Favorite game as a kid.

Young (93-98)

- Reader Rabbit
- Math Blaster
- Wolfenstein 3d
- Dark Forces
- Atari Battlezone
- X-COM: UFO Defense
- Seven Cities of Gold
- Outlaws
- Heroes of Might and Magic 1-3
- Might and Magic 6
- Close Combat: A Bridge Too Far
- Age of Empires
- Starcraft
- all the N64 classics
Wolfenstein 3D/Spear of Destiny, all old Doom games, Quake and the LBA games.
6-10? Okay, that would be ... 1988-1992? I was an NES kid. So, Mario, Rad Racer, predominantly Battletoads. Also whichever games I could borrow from friends or rent. I didn't have that many games during that time. Nor a PC.
when i see my nephew play Age of Empires now and he likes it, I am so glad he is choosing games I once loved. he also cannot get enough of the Half Life series. I tell him if he plays the HL games he'll enjoy the best games
chuck yeager air combat
Red Baron
Into the Eagle's Nest
Battle Chess
I loved Blood back in the day when it first was released.

Blasting fanatics with remote dynamite bundles and watching them as well as their gibs and blood fly hundreds of feet into the air never got old.

Unfortunately, time has been a cruel mistress to it's now nauseous worthy Build engine graphics as I played an abandonware ROM rip not long ago and found out that I could no longer stomach it's archaic pixelated sprites and cardboard box environments.

It's gameplay is still golden though. I'd love to see a version of this game with hi-res graphics and hi-res 2D sprites. If this were to happen, it would be my definite favorite current FPS of all time. Even more so than HL2 and every other modern FPS.

Wishful thinking. I wish I was a more competent programmer and 3D graphics designer, or I'd just do eet myself. :(
Sonic the Hedgehog 2

In retrospect, 3 was better.

Edit: Why were so many of you playing FPS games as kids? Mentalists.
You kids are young! Best kids as a kid being ones in the mid nineties :p

I was a Burger Time junky.

Close second is Final Fantasy.
Monkey Island 1&2 on the Amiga - My all time favourite games, even all these years later.
Another World.
Street Fighter 2.
Alien Breed.
Ghostbusters (Master System).
Indiana Jones And The Fate Of Atlantis.
Sensible World Of Soccer.
Cannon Fodder.
Alien 3.
Unreal 1
Half-life series
Deus ex 1
Dungeon keeper 2
Jet set radio future
Age of empires/rise of rome
Clive barkers undying
Diablo 1-2
Unreal tournament(I am not as good as i used to be)
Kotor ( Played 2 much later on)
Baldurs gate
Hitman 2
Thief 1 and 2
Time splitters 2 and 3
Farcry (Just about a kid-9 years old)
Tekken 4
Original spiderman games 1 and 2
Army men sarges heroes
Age of empires.
Pokemon red/blue/yellow.
X-wing series.
Jedi knight series.
Favourite game was Heroes of Might and Magic 3

Why can't people just suck it up and choose one?
Putt Putt Saves the Zoo
Spy Fox in Dry Cereal
Backyard Baseball

I was a Humongous Entertainment junkie.
Hockey games on the genesis, mostly. Then EverQuest until the PS1 came around.
Zelda, Dragon Warrior, Faxanadu, Castlevania, and Doom.
Street Fighter II, Final Fantasy 7, Super Metroid
Dragon Warrior over Dragon Warrior 3? >:|

I hadn't played any of the other Dragon Warriors until I was older. Funny thing is, I'm currently playing Dragon Quest 8 for the first time.
Metroid was the first big game that I loved. Mario and Zelda of course. Final Fantasy 2 had a pretty big impact on me when I first played it. Later Starcraft kept my attention for a few years and more recently natural selection.
Zelda: A Link to the Past
Donkey Kong Country
Mega Man X
Mega Man Soccer
Secret of Evermore
Secret of Mana
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time

Super Mario 64
Banjo Kazooie
Jet Force Gemini
Zelda: Ocarina of Time

Doom I & II
Warcraft II
Duke Nukem 3D
Any Putt Putt game
Sim City 2
Stellar 7

Countless others I can't put names to atm.
Lost Vikings
Dagger fall
LBA 1&2
Quake sealed the deal
Glad to see LBA (Relentless) get quite a few mentions ... was the first game that sprung into my head when I saw the thread title. That was truly a fantastic game with imagination that you don't see in games these days.

Another few games I loved back then:

Magic Pockets
Chuck Yeager's Air Combat
The Lost Vikings
Star Control 2
Commander Keen
Theme Park
Depends on what you mean by "kid". If that includes all the time I've been to school I can say Super Mario 64 because it's the game I've been most hyped over of all time.

TL:DR Mario 64
Super Nintendo
Legend of Zelda :ALTTP (First video game I ever played.)
Super Mario World 2
Mario Kart
Batman (The second one on the console. Can't remember the name)
Every Star Wars game that was on the console. (My dad got a deal to get all of them for $10, and he's a star wars geek.)
Donkey Kong

Warcraft 2
Duke Nukem 3D
Half-Life 1

Nintendo 64
Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask (Have the golden edition of both)
Super Mario 64
Super Smash Brothers
Some indie car racing game I can't remember the name of
Goldeneye (We'd rent it every couple of months and goof around killing eachother on the office level
Some Volkswagen Beetle Racing Game
Star Wars: Rogue Squadron (miss this game)
Rayman 2 (Hated this game. Always creeped me out.)

Gran Tourismo
Crash Bandicoot
Jurassic Park
Destruction Derby
Rampage (Iirc)

Gamecube (Was still Relatively young)
Super Smash Brothers Melee
Soul Caliber 2
Super Mario Sunshine
Luigi's Mansion
Legend of Zelda: Windwaker (Golden Edition)
007: Nightfire
Need for Speed underground

Half-Life 2
Halo 1-2
Need for Speed Underground 2
the very first game that i owned and attempted to finish was Sonic. To this day i still have not finished it yet.
I just remembered Albion, the old Bluebyte RPG. All the magazines and reviewers hated it, but I loved it.
I just remembered Albion, the old Bluebyte RPG. All the magazines and reviewers hated it, but I loved it.
Been through that a couple of times myself. Went back a year or two ago, didn't age very well, but yeah. First RPG I ever played.

Oh, and talking of Bluebyte, anyone play Archimedean Dynasty? That was probably my favourite game for a while. Was so hyped when they announced a sequel. Life sure is a bitch.
Van Halen, unless you're like thirteen years old, you should not be putting down the XBox port of Half-Life 2. That was quite a dump of more than a couple games.
I hadn't played any of the other Dragon Warriors until I was older. Funny thing is, I'm currently playing Dragon Quest 8 for the first time.

How are you liking it? I got a decent amount of the way into the game, then just kinda stopped....not because it was boring, but because I spent such a large amount of time away, I forgot what I was doing.