Favorite class and why?


Space Core
Aug 22, 2004
Reaction score
I started out liking the scout the best. You have the greatest speed as well as a retty decent shotgun. Then I changed to the Sniper because whats better than taking out people from a distance?

I ended up loving the Pyro though. Maybe its because im usually stoned when I play, but lighting a group of enemies ablaze and watching them scramble to find health almost brings a tear to my eye. I have never felt so much satisfaction in playing an online game before.
I've gone from class to class. I started, as you did, they Scout. I loved the speed and maneuverability. Then I got really hooked on the Pyro. I have (on my friend's account) over ten hours on Pyro. I loved the AoE-ish damage. Right now, however, I'm absolutely loving the Soldier. I have over 15 hours on the Soldier...

1.) Look at him. He sweats badassery.

2.) I love laying traps for others to walk into, while still maintaining mobility. You can turn it into a pretty versatile offense/defense role.

3.) Good for blowing the snot out of medics that trail behind enemies. And if they're charged, you can still blow them apart over a distance and make his target lose the ubercharge.

4.) Nothing beats that warm, satisfying feeling of taking out four or five enemies at once. At the single. Click. Of a button. ****ing win.

I've started playing around with the Pyro more and he's growing on me too. But my experience with the class has led me to become very unforgiving of other pyros that don't spycheck. It's so damn easy, come on. Oh yeah, and I too play while stoned a lot. Initial reaction times are ****ed, but I eventually get into this zen-like groove where everything just clicks. Launching enemies with a sticky and then gibbing them with a contact grenade in midair is always awesome.
I like the engineer. He builds big ass guns, anyone that gets in their way is blown to pieces.. until the demoman walks by of course. :hmph:
I started out with the scout and soldier and still play them much but I'm starting to use the Demoman more and he's growing on me now.
spy, im the guy everyone loves to hate

nothing better than getting a medic to uber you and rush into ur own base only to stand there looking at the medic and undisguising the second ubercharge wears off
I like the spy too, most fun and helps the team most. But, over-paranoid engy's tend to ruin the spy, I've been spy checked when I plainly shouldn't have.

Other than that, medic kicks ass. <- Easy points too.
Medic, because it really feels like an apt medic can make the difference in a heavy forward push into a fortified installation. Also, when you're at a standoff and you get uber power, it's really fun to barge into the line of fire for the takedown. The other positions to me feel like they really need the help of the other supporting characters, and since coordinated teamwork is so rare online, the medic has been my class of choice. Otherwise, I'd pick the scout in a second.
Soldier, rockets are really satisfying and you can use the shotty to finish the victims off :)

Pyro, because he's so damn cool. Decent speed and good close-range power. Hell I wouldn't even care if they removed his flamethrower, he looks badass enough even with the SG.

Heavy, (rarely) when I feel like hardly moving at all. Or when I just want to punch spies :}
I have been sniping alot too lately since I realized I am quite good at it hehe

It isnt long especially on 2fort that after I kill the same people over and over that the upper level starts getting spammed with rockets and nades hehe
First of all the engineer, your hard-hatted friend. Supporting the team by erectin' a dispenser and pushing it forward with teleports. And there is nothing better than seeing a player being launched into orbit by a class 3 sentry. Yeee-haw!

Lately I have taken a liking to the heavy. Ubering your way into a point with your medic yelling Oktoberfest!, taking out sentries and angry engineers, is so much fun.

Also pyro for the sheer fun of torching people and scout for being all over someone without them able to get a bearing on you.
Heavy, because with a good medic, we're unstoppable.
Spy, soldier, heavy / medic with the other one as long as the partner is good.
No favorite class in general but favorite classes regarding certain maps and terrain.
soldier in general easy to play and good to score.No special training neccessary if you played any other 1st person shooter before.
and I agree with Absinthe: demo is awsome.
recently invested a bit more time into spywork and found out that i can be a mean fugga in this class as well
I try to avoid rather boring classes like Engi, Sniper or Medic.
...never thought about the engineer that way before. I don't see them building things too much - they'll set up a couple turrets and a dispenser and jump into the fray. It seems like you could do some serious fortification if the enemies were kept off your back for some time - those sentries are nuts when they get a bead on you.
Pyro - Because I love torching people and it's so gratifying to do it up close.

Engineer - Nothing feels better than helping your team in so many ways...

Demoman - Like Absinthe says: Good, versatile, fun to play! (plus the bottle's a hoot)
Adabiviak said:
...never thought about the engineer that way before

I think (again just personal experience playing ALL classes) that sentries are only useful as 'surprise' Once known it is no big deal for a skilled player to take out even a fully upgraded sentry either from distance (soldier, demo, sniper) or as spy. Very useful IMO spy/soldier or spy/demo combos. spy goes in sapps the sentries and other party moves in using the time window to take out everybody&everything. if the spy is good he can take out at least one bystanding engy as well.

Best feature of the Engy is the teleport, to enable the team to move faster.

It's at least the first thing I'm building when I'm playing Engy.
You can actually take out a sentry from around a corner with a shotgun so long as the engineer isn't around... the Sentry has a line of sight deficiency that prevents it from shooting you while you pick away at it around a corner. I've killed a few without any return fire that way.

(I also happened to make a complete capture as a Heavy that way once. The other team was so preoccupied with trying to capture our intel that I just waltzed in, killed the turret, and waltzed out. What did my heavy have to say about that?)

"That was long trip!"
I really do love the Spy. He's so awesome. If the enemy team is morons (or even good players who are distracted) you can just... SMACK! Until they start spychecking. But because I'm crap at Demoman, the nearest I get to the one-click-kill-5-people thing is rushing a group from behind in a narrow corridor and spamming the butterfly knife. Oh, yeah. :D
Spy, the whole strategy behind using him appeals to me. he is for me teh most exiting. Plus I'm not an aimer so that a bonus.

Engineer, love figuring out where to place the next sentry to catch the other team, love placing the sentry and teleporter in the intelligens of the enemies. Also in pretty much every game i start out as an engineer, to help other engines build up their buildings, then I go and be the class I want to be.
Hmm at the moment i would have to say Spy, they are just pure evil! There is nothing better then finding a Engineer who's just spent a couple of minutes patiently building a Lvl 3 Turret, Dispenser and hes even got his nice little tele to get back. A sneaky backstab followed by a swift turret sap and i'm raking in the points!

Its always good to fall back to Sniper or Medic however :)
Demoman, for the reasons Absinthe listed and also because his battle cries are just awesome.

I love the scout. Speed, maneuverability. You need a good aim and fast reactions to play one well. Soon after is the soldier. Playing a scout has taught me to hate setnry guns, and the soldier takes these to pieces. I like how they're suited to both attacking and defending, rocket jumping into good positions, and swtiching to the shotgun to take people out from a distance.
I started liking the Heavy the most, the sheer power you can dish out with a decent Medic is incredible, but for now Spy! Never ever felt so pleasing as killing off that pesky heavy-medic-team or a good placed sentry to let your team rush the point or whatever.

Although the most played class for me is Soldier, because it's so reliable to fall back on when everything starts going badly :D
If the team doesn't have a medic, that class is my first choice. There is nothing more satisfactory then seeing how much better a team performs with the addition of just one good medic. If the team also happens to have a good soldier/heavy, then me being a medic usually ends up making a huge difference. Bonesawing people makes up for the lack of firing.

Then spy. I usually come out as having the least points in the round, but we end up winning that round because I usually sacrifice myself to create those strategic openings. For the record, if your team is winning a round, always always take out the demoes first, as they'll be sticky bombing the last check point. Also, if playing with a good clan, a spy behind enemy lines can make a huge difference without killing anything, simply by telling your team mates what the enemy is doing (if you have the terminology for the level down, pretty much acts like a good wall hack).

Lastly soldier. Just some good action.
I, first having seen the trailers, thought I would like the idea of just mowing down rooms of people before moving on to mow down more with the heavy, but it got kind of annoying with the sluggish movement, dont get me wrong hes not my least fav, hes just not 'my type', So i would say soldier, hes not too slow and does terrible damage to a sentry base, just with the rockets 'splash damage', especially when the critical hits start acoming, then you can wipe out half the map.

Heres a story, I was on a cp_rats_alpha server the other day, and red team (defence) were about to win (25 seconds to go) when a huge force of blue soldiers, demomen and scouts run in accumpanied with a medic. Me, being the only one around, made a huge jump down into the base of the pantry, firing as i fell, then, with the help of some critical hits, killed all of em, saving the day... :) (and im not joking, sounds a bit, unrelistic but it did happen, they paniced more than fight)
Pyro- hands down.

I will admit my 2nd and 3rd most played classes surprised me because I never played them in TFC and I didn't think I was playing them as much to put them in the top 3 (Medic and Spy)

When you hear an entire team screaming "FIRE" you know you've done your part. (but seriously, one time I managed to kill 10 people almost at once as an ubered pyro)
i love playing pyro, i've got like 40 hours on pyro, the next closest being maybe engineer at 3 hours. i.e. I play pyro too damn much.

Something about bursting into the middle of an enemy formation and just torching everythng thats the wrong color and ruining their teamwork as they suddenly panic and scramble, allowing the rest of my team time to retaliate is just awesome. I'm usually dead by that point, but its worth it.
I tend to default pick the soldier at the beginning of the round, but change my class dependent upon the actual team mix, and often in the event that we have a definite weakness in one area or two during a play. I tend not to bother too much with the sniper, as I prefer to be in the action more.
It is possible to push forward into the action with a sniper, but its usually rewarded with someone shouting "sniper over there" and you getting ganked by a soldier or demoman. I use the shoot and run tactic, take out other snipers and engineers followed by legging it when you hear the explosion of a rocket ;)