt take time like everyone seems to think

it takes motivation
But its finding that motivation...I lack motivation to get motivated.
We did BMI in school (only a year ago) and mine was 15 or 16. Im a short guy, but i have a huge beer belly... yet, im classed as Underweight. It doesnt make sense to me, i dont feel fit. I find the whole weight issue and how its measured very wrong on anyone that isnt within the average range of height.
Our system of finding fat people is ridiculously bad. But I agree there are many lazy people in this country. Once I was like let's walk to the store and they're like no let's drive even though the store was just at the end of the road and around the corner.

People even tell me I'm too thin (well probably it's because I stay away from candy and junk food, except an occasional fast food trip, or a fast metabolism, or maybe just a combo of both) I am always lifting weights I am doing it right now as I type this, to stay thin you need to excersize.
Exclamatio said:
lol no it doesnt

did you know that working out once a day for 6 mins and u will be able to burn a lot of fat

eating healthy doesnt take long at all

working out, eating well and staying healthy doesnt take time like everyone seems to think

it takes motivation

Yes it does+ like you said it takes motivation.
Grey Fox said:
by maui:

qft, you can say a lot about americans but they are not like razor said lazy, in fact Americans work the most now, even more then the japanese, and eating healthy and watching your weight does take a lot of time and effort which a lot of americans don't have.

I wasn't attacking American's and saying American's are lazy, i was saying that very fat people are.
Fat Tony! said:
I don't blame Americans for being fat, if you go into certain areas you get overwealmed by the number of fast food shops there are you can't eat healthy food anywhere, since the smell of Burger king chips gets to you in combination with all the huge numbers of advertisements etc.... I blame the industry
People are to be blamed for their own problems, it's not any restaurants fault. There are a multitude of places to get healthy food, people just don't want to, and it's their right if they want to or not.

If someone got STD's from a prostitute who had a tag one her that said she had it, would you blame the prostitute for the person's problems? Doubt it :p
pr0nking said:
But its finding that motivation...I lack motivation to get motivated.

then thats down to you and you only

its your choice, it doesnt affect me whatsoever though so feel free to do as u plz

Grey Fox said:
Yes it does+ like you said it takes motivation.

everyone has enough time to keep their body healthy

you do not have to spend a lot of time exercising at all
I have little sympathy for people the size of semi-trucks who whine about there weight when they dont even get off there feet ever.
Exclamatio said:
then thats down to you and you only

its your choice, it doesnt affect me whatsoever though so feel free to do as u plz

everyone has enough time to keep their body healthy

you do not have to spend a lot of time exercising at all

I was being jokey...Calm down, like I care whether it affects you if I don't get up and do excercize. Chill jeez.
Look at it this way: the gene pool cleans itself. Natural selection works.