Favorite, and least favorite enemy?


Feb 5, 2011
Reaction score
Hey, I was just curios on your guys opinions on what your favorite enemies from Half-Life and Half-Life 2 are?

For enemies, in Half-Life 1, my favorite has to be the Alien Slaves, they are just fun to fight and kind of cool.
Least favorite from Half-Life 1... I have 2, first off the Soldiers, because they take to many hits to kill, do to much damage and run into your hiding spot while you are trying to reload, heal or just get your thoughts in order, its a real pain.
The other HL1 enemy I hated, has a much bigger story behind it. I played Half-Life first when I was a kid... And there is one thing that scared the **** out of me way more then anything else in that game, and that is the itchyosaurs.... It traumatized me, and honestly I have a serious phobia about entering any kind of water in Half-Life now, even in 2 I am still scared that one will show up... It damaged me so much...

HL2.... Favorite enemy is the City Scanners, why? Well they are just so innocent, but in the right situation they can seriously hurt your fighting by blinding you... plus they are kind of cute, for floating mechanical robots...
Least favorite? Fast Zombies, hands down. In Ravenholm the first time I played through I ran out of ammo just before the section where you wait on the roof for the transport carriage thing... That battle freaking pissed me off so much, seeing as a Crowbar was my only weapon... I barely made it out..

So how about you guys?
Half Life 1:
Favorite is Alien Grunts, they look cool and put up a fight, not to mention the inherent awesomeness of a gun THAT SHOOTS BEES. However, I agree on you with the ichtyosaur[sic], but mostly because they're so goddamn hard to fight! You can scarcely see them, they take more than a clip of tranquilizer darts to take down, and they can kill you in seconds.
Half Life 2:
Favorite is the gunship. It's fun trying to evade it's fire while trying to get the rocket to impact, and the battles are almost always well-staged and epic. I agree with you on my least favorite, the fast zombie, because in Synergy, a coop mod, a lot of the maps tend to spam them to oblivion.
Half Life:Hmmm, Hecu troops as my favorite because of the squad thing.. even if it is a old AI
Least favorite was gargantua because i always had to use the surrounding enviorment, no rpg hit would do enough damage

For half life 2 my favorite enemy is, wait does this include the episodes? or is it Half life enemies, half life 2 enemies, and half life 2 episode enimies.
Anyway, Half life 2 enemies:Favorite: Antlion gaurd, big mean and CAN be killed with youre normal weapons (and the electric ball mines, because they're so cool)
Least Favoreite: Zombie because raven holm tramatized me ar leches because of the fact that i want to go to places of the map and it won't lat me.

Favorite: Zombine, or autoturret for that zombie mission
Least Favorite: Stalkers, because they are just annoying
I like playing against the combine but once it begins to become old it's very refreshing to fight a horde of zombies and then revert back to the combine.
Least favorite: Barnacles. They are more scenery than enemies and unless you are really stupid they pose no threat. I still think they should be in the game. They just aren't any fun as enemies.

Favorite: Hunters. They are fast, dangerous, and smart. Fighting them is never a grind. Its always a questions of whether or no you can outmaneuver them. The fact that you can kill them by throwing an object with some of their flechets imbedded on it is feels kinda cheep.
I agree with Lord Raken. Hunters are awesome to fight, and barnacles are annoying, although they're not my least favourite enemy. I think in all three HL2 games I'd say the acid antlion is my least favourite. So annoying!!!!!
In the HL1 games I'd say the uber-developed zombie that throws bits of its own guts at you was my least-favourite enemy.
First of all,HL1:
Least Favorite:Grunts.They are quick and powerful,sometimes they hide to reload and run to your hiding spot. Most Favorite:Houndeyes,they're cute.
HL2:Least favorite: Rollermines,they can stick to your vehicle and shock you. Most favorite: Poison Headcrabs,they will delay when attacking you.Like it shows it's teeth then screeches.
Favorite : Black Ops Female Assassin - Because they are so fun to battle as they sprint around with their body tricks.
Least favorite : HECU Manned Turrets - I hated their epic damage during the chapter "On a rail"

Favorite : Gunships - I like the challenge to face them alot.
Least Favorite : Poison heabcrabs - You get to 1 health and something hits you, you die. I hated that.
Collapsible wooden planks and collapsible wooden planks with enemies on them.
Hl1 favorite: I always kinda like the headcrabs. When I was little I thought they looked liked roast chickens.
Hl1 least favorite: HECU troops and femme assassins because dang they're hard sometimes

HL2 favorite: Antlion guards were pretty fun. Gunships too.
HL2 least favorite: mothermothering fast zombies!
Favorite: The gargantua. I am hard pressed to think of an enemy in ANY game that made me feel such a rush of terror and exhilaration as the garg. Running from that monster, knowing that certain death was plodding mere steps behind me was one of my favorite video game experiences of all time.
Least favorite: Black ops. Come here, damn it! Stop backflipping! Aw shit, where'd she just go?

Half-Life 2
Favorite: The gunship. Taking that first gunship down actually felt like an accomplishment. Subsequent times you fight them, less so, but that first time, when you get your rockets to hit, you're like, "YES!"
Least favorite: Overwatch. Holy crap there's a lot of you! And you're so boring! Get out of my way already, jeez. I'm trying to get to the next area.
Favorite: Pigeons. Die, pests!

Worst: Manhacks. What kind of robot takes twenty bullets of the pistol.
Favorite, most over-looked and under appreciated - Rats in the hazard course.

Least favorite- Man Hacks. God those annoy me.
Least favorite- Man Hacks. God those annoy me.

A thousand times YES. Also, Fast Headcrabs. I mean, jesus, those things were scripted to jump at perfect timing (i.e. as your pumping that next shell in the shotgun.. "****. PUMP FASTER!")

Favorite? Combine snipers. They were annoying the first time I played through, but I started enjoying them more and more as I replayed the game. It's fun to grab something, while running for cover, using whatever that something is as a mobile shield.