GTA4 multiplayer = co-op , deathmatch, racing other gametypes

They call it 360, because any way you look at it, it's awesome all around.
Why do they call it the 360?

Because when you see it, you turn 360 degrees while jumping in the air for joy, once you see it has GTA IV in the tray.
You know why they call it the 360?

Because you turn 360 degrees and walk away!

That would actually make sense if it was the XBox 180. :D

And I'll be getting this ASAP after release, and hopefully that will be quickly.
Pesh is being even more so of a dick to me lately. Its rather troublesome.

Raz, what is your 360 name? I don't think I have you on there.

I can't wait to play Cops N Crooks with Raz, Stig, Qonfused, maybe some more. It will be amazing.
My Xbox 360 name is Raziaar.

You'll see me logged on occasionally but this is only while I watch Lost episodes. I haven't actually used xbox live since I stopped playing Forza 2.
My Xbox 360 name is Raziaar.

You'll see me logged on occasionally but this is only while I watch Lost episodes. I haven't actually used xbox live since I stopped playing Forza 2.
Well, we shall definitely play come April 29th.

GTA4 is going to be addicting like rape burgers.
new screens:

my personal fav:
These new shots have a weird sort of graininess to them. I don't really mind if the graphics are a bit short of spectacular given the scale, but weird rendering stuff like that has always bugged me (like the trails in GTA3... bleh).

Oh well. I'm sure it won't be as noticeable in motion, just as long as they clear up those framerate dips evident in the trailers (which, according to the latest previews, it seems they have).
I've been considering getting Xbox live. I just might have to now.
Epic 8-player free roam.

Deadpan, Stigmata, Shamrock, Tollbooth Willie, Raziaar, Qonfused, Gordonfreeman911, Bad^Hat.
I'll be getting it for the PS3, though I'm disappointed about not being able to get the downloadable content. Hopefully it'll either be a timed exclusive like the past three GTA's were to PS2 or at least come to the PC version.

With the possible exception of MGS4 this is my most anticipated game and the online actually sounds like a lot of fun.
I've always called him Qonfused the Qonquistador.

Don't ask me why.
Qonfucius the Qonfused Qonqistador quarrels qonstantly in queues.
Epic 8-player free roam.

Deadpan, Stigmata, Shamrock, Tollbooth Willie, Raziaar, Qonfused, Gordonfreeman911, Bad^Hat.
Hell yeah. I'll be there to epicly lag you bitches out. :P

Actually, whatever. It's on.
Oi, don't forget me you bitches. I want to play too. :(
Sooo, no news of what's happening with Rockstar games on Steam and their release in Australia? :(
I'm so excited about the new GTA, I really must get a console to play it on (its what I played the last 3 versions on, on the playstation 2).

"Ernst goes to the beach, Ernst dosnt go to the beach!"... To use a great Family Guy analogy regarding the decision about what console I will end up buying...

Some people obviously say Xbox, & I agree really (cos I want the updated content that it has an exclusive right too (I think)), but I just dunno...I really want MGS4 and the new GT....Aggh!
I think I just might do the unthinkable and buy a 360.

Do it. I specifically asked for one for Christmas for this game.

Those screenshots look godly. God... April 29th cannot come any sooner.

Its gonna be the best cops & robbers gunfight ever (HEAT) all over again, only Im controlling the cast and Val Kilmer and De Niro will win the day, muahahah. :sniper:
I can't ****ing wait. This will be an EPICLY amazing game. I already love this game.
I hate to say it but I'm sort of worried about this game. I'm worried that it will be so great that every game that came before will seem less awesome. The apocalypse of all games that came before GTA IV is upon us.
Hmm I don't like the way the name icons appear above the player, but maybe I'm just too picky.
Dibs on being the guy who shoots it down.
I'll go ahead and break the chain of dibs.

Wait, aren't dibs those little ice cream minis?

mmmm, dibbs...

Err, anyway...