Favorite MP gamemode?


Party Escort Bot
Jul 17, 2003
Reaction score
What's the best gamemode (besides free roam)? Personally, I just tried the Mafiya gamemode that I had kinda overlooked so far and it's pretty awesome. I feel it brings out the true GTA spirit, with car chases, gun fights and just general chaos.

Cops 'N' Crooks has great potential but a lot of times people cheese it by getting in a boat and circumventing the entire island. The 'one for all' mode is much better than the 'all for one' mode too.

Haven't tried Bomb da Base yet, but I heard it's pretty great.

Also: every gamemode is better with cops set to on :p
Definitely Team Mafiya.

The three co-op modes too.Although fun at first, they don't really have much of a lasting appeal though.
Cops N Crooks tends to lag heavily.
Mafiya Work and Car Jack City, I pretty much never lose. :D

Cops n Crooks is fun too, but only with friends. Infact most of the team modes are kind of lame with strangers...