Favorite acronyms


Jan 23, 2004
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We all know what these are:

lol = Laugh out loud

ROFL = Roll on the floor

My favorite one is this:

SFUPC = short fat ugly psycho chick :)
Not really an acronym


half acronym, half noun
laser and acronym are the best acronyms imo :) To the best of my knowledge (I heard an english professor say this), an acronym has to actually form a word that can be sounded like normal words eg: dildo - double income, little dog only, laser et cetera. In the case that I'm wrong, I also like rtfm.
DOPE - Director Of Product Enhancements

(the title of the pointy-haired boss in Dilbert)

EDIT: ... and, yes, an acronym is supposed to be pronounced as it is spelled.
FCUK - French Connection UK
OCybrManO said:
DOPE - Director Of Product Enhancements

(the title of the pointy-haired boss in Dilbert)

EDIT: ... and, yes, an acronym is supposed to be pronounced as it is spelled.

el oh el

RTFM is a good acronym

Here's another of my favorite acronyms:

BOHICA (bo·hee·ka) - Bend Over, Here It Comes Again

... and here are some fake abbreviations:

MARINE - Muscles Are Required; Intelligence Not Essential
US ARMY (spelled backwards) - Yes, My Retarded Ass Signed Up
MCSE - Minesweeper Consultant and Solitaire Expert
DELTA - Directed Everybody's Luggage To Atlanta
IBM - I Blame Microsoft
MACINTOSH - Most Applications Crash; If Not, The Operating System Hangs
MICROSOFT - Most Intelligent Customers Realize Our Software Only Fools Teenagers
WINDOWS - Wholly Inadequate Needless Damned Outrageous Waste of Space
IBM - International Bussines Machine.

It's quite scary if you really think about it.
ISDN - It Still Does Nothing
TWAIN - Technology Without An Interesting Name
APPLE - Arrogance Produces Profit-Losing Entity
SCSI - System Can't See It
DOS - Defective Operating System
WWW - World Wide Waiting
MACINTOSH - Most Applications Crash; If Not, The Operating System Hangs
WINDOWS Will Install Needless Data On Whole System
PCMCIA - People Can't Memorise Conplicated Industry Acronyms
GNU: GNU's Not Unix

NTSC: Never Twice Same Colour.
SECAM: Something Essentially Contradictory to the American Method.
PAL: Peace At Last.

PEBKAC: Problem Exists Between Keyboard And Chair.

AFK: Away From Keyboard.
OOMM: Out Of My Mind.

WYSIWYG: What You See Is What You Get.
WYGIWYGAINGW: What You Get Is What You're Given And It's No Good Whining.

TLA: Three Letter Abbreviation.
TILFs and MILFs are more cool acronyms :P
Brian Damage said:
Oh, yeah...

SSDD: Same Shit, Different Day.

hehe, nod @ stephen king reference :) ...if that's what it was meant to be, that is.

Chris_D said:
FCUK - French Connection UK

hey, fcuk you too.
How could you guys forget?

FUBAR - F'ed up beyond all recognition
I like FM ... "f-cking magic" ...

Got that from work... whenever we make something work, and we can't figure out how we did it.... its FM.... f-cking magic.
I heard the most awful acronym the other day, wish I remembered...

oh well.

G - Good
Subaru STI-
Subaru Sexually transmitted infection

DreamThrall said:
hehe, nod @ stephen king reference :) ...if that's what it was meant to be, that is.

They really made the end of the movie weird...
i like:

subliminal messages...


