Favorite Propaganda Poster

Samon said:
No, i dont misunderstand it. That child quite clearly has white eyes, and the person cradling it is wearing a gas mask.

The reason they would be "cradlign" the human race so to speak is the fact that breen thinks the combine is better for humanity, do you listen to whathe says on the screens? I think its you who is misunderstanding here i am afraid.

The whole backdrop to society bieng how it is because we are progressing through stages of evolution, as breen states in his Reproduction speech.

Seriosuly, your acting like an a$$ because people are disagreeing with you, grow up, just because somebodies idea's conflict with yours doesnt mean its wrong. And calling people a fool isnt mature either, just because they thnik something else.

Now lets get the discussion back on track before it is locked.

Word. My friend.

moggy said:
How could I be wrong?

The thing we are talking about here is the image of a human being cradled by some kind of resistance fighter and/or escapee. It is a graffiti image so it can not be combine propaganda.You are gravely wrong if u can not tell the difference or what it is showing you.

I am not newb, I have played all of the Half-life related games since 1998. I have paid great attention to it since then.

I am not flaming either it is u who is doing that now

Dude, this isn't SMSing as well. So I corrected the Quote to an average amount of proper english...

Also, the parts that are bold is what is wrong with your post... Which was basically all of it.

You are flaming. Calling someone a fool for having a different opinion or portration of a graffiti mark is, in my opinion, an insult. Shame on you, you ****en opinion nazi.

(Man, at the moment I wish I was a moderator so I can ban this poor, un-educated child)
I may as well tell you what the graffiti is, Moggy. Also, it is what I think it is...


This graffiti is, in my point of view a resistance tag. (Don't get cocky Moggy) The baby that is being cradeled by the combine soldier is sybolising the fact that the combine could drop this race in a split second (Thus, the fragility of the child.)

Also, it could mean something. It could be the same symbolisation that other people have stated. It could be the human race cradeled in the arms (metaphoricaly of course) of the combine.

I don't pay alot of attention to these small things though. But when I do... Boy, it gets me thinking.

(Too late to advertise, children)
The baby that is being cradeled by the combine soldier is sybolising the fact that the combine could drop this race in a split second (Thus, the fragility of the child.)

Thats a good interpratation of it...i think this graffiti is probably the most misleading.

To be honest, i really am not sure which said its vouching for
I am not sure either. Samon. The fragility of the child one I thought of would make sense. The combine could just drop the child on it's head and totally **** everything up
Noes. Don't say that. Moggy will be on another ego trip :|
Think of the children! Prepare the cannons! Put the chickens in the headcrab pen, there is no where else to put them!
Æsthetically, I probably like the "born" image with branded lambda hand the most.
However, I also like the "Resist" graffiti with the symmetrical Dr. Breens. This "Resist" image strikes me as very similar to the "Obey" propaganda, with "Resist" being the opposite of "Obey". Obviously someone at Valve is a fan of this "advertising/propaganda", since one of the original HL1dm decals is the infamous Andre the Giant image. Dr. Breen has a posse, indeed.
I definitely think the "CASTE" graffiti is by the resistance. The thing that stands out most to me is the baby's face. It has huge, shadowy "brainwashed" eyes. It looks like the message it's trying to convey is that the combine are attempting to portray themselves as "cradling" us (any listen to Breen's propaganda on the telescreens makes it obvious that this is the message he is trying to give). To me it also looks like the soldier is looking sidelong at the viewer as if to convey a feeling of contempt or "don't even think about it, this is mine". I think the image does a good job of showing how un-natural the resistance feels the idea of the combine cradling humanity really is.
I personally find it hard to reject the idea that the "Caste" poster is done by Resistance due to the fact it appears mainly in Resistance occupied areas. However, whichever side did it, this poster is certainly capable of conveying a sense of bleakness of future for humankind. The apparent "combine" soldier can be intepreted as a symbol of what is left of the human race--artificially modified and crouching helplessly against oppression. The only hope is on the future generations--symbolised by the baby, but even that is in grave danger as indicated by baby's already changing eyes. The poster conveys the idea that future is indeed dark and hopeless if change does not arrive, soon.
My favorite is this one:


The dove stands for two things: it is universally known as the symbol for peace, and in The Bible, it symbolizes God.