Favorite game as a kid.


Party Escort Bot
Mar 22, 2009
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What was your favorite video game when you were younger? Like age 6-10, or whenever you started playing video games.

If this thread has already been made, I am sorry. I searched it, and didn't see anything so I think I'm good.

My favorite game to start, was Pokemon Red and Blue for the Gameboy Color. Probably because that was the first video game that ever interested me. Then in later years when I had a Gamecube, Luigi's Mansion was my absolute favorite. So scary and fun at the same time. Still a great game even though I am done with Nintendo forever. Its nice to look back at video games to the time when you didn't care about the graphics or plot.

When I was young I couldn't play rated M games until the age of 11, so keep that in mind.
Cosmo's Cosmic Adventure, that damn opening level's song has been stuck in my head for at least 16 years now.
My favorite game was and continues to be Starfox 64.
Super Mario Bros 3, and Castlevania come close for 1st place. Also any of the Ninja Turtle Games
Zelda OoT, Goldeneye.

I didn't start gaming proper until the launch of the N64, but before that I used to play Dig Dug on my old PC. I never really knew about consoles and PC games back then, was always more into making my own battlefields and fantasy lands out of toy trains, Lego and the garden.
Zelda (Link to the Past), Super Mario World, Sim City 2000, Act Raiser... plus a bunch of other SNES games. I don't remember when the N64 came out, I'm pretty sure I was 10 already. :P
Relentless (Little Big Adventure 1), Doom 2, Kings Quest 5-7, Command and Conquer, Warcraft 2
- Wolf3d
- Willy Beamish Adventure
- Doom 1 & 2 - even the wads were always fun.
- Carmaggedon 1 - always played this nonstop.
- Dark Forces
- Crusader: No Remorse
- Relentless (LBA 1)

Good Times...
Pokemon gameboy games. Legend of Zelda OoT/MM, Pikmin games. Those are still a few of my favorite games. I started out on gameboys and eventually worked my way to the gamecube. Obviously I was a little late to console gaming.
The first game I ever played was Zelda I for the NES. I didn't like it that much, though. I was like 4 or 5 years old, and it was really hard for me. I liked mario bros. better at the time because it was easier for me to understand at the time. Shortly afterward we got a SNES, and by far my favorite game on that was Zelda III. I played that quite a lot. It holds quite a bit of nostalgia for me. Again it was too hard for me to beat. Going back and playing it again, I can beat it in less than 30 minutes.

In the tween years I was obsessed with Zelda OOT, goldeneye, and starfox64. In my early teens I discovered PC gaming and played Starcraft, Homeworld, and Half-Life 1 obsessively. Half-life 2 was like a great shining beacon of gaming goodness on the horizon for me during the 7th through 9th grades. That was when I joined this site. When Half-life2 was finally released, I was overjoyed.
probably Duke Nukem 3d, Diablo 2, and Moto Racer.

OH! Road Rash! Of course! racing excellence.

Edit: oh wait. dur, half life.
Commander Keen, Cosmo's Cosmic Adventure, Doom, Wofenstein 3D, Duke Nukem, Descent, Raptor: Call of the Shadows, Freespace, Star Wars: Dark Forces, Myst, Riven, Flashback, Prince of Persia, Lemmings, Monster Bash, Rayman... wow, I played a lot of games as a kid.
Kung Fu on NES. Back in '93, when I was 4, I never got tired of high kicking fools off a ledge.

Also, I was 4 when I started playing games.

That would be 1988. At the peak of NES glory.
Super Mario 64, Zelda Ocarina of Time and Majora's mask, Tomb Raider

YES crash bandicoot was awesome. we couldnt get a memory card so we had to
stay up all night to finish it. then, just at the end, after hours of hard work, my
friend pressed the wrong button and lost all our progress.

f**king idiot.
chuck yeager air combat
Red Baron
Into the Eagle's Nest
Battle Chess
Wonderboy and Space Harrier in the arcade were the games that got me into gaming as a kid. SF2 came out years later and sealed the deal :)
The first game I ever played was Zelda I for the NES. I didn't like it that much, though. I was like 4 or 5 years old, and it was really hard for me. I liked mario bros. better at the time because it was easier for me to understand at the time. Shortly afterward we got a SNES, and by far my favorite game on that was Zelda III. I played that quite a lot. It holds quite a bit of nostalgia for me. Again it was too hard for me to beat. Going back and playing it again, I can beat it in less than 30 minutes.

Not from the beginning you can't! It's like a four-hour game at least, and that's for a freak like me that's done it a bunch of times in one big sitting for the little zero on my files!
I got an intellivision for christmas back in '81 and thus began my gaming addiction. My favorite games for it were astrosmash, advanced dungeons and dragons and night stalker. Near that time my parents had an apple IIe and I played a text based murder mystery game called witness and a graphical one called cranston manor all the time.