Favorite Muppets


Jul 9, 2009
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I decided to make this thread after remembering how awesome Hoots (the sax playing owl from sesame street) is. I want to know who/what your favorite muppet is and why they stand out for you.

There's no limits on which ones you can choose. They can be from anything, Sesame Street, Fraggle Rock, Labyrinth, whatever.

Like I said, Hoots is one of my favorites because he's probably the coolest guy on Sesame Street and teaches kids to value music with out all the cutesy Elmo crap.


Statler & Waldorf
I agree with you so much, Antipop, that you must ravish me immediately.
Oh man, I forgot about Statler and Waldorf for a minute. Yeah, they're pretty hillarious.
Rizzo the Rat :D

hell no, fozzie bear. Wakka wakka!
Does anyone remember the name of the scary ass white muppet here? From The Jim Henson Hour
So hard to choose just one :P

Obviously there's Statler and Waldorf.

Also Ludo from the Labyrinth and Fozzy Bear.

Bunsen and Beaker are pretty awesome too, as is the Swedish Chef.
even though he's not really a muppet, I still have to pick:


hes always been my favourite even as a child and I still find him hilarious (watched play with me seseme on saturday)

as to fave muppet from the muppets I'd pick beaker or animal

my fave muppet skit:

The yip-yips!! I loved them as a kid. I still do, having been known to emulate their affirmative utterances.

Well, all my choices are already here, yip-yips, Swedish chef, Beaker.
Crazy Harry was my favorite as a kid, but I guess that sort of humor isn't cool anymore. Beaker still makes me laugh to this day.
My favorite when I was like 8 was Beaker. I liked Oscar, Cookie Monster and The Count too. Grover is awesome.

I've seen clips of Statler and Waldorf recently, and I was laughing pretty hard.
I watched Labyrinth today. I haven't seen it for years, so I didn't remember much. My favorite muppets in that may have been that adorable British worm that was in one scene and the squirell-knight thing. I got so freaked out by that movie when I was a kid.