Favorite minor character



I'm sure everyone here at least knows about the main characters such as Alyx, Gordon, Barney, G-man, Eli, Kleiner and so on, but what about the other guys? The dozens of citizens, rebels and aliens that Gordon meet along the way? Is there anyone who really sticks out in your memory?

For example, there's a female medic in Anticitizen One, who you first meet trying to save some poor guy's life, before the man dies and she then joins your party. I found her interesting simply because of the rather abrupt way she appears, and because she carried a shotgun, which to me made her a bit more important than the other citizens.

I am always disappointed that the game presumes that all the citizens you have with you by the end of the chapter are dead. Of course, the AI of your friendly NPCs is terrible and usually amounts to slow, stupid meat shields that conveniently block you at the most inconvenient time, but I still manage to give a little character to some of the people I meet in the last two chapters of street warfare.
I liked Father Grigori. he was quite helpful and stood out (easily).
Hmm that Vortiguant that shows you how to take the antlions on your side. That was pretty cool and helpfull.
Griggs and Sheckley.

This. Also, the Vort who accompanies you through the first half of Ep2. I've taken to calling him Cecil, thanks to Mark Gillespie's video commentary.
Griggs and Sheckly, and Uriah, I love how he worships the Magnusson
I like Father Grigori. His slight mental instability and accent are just awesome.
Half Life 1: All the scientists including the ones that dye in horable ways.

Half Life Opposing Force: The army soldiers including those One eyed aliens that shoot electricity from those bugs (forgot their names).

Half Life Blue Shift: The hound eyes.

Half Life 2: CP

Half Life 2 Episode 1: Freindly rollermines.

Half Life 2 Episode 2: Red shotgun combine :p.
Griggs and Sheckley, all the way.


1) Father Grigori reminds me of my friend Tyler, the schizophrenic who never takes his meds.

2) The rebels who gave their lives for the freedom of Earth.
Griggs and Sheckly, and Uriah, I love how he worships the Magnusson

This definately, those guys were awsome, and yeh Uriah wearing a lab coat always puts a smile on my face.
Griggs and Sheckley were the most lol ever.
I really protected their asses.
Dr.Richard Keller
Don't drink the water guy
Hawaii guy
In Half-Life 1 during the Office Complex chapter, there's a scientist who leaps through a glass window while being chased by zombies. And as he recollects composure and picks himself up from the floor, he continues to dart past me while giving a friendly, calm "Hello!" as another pack of zombies burst through a concrete wall behind him.

The man had balls of steel. And his cool display inspired my undying respect.
Half Life 1: Guard_01; Sci_02; Grdt_03

HL1:OF---: Otis (fat security guard)

HL1:BS---: Gordon Freeman

Half Life 2: The Female medic with a shotgun (A Friggin' Shotgun!!)

HL2:LC---: The fisherman who *ehem* "Gives" you the harpoon.

HL2:EP1--: The first zombine which blows itself up with it's grenade, allowing you to continue

HL2:EP2--: The gnome, Griggs & Sheckly, Eli, Borealis, G-Man
How could everyone forget Odessa Cubbage D:

I hated that guy.

"Okay Gordon, go kill that gunship! I'll sit in here where it's safe and pretend like I'm doing something with the radio, coincidentally finishing just as the gunship blows up."
I hated that guy.

"Okay Gordon, go kill that gunship! I'll sit in here where it's safe and pretend like I'm doing something with the radio, coincidentally finishing just as the gunship blows up."

I was always wondering why he would say he'd come out and help, yet not do diddly until after the fight is over.
is magnusson a minor character? cuz i freakin love that guy. he's like a professional douchebag. i almost cried when he thanked me for taking out all the striders.
the scientist in HL1 that says

"They're waiting for you Gordon........In the TEST chamber"
HL2:Father Grigori and All-Knowing Vortigaunt
The guard in the control room to the Silo Doors. He freaking punches a zombie in the face before it pulls him into a vent to be eaten.
I hated that guy.

"Okay Gordon, go kill that gunship! I'll sit in here where it's safe and pretend like I'm doing something with the radio, coincidentally finishing just as the gunship blows up."

In a good old English accent, what ho! Just to add to the tea, crumpets and fun! Pip, pip!
Griggs and Sheckley, of course.

And the two rebels transporting Magnusson Devices. God Bless those two :p
The companion cube was my favorite, if we're including Portal

However, in the main HL series, I liked the two men you meet on the train at the very beginning of HL2.
the chick at the trainstation at the beginning of half life 2 who said something along the line of: "overwatch stopped the train in the forest and took my husband for questioning... i haven't seen him since..... but they... they're being nice though. letting me wait here for him..."

that line really helped sum up what kind of enemy i would be facing.
i like vortigaunts and dog. Dog is funny and the vortigaunts are serious_vortigaunts
The rebel in Episode 2 who gets dragged under a blast door by a hunter.
is magnusson a minor character? cuz i freakin love that guy. he's like a professional douchebag. i almost cried when he thanked me for taking out all the striders.

Oh god I lol'd.
Like almost everyone else, Cecil, Griggs and Sheckley.
My favorite characters?

Probaly the guys that tend to winston at the end of ravenholm, the part where the triage at dawn plays.

Also the two guys at sandtraps that tell not to step on the sand, bless them.