favorite left4dead 2 line?


Jul 31, 2010
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mine is *when a jockey is on coach* "Ellis is that you!?!?!"

what about you guys?
Theres one I rarely hear, in the Tunnel of Love, if Ellis picks up the Katana, he says "Katana sword of love here."
Sometimes, if theres a shotgun on the ground, he says "Shotgun of love here"

Only heard those like twice though.
never played it, I've heard all of Ellis's Keith storys. But I like his " OH-ho MAN, this is just like Team Fortress Tehw!"

(and Louis's "Oh MAN! This is just like Couner-Strike!" (He doesn't pronounce the t)
I don't have anything specific, but I do like Ellis' stories about his friend Keith.
mine is *when a jockey is on coach* "Ellis is that you!?!?!"

what about you guys?

Mine is when Nick say "10 Bucks says he takes him to the right" when a Jockey leaps on you. Funny man.
Cant even remember the last time I fired up L4D2. Havent even finished every campaign yet.

Add it to the list.
Some of Coach's lines are pretty funny. "Ain't right for a man to be ridden like that!"

The Ellis stories are all pretty awesome too, the one about the pepper spray is the best.
My personal favorite: I ever tell you about the time Keith lived in a graveyard for an ENTIRE YEAR! I wudn't a dare or nuthing hi parents kicked him out of the house. He didnt see no ghosts or nothin exept this one time a ghost stabbed him in the back and took all his cash
Short fella, pops his around every once in a while, he got the shakes, so watch out, he might lose a few thing inside him if you start him.
My Fav is on the short vid at the start when nick turns around to coach and says maybe the chopper is made from chocolate :P
"Sounds like my ex-wife. Lights off."


"Haul ass and get gas"