Favorite/Believed Conspiracy Theories?

Which is your government hiding?

  • The International Bankers rule the world...

    Votes: 9 29.0%
  • 9/11 Was an inside job! (Or other similar modern events)

    Votes: 9 29.0%
  • Our Reptilian Overlords are among us. Bow to them. (Also here: Area 51, Aliens, Cryptozoology, etc)

    Votes: 7 22.6%
  • Nikola Tesla's work/Free Energy/Other more-efficient technology are hidden by The Establishment!

    Votes: 10 32.3%
  • Moon Landing... Or Studio stage landing???

    Votes: 7 22.6%
  • AIDS Created by Gov't to cull gays/blacks/minorities! (Other artificial disease theories here)

    Votes: 3 9.7%
  • Drug Companies, pharmaceuticals in general (versus 'natural cures' or otherwise keeping us ill)

    Votes: 10 32.3%
  • Satan, 666, Antichrist etc in control.

    Votes: 3 9.7%
  • SHHHHH! The (insert-three-letter-agency) is watching everything we do!

    Votes: 7 22.6%
  • Hitler, Elvis, Henry Clay, etc are still alive!

    Votes: 6 19.4%

  • Total voters


Apr 26, 2005
Reaction score

I've been on a spree of watching the many and varied conspiracy videos and such on the net, just curious which ya'll enjoy.

Can you handle the truth?

Me: Bankers/Federal Reserve control virtually the entire world. 9/11 either an inside job or those in power let it happen intentionally.

Poll took a long time to put up, heh...

Poll choices cut by the 10 limit:
The WCC is the Gman's employer (or some variant thereof)
Secret Societies (Illuminati, Skull & Crossbones, etc)
Anonymous is really only a single person or handful of persons that will soon take over the world.

EDIT: Argh, some typos in the poll. Sorry.
Bush landing was staged and the Moon is part of the Skulls & Crossbones.
We're being watched by (three-letters), definitely, I'm pretty sure it's been PROVEN somewhere..

Hitler is also alive. Well, not now probably (old age), but he didn't kill himself after the war. Why would he? He could easily make himself an immigrant or something, he was the leader of a country that took over most of Europe, he could forge some documents, or he probably had a back-up plan like that in case he did lose. If he did kill himself, he's a dumb bitch.
I don't believe any, but I like the sound of the Bankers, Tesla, and Drug Companies conspiracies.
I beleive that Elvis is a zombie, cause in vice city there are newspapers flying around that says, "ZOMBIE ELVIS FOUND"
I believe that somewhere out there, there is a secret shadow organization watching events behind the scenes, puppeteering them.

It is this shadow government that controls the British crown, keeps the Martians under wraps, makes Steve Gutenburg a star, and robs cavefish of their sight.
I believe that willie is acctually a real human. Not a bot, but a real human.
I believe that somewhere out there, there is a secret shadow organization watching events behind the scenes, puppeteering them.

It is this shadow government that controls the British crown, keeps the Martians under wraps, makes Steve Gutenburg a star, and robs cavefish of their sight.

Short Circuit is one of the best movies ever. ;(
Short Circuit 2 was better. And yet, Steve Gutenburg wasn't in that one. Hmmmm...
"SHHHHH! The (insert-three-letter-agency) is watching everything we do!"

Hmm. The goverment isn't even hiding this one. Every time you turn on the news some guy gets arrested for posting some incriminating something on the internet.
I personally vote for the fake moon landing because it's just so ****ing retarded. Come to think of it, the reptilian overlords one is pretty far out too.
Short Circuit 2 was better. And yet, Steve Gutenburg wasn't in that one. Hmmmm...

Personally, I disagree, though it was a great movie. I did enjoy Steve in it, along with whats her name that played Steph. I don't know, maybe I'm still stuck to my roots. I did choke up at the end of 2, though.
Hitler fled to Antarctica, where he was rescued by aliens. He's now with them planning on how to conquer the world. The Nazis first came in contact with the aliens when they went to the moon in 1942.

(That's a real conspiracy theory, BTW, I didn't make that up)
I think the Tesla one is the most likely to be true :O
Reptoids ftw.

Actually I really like all the aliens/Area 51 conspiracies, but they're under the same heading as the more absurd 'Reptoids' thing. A shame!