Favorite (or just cool) thing about CS:S/Source Engine


Jul 11, 2004
Reaction score
Well, I thought it'd be neat to see what people like about CS:S and/or the Source Engine. It can be something about gameplay, graphics, or whatever.

I really like the different bullet impacts, they look very realistic. I'd have to say the my favorite effect is the bullet on metal, where the metal actually looks bent. The glass one (on unbreakable glass) looks pretty good as well.
I like the "security glass" in the way that it makes good cover. I absolutely love the new smooth feel that cs:s provides. I have absolutely no complaints what so ever :) Valve did an amazing job!
Tough question. Personally, I love the realistic sounds, the ragdoll physics, the particles...

I think if I'm pushed, I'd go for the ragdoll physics. Amusing death positions always give me a few laughs.

sounds! like in office when you hear every bullet hit the wall in a tapping thud sound....also when u shoot different materials different color dust and chunks fly out. (I E shoot a red curb in the garage in office red dust and rock flys out....shoot something brown...brown dust flys out) also when u shoot something metal like a filing cabinet, it makes a real looking dent instead of a standardized bullet hole :cheers:
kilword said:
also when u shoot something metal like a filing cabinet, it makes a real looking dent instead of a standardized bullet hole :cheers:

and don't forget the sparks that fly out! :D
*Everyone* knows that the barrels are the best addition, still havent got tired of shootin them about, the rest of the shootable stuff is crap :eek:
The way the head appears to just snap back...
If you actually see one up close in action, it looks disturbingly real.
im running at rougly 130+ fps, but when i run i still get that choppy feeling where i skips forward a few steps, so to the guy who said its totally smooth, its not totally smooth for me but that is my only complaint, i love source and its like playen cs for the first time even after 5 years of it. gj and bring on the new maps/models.

best part of css, dieing on the bridge in aztec, ur limbs hang from it, that gets the coolest deaths!
the flashbang is awesome. im still enjoying the after-effects of it. i also enjoy the sparks coming off of the helmets from headshots. the way the scope looks when you are zoomed in. the deagle is so shiny! :naughty: one thing i dont like is that retarded auto sniper :sniper: :flame:
im running at rougly 130+ fps, but when i run i still get that choppy feeling where i skips forward a few steps, so to the guy who said its totally smooth, its not totally smooth for me but that is my only complaint, i love source and its like playen cs for the first time even after 5 years of it. gj and bring on the new maps/models.

If you're running @ 130 FPS and you occasionally skip a few steps, isn't that just lag because of the connection? Like when those idiots mess up the server by change their name alot and it makes you lag, you suddenly move forward a few steps, then back a bit etc etc.