Favorite level



Hey everyone, just wondering what you guys thought the best level was? for me it has to be water hazard, the final helicopter battle was great. Anyone else have a favorite?
final helicopter battle was boring.
i enjoyed all chapers after sandtraps.
Route Kanal, Ravenholm, Highway 17 and Nova Prospekt.

But I liked them all, these are just stand outs in many different forms.
Nova Prospekt - Loved the atmosphere, especially the beginning of the chapter when you first enter the prison. More of this in EP2, PLZ!
Ravenholm and Nova Prospekt. I bet protocol didnt like ravenholm :p
Ravenholm and Nova Prospekt. I bet protocol didnt like ravenholm :p

Once I stopped putting myself out of it, and started throwing sawblades and crap, It was pretty fun. (Except when I couldn't find the stair-box thingy, and the zombies\poison headcrab launchers just kept freaking coming. :frown: )
First is Nova Prospekt, the oppressive eastern European maximum security penitentiary turned Combine prison, while both are strangely similiar and echo in an ungodly choir of oppression and slavery...

Second, Highway 17... we were born, born to be wild... we can ride so far... we're never gonna die.... (except in the traffic tunnel infested with zombies).
Technically speaking, yes. Gameplay wise, it's still the highway.
I think the final level and the helicopter fight where the most satisfing levels.
"Follow Freeman!" for me. It just had so much going on, it was great coming towards the citadel.
trainstation, the whole airboat part, most of the buggy part, sandtraps, ravenholm.
I think I'd have to agree with Whitebird - the train station is a great set-up scene, everybody minding their own business. I spent ages just bumping into metrocops and running away to have them chase me with their stunsticks. That, and picking up every single telephone handset I could find, and dumping in a blue milk-box, which I then carried with me, until I lost it at the teleporter :'(
water hazard for the mad nonstop action, Anticitzen one and "Follow Freeman" for that true war feeling what with you commanding the Resistance in a battle against the Combine in the wrecked City 17.
I would say Ravenholm when first playing through it, and overall Follow Freeman
To be honest, first time I played through Ravenholm, I found it scarier than Silent Hill and thats saying something
I didn't find Silent Hill scary, just confusing.
This will be hard...

Rout Canal - I liked the combat and hiding from the chopper and the overall setting.

Water Hazard - I liked hitting CP's and Seeing all the tunnels and old buildings I liked the atmosphere when it is around sun set too :)

Ravenholm - I liked the setting, the music (ambiance) and all the buildings and Zombies.

Highway 17 - Liked going through the beaches and seeing the old buildings/houses.

Nova Prospect - I liked the atmosphere and the close courters combat.

I didn't really like the 2 street wars missions and Our benefactors and Dark energy because I just didn't find the street wars too fun and I found our benefactors/Dark energy because I found it gets boring after you play through it about twice. I also found the architecture to get a little boring after awhile.
First couple of levels were great, didnt really enjoy the game after that until Nova Prospekt, then all the following missions were brilliant imo

Ravenholm and Nova Prospekt! I still play these at least once a month!
Highway 17... that was such a phun level.