Favorite Metallica song?


Jun 16, 2006
Reaction score
Mine is "One"

Oh, if you say anything from st. anger or reload, i will find out where you live.

Kidding, but that was probably the best song on that album.

I'd have to go with Master of Puppets, followed closely by One.
Off the top of my head, I'd probably say "One," but I'm sure there are others.
I don't like "One".

And I can't think of what my favorite song is either.
All Metallica ballads are lame and stupid.

Oh, and if "Fade to Black" didn't have a nice acoustic riff and ending solo, it'd be trash. The vocals completely ruin it. Metallica were emo before emo existed. Boo hoo, got your instruments stolen? Kill yourself.
You say that as if Fade to Black is massively different from one of your favourite songs "One".

I have Fade to Black and One next to each other in my playlists since they're so similar.

I nominate Metal Militia.
Thinking back to when I use to seriously use to love Metallica, probably Creeping Death, Battery and Damage, Inc.
I use to love Metallica, but on the odd occasion I pull out one of their records it's pretty painful to listen to.

Favourite song would have to be Leper Messiah or something.
Enter Sandman:o

The Unforgiven and Nothing Else Matters are up there too.
Enter Sandman, I could listen to it forever.
i also like Blackened, although the vocals are so'so, that solo is effing awesome.

(i forgot i made this thread lol, sorry to revive it.)
um....somewhere between One, Sad but True and Enter sandman (absolute classic)
Sad but True, but Battery isn't too far behind.