Favorite part of E3 2004 Video?


Jul 2, 2004
Reaction score
What was your favorite part of E3 2004 Half Life 2 Video?

Mine was the one with the Car and Striders and the CS Source
My favorite part was the part with the zombies and the saw blade, I loved the fire and stuff.
:afro: :bounce: :afro:
id have to say cs source,when gordon knocks the guy off the platform with the rocket, or the part where gordon and the rest of the town are defending against the striders
Probably the part in the apartment bulding. The atmosphere is incredible and the graphics are the closest any realtime rendered game has come to photorealism.
I actually liked the non-action parts like when he gets of the train and in the flats.They give that movie type experience so lacking in eye candy games like Doom.
PvtRyan said:
Probably the part in the apartment bulding. The atmosphere is incredible and the graphics are the closest any realtime rendered game has come to photorealism.
Ashbery76 said:
I actually liked the non-action parts like when he gets of the train and in the flats.They give that movie type experience so lacking in eye candy games like Doom.
What they said! :thumbs:

Seeing the updates they did to the Gmans face was good to.
Seeing the person hiding in the bin [/Joke]

Nah, probably the apartment complex.
the crane bit, it had the best music, and cool fighting scenes, i honostly didnt really like cs:s, they didnt really show anything cool...
I loved the apartment scene - I can't believe that shaders can make a world of a difference to make a scene look almost photorealistic.
PvtRyan said:
Probably the part in the apartment bulding. The atmosphere is incredible and the graphics are the closest any realtime rendered game has come to photorealism.

What he said...
The zombies are awesome...AHHHH!!!! AHHHH!!! OH GOD NO!!!!!!! I also liked the begining, my favorite part about an oppressive regime is that they always have unique ways of opressing. And there is always more than there first seems to be.
The coastline/crane scene. The fighting against the antlions and Combine was brain-meltingly lovely, and on the improved footage video you can really soak up the lovely sounds of bullets pinging and ricocheting off walls and stuff. Brilliant.
Abom said:
The coastline/crane scene. The fighting against the antlions and Combine was brain-meltingly lovely, and on the improved footage video you can really soak up the lovely sounds of bullets pinging and ricocheting off walls and stuff. Brilliant.

Not to mention the music that was kicking was also very energetic and good!
I liked the strider blowing stuff up. And the way it kicked crap away from itself... haha!
I lilked the non-action parts. Stuff like that makes games feel so much more immersive when you have the opportunity to walk around and enjoy the surroundings.
I liked the bit on the beach , when gordon is killing Ant lions n combines (just before the crate)

The Saw Blade to zombie action in the shed wos also good ;)
:thumbs: I liked the scene with Eli and the others, lots of show-off with the facial expressions.
The beginning.
"Rise and shine, Mr Freeman. Rise and... shine..."
I loved the part where the Combine soldiers escort you for some tea. ;) Also the apartment complex... but sadly I dont think I will be able to go "oooo" because I have a Ti 4200. :(
The beginning, it's really cool, there you see how the combines are really cruel to people and so on.
I hope one day we get to play as combine soldiers... it will be, as my homies from the pro-jects say, "OFF THE CHAIN-IZZLE!!!!!"
Some_God said:
I hope one day we get to play as combine soldiers... it will be, as my homies from the pro-jects say, "OFF THE CHAIN-IZZLE!!!!!"

Who knows? Maybe Stephard pretends he is a combine in OF2?
Hmmm... imagine if the G-man hires Shephard as his security director.... :eek:
i loved the very first part when gordon gets out of the train and you can see trash moving around on the floor and you hear the audio stream... "welcome to city 17... it is *safer* here...", as he walks next to a guard who is pushing some guy around and makes his baggage fall over .... great stuff
I also loved the non-action parts...I love it. Just looking around, doing the exact thing you'd do in real life.
Also, when you meet Father Gregori. His hand movements are amazing, there's only a tiny bit of overlapping when he puts his hand on the gun. I just think that's so awesome.
I liked the hovercraft scene where Gordon's racing through the slightly flooded drainage areas. The beginning part of that scene looks amazing.
Fishlore said:
I liked the hovercraft scene where Gordon's racing through the slightly flooded drainage areas. The beginning part of that scene looks amazing.

Mmmm, the water....nice....
ailevation said:
:thumbs: I liked the scene with Eli and the others, lots of show-off with the facial expressions.

I love the gesture Eli makes at the end where he points at Alyx with that smile, and Alyx makes that face of 'oh shut up' hilarious :D
PvtRyan said:
I love the gesture Eli makes at the end where he points at Alyx with that smile, and Alyx makes that face of 'oh shut up' hilarious :D

I liked that part, and when he grabbed her on the shoulder and nudged her...totally awesome :D
yeah valve like to show off their purdy facial expression - good stuff and keep at it boys! (to the valve staff).
PvtRyan said:
I love the gesture Eli makes at the end where he points at Alyx with that smile, and Alyx makes that face of 'oh shut up' hilarious :D


The apartment scene was my favourite. It looked very atmospheric and looked like a map that i would want to explore.