favorite/most hated classes back in high school?

Most Liked: AP European History

Most Hated: EAP/Health class. Basically it was career and sex ed.
Fav: Uuuuuum... english? I'm not sure if I liked it mega heaps much, but I always got high marks. (Can you tell? ^.^)

Unfav: Tie between maths and art. Maths because it was completely unstimulating and I always ended the term with piles of unfinished homework. Art because it took a subject I was passionate about before high school and turned it into something I dreaded showing up to.
I hated school in general.

Hated: All
Liked: Lunch.
Fav: German (Ps: Ich esse Kindern)
Hate: Pre Calc A. I hate absolutely everything about that class

I've noticed that there is a correlation between the attractiveness of my female classmates and my grades in said class.

Hot classmates = high marks, boners tbhftw
Ugly bitchy classmates = low marks, ulcers
Still Here.

Fav: Legal Studies (No shit)
Hate: Maths. Well, not hate. Just can't cope.
Liked: Computer Science (programming)
Hated: English Comp. ESSAYS SUCK.
I think I liked most of my classes. Art, Math, and Physed were most fun.
Most like : Health ( Bludge teachers never there :D )
Most hated : math, test every week and something we JUST started, fail!
Fave: Maths, History
Hated: French

In fact I think I liked school really. So little work compared to college!
Favourite: Software development (I always work stuff out ten times as twenty then anyone else)
Hated: English, teacher who trys to bring everyone down cause she's depressed.
I like maths and history.
I absolutly suck at languages, therefore I hate French.
Fave: Maths, History
Hated: French

In fact I think I liked school really. So little work compared to college!

For me highschool was atleast four times as much work as first year of university. I did the IB program plus a regular diploma plus rowing twice a day and some other clubs and stuff. Our teachers were new to the IB program so they overstressed everyone and I couldn't fit in any spare slots into my schedule. In grade 12 I would leave home at 5am and get back around 6 or 7 pm most days because I was so busy then be up until 11 pm working on assignments. I often fell asleep in class.

At university I could wake up at 10pm have a long breakfast, skip all my classes, take a nap and still get into the low 80s as long as I showed up for the midterm and final. In the later years it got to be about the same workload as highschool was.
favourite:food tech and art (and German.I'm good at it!). English was ok.
hated:maths, chemistry(our teacher sucked), music(we never did any work), R.M and PE.
Fave: Art, Music
Hated: Maths, all sciences, R.E.
Still here:

Favorate: Further Maths, Physics, History
Hate: Maths
Fave: History (awesome, intelligent classmates + interesting subject matter + a goddamn hero for a teacher = win)

Currently in Sixth Form.

Favourite: English Language

Hate: ICT. Despite it being my best subject, the incompetence of my teachers is outstanding. The whole class, minus two girls (no suprise there, my teachers are also perverts) are currently averaging on Es with our coursework as they don't have a clue what they are teaching (new syllabus introduced). So, for almost two years now we have been learning from an on-line manual created by another bastarding school (Thomas Telford).

I've also spent 4 hours a day, for 5 days adding more content to my coursework in an attempt to gain a reputable grade, completely destroyed my half-term. I wouldn't be bothering if it wasn't for the fact I want to go to uni at the end of this year, and thanks to two absolute morons my place at uni is being jeopardized enormously. I'm averaging straight B's in Business and English, yet IT is the only let down.

Bah, glad I could rant about that. Hope to god I get at least a C come June, so I can piss off to uni and mail bestiality to the IT department for the reminder of my time on this planet.
HATE: Arabic . Studied it for about 5 grades and i still cant read or write.
Fave: Calculus.