Favorite drink?

Alchoholic: Screaming red zombie (it's mostly rum)
I have about 30 bottles of Gatorade, and 10 or so bottle of Propel fitness water, so.. That's my favorite. I buy a 6-pack of Redbull from time-to-time, too.

I also like the AFTERTASTE of Baileys Mint Chocolate. First taste is shit, though. And that is about all the alcohol I'll drink, pretty much all booze tastes like ass to me, I don't know why.. Atleast I'll never be an alcoholic?
Absinthe (straight up) if i'm out to get ratarsed, or

Double raspberry vodka and lemonade if i'm just out for a nice drink and a chat.
Ah you bastard! We can't get any Absinthe here in the States. We're allowed to posses and drink it but not sell it :dozey:. A buddy of mine had a bottle he brought back from Ireland and man, was that stuff good :thumbs:
So the Christian non-drinking thing is a recent addition to Christian ideals?

This question can be answered with one simple experiment.

1. Get pissed.

2. Try and last an hour without breaking one, if not all of the 10 commandments.

3. Point made.

Pobz wins.

So, it's about as recent as getting drunk.