fat guy lip syncing.

Sorry...but old.

You search next time...kthxbai. :p
i searched for 'lip,' 'sync,' and 'fat' but i failed to find anything decent.

i feel so dirty.
pfft, as if think logically.


and i think everywhere is a bit of a overstatement, having not seen it on a few of the major forums i visit, or from other random geeks i talk to online.

anyway, time to sleep, it's 4am :eek:

and spare the 'omg repost, use search' posts ;)
Kommie said:
It wouldnt be nearly as funny if he wasn't fat
Cruel... but funny, and true!

:LOL: by the way there was a thread about this like.... 3 days ago or something :p
Doesn't really matter either way. That guy is awesome.

I love how he plays it up for the camera. Should go direct to SNL.
It's called: Dragostea Din Tei and it's by O-Zone.

It's ****ing awful though :p only good after about 10 pints.
Ugh, how I hate that song, you can't get any more 'YMCA' than this.... :hmph:
ROFL!!!! I don't care if this is old, it's HILARIOUS! the beginning had me rocking in my seat with laughter :LOL: