Favorite drink?

The Monkey

The Freeman
Jun 5, 2004
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What's your favorite drink?

Mine are either Pina Colada or Gin and tonic, I can't decide.
Stolichnaya vodka. Epic memories.

Also Glenfiddie scotch, and Heineken brew :D
Long Island Iced Tea all the way.

Tastes so good, and gets you so ****ed up in a quick amount of time...you just can't complain.
Ice tea as long as an island?!?!?!!? :D:D:D:D
Ya gotta be shitting me :p

How would one make one?
Jagermeister or Kronenbourg.

Preferably both :D
Orange juice, cold fanta in a glass bottle, cold coke in a glass bottle, and ice cold water.

alcohol: beer/wine

mixed drink: rye and ginger ale
After this weekend - Canadian OFC whiskey distilled in 1964 and bottled in 1970.

Now there's something Canada got right. The smoothest, most satisfying liquor I've ever had.
Non Alcoholic: Water/Tea
Alcoholic: Gin and Juice, Everclear mixed with ARIZONA Fruit Punch, Long Island Ice Tea, Three Olives Cherry Vodka, Milwaukees Best Ice, Steel Reserve 211.
Chocolate Milk
Mountain Dew
Iron Port
Italian sodas
After this weekend - Canadian OFC whiskey distilled in 1964 and bottled in 1970.

Now there's something Canada got right. The smoothest, most satisfying liquor I've ever had.

rye, Canada is famous for Rye Whiskey, dont make that mistake again or you're liable to get a hockey stick to the face

Uriel, am I correct in assuming you cannot have alcoholic beverages?
Indeedy Stern, I choose not to. Mostly because though my Dad turned into a raging alcoholic when I was 15 or so. He's been doing good now though.

I also like to mix juice and sprite together. Still haven't found a really fruity soda with just a hit of carbonation so I'll just mix the two.
Indeedy Stern, I choose not to. Mostly because though my Dad turned into a raging alcoholic when I was 15 or so. He's been doing good now though.

last year I helped put together a text book on world religions (yes, me of all people) ..pretty sure the section on Mormons was clear that they didnt allow the consumption of alcohol ..well to be honest there were a lot of disctinct groups so it could have been one of those ..out of curiosity does your religious community prohibit the use of of alcohol but it's not something that's strictly enforced?

I also like to mix juice and sprite together. Still haven't found a really fruity soda with just a hit of carbonation so I'll just mix the two.

try: 1/3 orange juice, 1/3 pineapple juice, 1/4 shot of grenadine, top it off with 7-up ...also good if you throw in vodka with a spalsh of rum ..cant taste the booze so you get drunk fast.
Non-alcoholic - Barr Irn Bru.

Alcoholic - Beer, prefurubly Smiths or Guiness.

Also quite a fan of G&T and Vodka.
Non Alcoholic: Water/Tea
Alcoholic: Gin and Juice, Everclear mixed with ARIZONA Fruit Punch, Long Island Ice Tea, Three Olives Cherry Vodka, Milwaukees Best Ice, Steel Reserve 211.
Who in God's name actually likes Milkwaukees Best Ice AND Steel Reserve 211 :rolling: Anyways I'm a fan of Sam Adams, Guiness, and Heineken. Long Island Iced Teas get you pretty buzzed and I like nicer vodkas.
I nearly forgot - strawberry and banana Innocent smoothies.
last year I helped put together a text book on world religions (yes, me of all people) ..pretty sure the section on Mormons was clear that they didnt allow the consumption of alcohol ..well to be honest there were a lot of disctinct groups so it could have been one of those ..out of curiosity does your religious community prohibit the use of of alcohol but it's not something that's strictly enforced?

try: 1/3 orange juice, 1/3 pineapple juice, 1/4 shot of grenadine, top it off with 7-up ...also good if you throw in vodka with a spalsh of rum ..cant taste the booze so you get drunk fast.

Our religion does state we should not drink, use drugs, use tobacco, etc. However we are not ever to look down upon those who do and in no way does it make us better. My sister smokes and drinks occasionally, but that doesn't make me love her any less at all. She's my sister for pete sakes. I made the decision not to drink however mostly because of my Dad and not my religion (however that did have influence too). After seeing the terrible things it did to my Dad, it was really easy to make the decision that I would never drink alcohol.

Anywho, back on topic. Grapefruit makes in on my favorites list. Red or White. I heard though it can actually amplify the effects of medication D:
last year I helped put together a text book on world religions (yes, me of all people) ..pretty sure the section on Mormons was clear that they didnt allow the consumption of alcohol ..well to be honest there were a lot of disctinct groups so it could have been one of those ..out of curiosity does your religious community prohibit the use of of alcohol but it's not something that's strictly enforced?

Nope, mormons don't drink. Or at least, we're not supposed to.

It's one part of what we believe, but it's not enforced, because nothing really is. Just most, or proabably almost all, choose to follow all the rules of the church.
Our religion does state we should not drink, use drugs, use tobacco, etc. However we are not ever to look down upon those who do and in no way does it make us better. My sister smokes and drinks occasionally, but that doesn't make me love her any less at all. She's my sister for pete sakes. I made the decision not to drink however mostly because of my Dad and not my religion (however that did have influence too). After seeing the terrible things it did to my Dad, it was really easy to make the decision that I would never drink alcohol.

well I wasnt asking if you looked down on drinking ..just whether it was tolerated by your religion ..some religious groups turn a blind eye to drinking while others strictly forbid it, where partaking in it can be a serious offense
How is it that the J-man drank wine regularly but Christian groups tend not to care so much for drinking?
Way back wine didn't use to have enough alcohol in it to matter much at all, plus it was pretty much all there was to drink.
Absinthe (straight up) if i'm out to get ratarsed, or

Double raspberry vodka and lemonade if i'm just out for a nice drink and a chat.

Alcoholic: Foster's, Stella or Carlsberg. When I'm at parties, a friend of mine usually has TiaMaria and Dooleys, not for the alcohol amount, but for how goddamn nice it tastes.
Sex on the Beach is also pretty nice, although I've only tried it once.
arizona green tea- canned or in the gallon
Way back wine didn't use to have enough alcohol in it to matter much at all, plus it was pretty much all there was to drink.

So the Christian non-drinking thing is a recent addition to Christian ideals?
So the Christian non-drinking thing is a recent addition to Christian ideals?
This question can be answered with one simple experiment.

1. Get pissed.

2. Try and last an hour without breaking one, if not all of the 10 commandments.

3. Point made.
I have discovered the wonder known as Izze.
70% juice, 30% sparkling water, really does the trick (except the pomegranate one :x
Water, Chocolate Milkshake ('cept you use Yogury Ice Cream :D).
And the only Alcoholic drinks I like are Sake, and Fireball (Its like an alcoholic cinnamon drink)