Fat people

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Jun 18, 2005
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Fat people really need some self-control.. I know it's wrong, but I always look at fat people and im just disgusted.

I'm the only one in my family thats not obese (infact im a damn twig :( ) and people know they are fat, they sit and complain about it.. yet they change nothing about their lifestyles to fix it! Everybody and their dog is fat these days in the U.S. and it seems we are all just looking for a quick fix instead of actually changing our disgusting lifestyles..

My sister for example. Shes about 5'5 and 240lbs. She will sit and moan about her weight sometimes and an hour later you see her in the kitchen scooping a huge bowl of icecream (covered in sprinkles) and stuffing her face with chocolate chip cookies. Oh did I mention shes 20 years old? She always asks me how I maintain such a stable weight I tell her "diet and exercise".. So a week later she goes to the gym once a week for 20 minutes. 20 minutes is not going to burn away your fat, and you need a diet you damn heffer..

My family always eats fast-food, and when they go to the store they buy nothing but junk food loaded with sugar like "Little Debbies".. I also have fat friends.. At lunch i'll be eating things like chicken sandwhich with cheese, and a nice hot vegetable.. They sit on the other side of the table and stuff their faces with sugar filled junk. I don't get it. Why doesn't anybody want to eat healthy? It tastes so much better than the crap your eating, fatty!

Fat people that COMPLAIN make me even more irritated. Your fat, but YOU CAN DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT! Diet and exercise is all it takes. Quit drinking soda, and quit eating so much sugar. You have no excuse for being like that unless you have some sort of illness which I understand. But nothing is stopping you from eating right and doing something like walking the dog everyday or going for short jogs in the morning.

Get some self-control and quit disrespecting your body.
It's difficult to choose to get thinner. Those who do and follow through get the best rewards.

I'm 110lbs at age...<classified for crushenator's eyes> and I'm still way out of shape o_O
Just because someone is big doesn't mean they are medically unsound. But yeah, shit like fast food and icecream has really fattened up America and other countries as a whole. It's not really the people's fault, it's just an unavoidable eventuality of civilization (Rome for example).
BF2slut said:
Fat people really need some self-control.. I know it's wrong, but I always look at fat people and im just disgusted.

Glad to hear, having self-control still doesn't stop people from getting fat. Metabalisom(I can't spell :( ) is what can really do it for people. But alas if you're disgusted, stop looking at the people...
i'm a twig myself, but i don't really care much. i guess that those who complain about their weight but do nothing about it are rather comfortable with themselves, which is why they don't have enough motivation to lose weight. Other just go, "meh, screw it"; their motivation isn't strong enough to get them through... in other words, they don't have enough will to achieve their goals, if that makes sense. I guess those who really want to lose weight will go through all the hardships, because i believe losing weight isn't the easiest thing

nothing stops you from eating right, that is true. But some people are too lazy or too comfortable to stop themselves from eating in a non-healthy way.
DiSTuRbEd said:
Glad to hear, having self-control still doesn't stop people from getting fat. Metabalisom(I can't spell :( ) is what can really do it for people. But alas if you're disgusted, stop looking at the people...

Your metabolism, to a certain extent, is defined by your lifestyle choices
I'm very lucky, I have an extremely fast metabolism.

However it does have the annoying side effect of getting me very pissed very easily... On the plus, I don't get long hangovers!! :p
I'm 6 feet tall and about 200lbs, I'm chubby, but not fat, because I do loads of exercise now.

What exactly is it about fat people that bothers you, the fact that they take up so much space, (seats etc) the sweatyness?

(I'm talking about 300lbs+ here.)

Otherwise don't worry about it, it is impossible to convince a very fat person to do exercise.

Edit: I am actually pretty fit, I just need to get my diet right so I can lose the extra fat.
I eat loads and I am still relatively thin, and don't exercise much (actually just played an hour's football today and I realised how unfit I am).

I dunno, it is controllable to an extent. And it's very often the lifestyles people are brought up with, some parents just pander to kids whims and feed them chocolates, sweets, chips etc, neglecting the healthier and with a little effort, equally as tasty choices.

It's been really hot this week and I've been eating salads, which can be better tasting than some deep fried stuff.

A conscience effort needs to be made though, people are just lazy sometimes, and can't be bothered to cook decent and substaintial meals. You can have a huge appetite, and satisfy it without putting on weight - you just need to eat the right things, not junk food. I eat much more food than a lot of people, but I'm stuck at 75kg (~12 stone).
What is about fat people that bothers me? Just the fact that they have no self-control.. I don't have a problem with "chubby" people you know.. I know people that were on my football team they worked their ass's off but they were a bit chubby.. Nothing wrong with that. Fat people are also disgusting to look at, and when someones fat is taking up your field of vision, its kind of hard to avoid looking at it..

It's pathetic and sad at the same time.. Sad that people actually let their bodys form into this : http://ubbt.moby.com/userfiles/2792978-fatgirls.jpg

Thats not disgusting? Not to mention fat people cost money.. I like to eat sweets every now and then as a reward and by the time I get there, my obese family already ate it all. Snacks aren't a meal.
I've got a good metabolism, I don't eat exceptionally well, but I stay in shape.
Still, I know when to pick veg over extra chips, and when to stop eating. It's not about faddy diets, it's about balance.

-Angry Lawyer
BF2slut said:
Snacks aren't a meal.

That infuriates me too, not because I know obese people who eat it but because if I make some food, and someone's already had a snack, they are like "Oh I'm not hungry LOLZ!"

So as bitter as I am, it means more for me :cheers:
I'm overweight right now, been being lazy at Summer vacation's start but I've gotten back into the habit of prepping for sports, even though I'm not doing it this next year it's a good habit. But fat people who complain piss me off. Whenever I get too heavy I just start taking better care of myself.

It's not even the eating that's so bad either, you can eat mainly what you want (as long as it's ot 3 bowls of ice creama day or something) and be fit if you just exercise right.
RakuraiTenjin said:
I'm overweight right now, been being lazy at Summer vacation's start but I've gotten back into the habit of prepping for sports, even though I'm not doing it this next year it's a good habit. But fat people who complain piss me off. Whenever I get too heavy I just start taking better care of myself.

It's not even the eating that's so bad either, you can eat mainly what you want (as long as it's ot 3 bowls of ice creama day or something) and be fit if you just exercise right.

Especially as a kid.. it's almost impossible to get fat as a child as long as your doing something everyday..
Eh, I weigh over 200lbs, and look fat but really I am not that fat. Most kids around here have big fatty arms, mine are muscle mostly, same with my legs, its not like I don't do anything, I mean I work on my car, other peoples car, help out with construction around the house, etc.
honestly how people write weight in pounds confuses me big time...my mind can only work with weight in stone
Doppelgofer said:
honestly how people write weight in pounds confuses me big time...my mind can only work with weight in stone

I think 14lbs per stone I think, so 17 stone is about 230lbs.
I've always been slightly overweight, but over the last few months I've gotten alot healthier and thinner, I'm doing my best to keep it up.
I am a mesomorph so my muscles quickly increase and adapt to workout, I'm seriously puzzled why i didn't start earlier.. weight lifting and exercising makes you feel so good. (If you're reading this and need to start, what the heck are you waiting for?)

Cardio, right eating and workout is the shiznit:

Metabolism is all about what you eat, if you alter your food intake properly you'll start to burn fat like a furnace. Most people need to increase their daily intake, mostly with proteins, and it's important to eat regularly to keep the metabolism up, the aforementioned sites have tons of info on this.
To many think losing weight is about starving yourself btw..

It's not. You can eat as much as you want, just eat healthier meals and instead of having 2-3 big meals, have 6 throughout the day.
BF2slut said:
To many think losing weight is about starving yourself btw..

It's not. You can eat as much as you want, just eat healthier meals and instead of having 2-3 big meals, have 6 throughout the day.

Losing weight is eating the right amount of food for the amount of exercise you do.
Oh, well, do you mean "obese" or "fat?"

When I think fat, I think me, but I saw that picture and I'm not even close to that.
Pesmerga said:
It's difficult to choose to get thinner. Those who do and follow through get the best rewards.

I'm 110lbs at age...<classified for crushenator's eyes> and I'm still way out of shape o_O
Just because someone is big doesn't mean they are medically unsound. But yeah, shit like fast food and icecream has really fattened up America and other countries as a whole. It's not really the people's fault, it's just an unavoidable eventuality of civilization (Rome for example).
im sixteen and I weigh 110, at 5'9". My metabolism is through the roof.
I am 18 and weight slightly more then 90 kg, which makes me overweight. I rarely eat candy and I hate fast food and I excersice regulary (half a mile a day on a bike so its not that much). I wouldnt mind losing some weight but nor do I complain about my weight (complaining only gets you depressed).

Oh well at least I dont drink alchohol, smoke or do drugs so my health is not all that bad, right?
fat people bother me because they are so self righteous and fat. they are always on the maury show talking about how good it is to be fat. well its not good, i hope you ****ING DIE.
I have a godd metabolkisemsfsf. But I'm lately gaining weight because I was too damn underweight. Or so I tell you.

I'm still thin. Not fat.
Im not overweight but im begining to get a beer belly, mainly cuz i drink pretty much and dont work out anymore. I need to start again...
I eat horribly, usually do alot of sitting around, I drink alot and do drugs, Im 5'9" 160lbs and i still have no fat on my body, Although i do lift weights.
Its not always about self control, in alot of cases it has to do with metabolism and the factors that influence metabolism, such as amount of thyroxin that the body produces. Of course there are those people that fit your description exactly and dont try to better their situation for whatever reason.
I have a problem with fat because they clog up the health care system. A lot of them are killing themselves by poor responsibility and then the rest of us have to pay for them.

*by they way i also have a problem with McDonalds and other corporations who aren't making healthy choices very possible. Super Size Me is a very good documentary if anyone is interested.

As for now good night.
being slightly overweight is ok, but some people, like...the ones that are 300 pounds and around their, that I find a bit gross. and when I say 300 pounds, I mean like the people that are 5'5.
Anyway, weight traits are usually inherited, I hear. por ejample: My parents are both overweight (mum's losing a few pounds, though- thumbs up) and then- there's me. I have an extremely small appetite; If I have a big breakfast, I'm usually good for the rest of the day. I'm 5'11.5, and weigh 135 or thereabouts, a bit less. That may sound ok, but around my middle, I've still got a bit of jiggly-ness. (which, by the way, looks gross as I'm also very hairy) and even with as little as I eat, and as active as I am (lots of hikinh and bike riding) I've still got this...pudge down there. I doesn't seem to me that I can help it- It must just be the genes.
So, it's not always the fat person's fautl that their fat.
But what really gets to me, is the people that are PROUD of their disgusting fatness. Stupid, round bastard... and if not them, the other barges that say stuff like, "Oh, it's just a little baby fat; I'm just obese; It's jsut a tiny bit overweight" etc... You're fat, dammit. I think that last bit was influenced by maddock, but I agree with it...
Nah...nothing is worse than seeing a really fat girl whine about her weight while eating ice cream to make her feel better.

Just the thought makes me want to punch something.
Yeah, fat people are so goddamned disgusting to look at. They're ugly and horrible and they've got no self control; I bet if you stabbed them cream filling and lard would bubble out of their horrible, stretch-marked rolls. Jesus Christ, fat people should ****ing die. I'm thin as a reed so I'm superior to them and I can talk this way about every single fat person on the planet, because I know each and every one of them doesn't have self control, or they only spend a few minutes on exercise. My metabolicisism is so through the ****ing roof; why don't those fat sacks of shit I see on the street have high metabolikalisizism?! They're LAZY, that's why!


I'm not really sure why this thread makes me so angry. I've always been a fat guy; I'm not obese (6', 180lbs.) but I've got a belly. I don't know any incredibly large people, and I don't find the morbidly obese pleasant to look at, and on occassion I've been known to laugh at fat chicks in party hats, but something about the OP's post really gets on my nerves. Maybe it's because you're such a condescending ass about it.

You sound like an asshole, seriously. "My family's a bunch of fat pigs," "oh God my friends are so fat look at them stuff their horrible, multi-chinned faces; I think I'm going to puke." They're still your family and friends. I wonder if they go on the internet and say things behind your back about you being a twig. Great for you that you eat healthy food, no sarcasm there, that's really great. But don't rag on other people 'cause they want a burger and some ho-ho's.

The arrogance of some people. You know, no matter if you eat healthy or eat a truckload of trans-fats, everyone eventually ends up in the same place anyway. If you don't want to look at people on the other side of the spectrum beforehand, put a blindfold over your eyes.
willyd said:
I have a problem with fat because they clog up the health care system. A lot of them are killing themselves by poor responsibility and then the rest of us have to pay for them.

*by they way i also have a problem with McDonalds and other corporations who aren't making healthy choices very possible. Super Size Me is a very good documentary if anyone is interested.

As for now good night.
McDonalds has plenty of healthy choices actually. I heard a lady made a movie where she ordered all the good food for a month in sensible portions and common sense (instead of say, the unhealthiest possible and supersizing all the time like the Supersize me guy did) and she lost weight.

McDonalds offers salad, chicken selects, and some other healthy foods.
Darkside55 said:
Yeah, fat people are so goddamned disgusting to look at. They're ugly and horrible and they've got no self control; I bet if you stabbed them cream filling and lard would bubble out of their horrible, stretch-marked rolls. Jesus Christ, fat people should ****ing die. I'm thin as a reed so I'm superior to them and I can talk this way about every single fat person on the planet, because I know each and every one of them doesn't have self control, or they only spend a few minutes on exercise. My metabolicisism is so through the ****ing roof; why don't those fat sacks of shit I see on the street have high metabolikalisizism?! They're LAZY, that's why!

Damn straight, bitches.
Darkside55 said:
Yeah, fat people are so goddamned disgusting to look at. They're ugly and horrible and they've got no self control; I bet if you stabbed them cream filling and lard would bubble out of their horrible, stretch-marked rolls. Jesus Christ, fat people should ****ing die. I'm thin as a reed so I'm superior to them and I can talk this way about every single fat person on the planet, because I know each and every one of them doesn't have self control, or they only spend a few minutes on exercise. My metabolicisism is so through the ****ing roof; why don't those fat sacks of shit I see on the street have high metabolikalisizism?! They're LAZY, that's why!
Completely right, couldnt agree more.:p
I know the feeling, although I have a friend who is HELLA overweight..hella..my poor Topaz, when he sat in it..I thought the tires would grind on my car! lol..but all in all, I'm a skinny ass kid, 6ft 135 lbs...my metabolism is faster then hell..but sooner or later, its gonna give, and I'm going to need to excersize. Yeah, I dont excersize at ALL and I eat junk food all day long! sweet.

Anyway, enough about me, lets continue! The hidiously fat ones that get disabled stickers and shit...piss me off. "Fat" and "Disabled" are 2 different things. If you fat, you get a "Fat Disability" sticker, and park at the back of the lot.

Darkside55 has allready won the thread, everyone else shut up.
You know why Rome fell? Everyone got fat and happy with themselves.
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