Favorite shipping company?



Fedex, UPS, DHL? other?

I have had a good experience with DHL..
UPS is crap, DHL is neat cuz.. um, its annitials.
City link!! they are t3h p00n,

mainly cos i dont buy stuff form ne where but micom and ebuyer ad they use city link :)
Most of our stuff comes UPS. The UPS guy is pretty friendly and knows us suprisingly well.
Fedex, although I have never had any problems with any of the shipping companies I have dealt with. Fedex just happens to be my favorite.
I had three packages arrive today, all in different companies. fedEx, Citylink and Amtrak... and i have to say, amtrack were the best, but only on timing.. 20 past 9 :D Citylink are always good imo too.