Favorite TV Shows?


Apr 26, 2004
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So what is everyone looking forward to this season?

Here's what I'm watching:

The Office (US)
Pushing Daisies
Family Guy

I was trying to catch up on Nip/Tuck and Prison Break, but couldn't find all of the earlier episodes online :P
I want to see what Reaper is all about, I missed last episode, but I saw the pilot, and it looked good from that..
24 - (Save the last season)
Top Gear
Have I Got News For You
Friday Night with Johnathan Ross (providing decent people are on it)
Life On Mars (even though it finished after two series, but was still awsome).
Battlestar Galactica (when it comes back)
Not really watching any TV. There's the obligatory Lost, but...

Weeds is entertaining, if fairly ridiculous.
Sadly, all I really tune in for these days is Iron Chef, South Park and Mythbusters. Sometimes Top Gear.
The Sopranos
Family Guy
Two and Half Men

All I can think of at the moment.
Oh, 'Rage' the music program is pretty damn good depending on who is hosting it.
Scrubs, Spaced and reruns of Red Dwarf and Black Adder at the moment.
Right now I'm into 30 Rock and Top Gear, but I'm waiting for Battlestar Galactica to come back.
South Park
Battlestar Galactica(rewatching all of the past seasons in preparation for the November kickstart episode)
Law & Order Criminal Intent
Prison Break

...and I guess 24, maybe it'll redeem itself next season, the last season was abysmal.
Just recently watched Rome series 1, so I'm looking forward to buying series 2 and giving that a watch. Also soon to be buying Sopranos series 6 and whatever is released of series 7 so far (it's in two parts, right?)

24, Battlestar Galactica and Lost are my most looked forward to shows, though. Man, I can't wait to see what's going to happen next in all of those.

At the present, on TV, I'm watching Prison Break series 3, Top Gear and Commando: On The Frontline (really good show about the Royal Marines in training - think Bad Lads Army but in the present) Mock the Week and Saxondale just finished unfortunatly but damn were the last seasons of both great.
Prison Break
Alan Partridge
Arrested Development (Up there as one of my favourite sitcoms ever I reckons)
Top Gear

Watch the occasional Family Guy from time to time, not a massive fan though.
Is Lost really that great?
From what I've seen it's just about people being on an island talking about their lives while evading some greater evil.
Lost is brilliant.

Lost is the only series I'm looking forward to, and maybe Bttlestar Galactica.

Lost is good, but if they don't explain all the weird stuff by the end of the series I will seriously kill JJ Abrams.
Lost, BSG, Weeds, Aqua Teen Hunger Force
Oh yeah, I forgot about Heroes. Great show, if a little slow, and it has Christopher Eccleston in it now, too. But regardless I'm really enjoying it.

I also just finished both seasons of I'm Alan Partridge. I could watch that show a thousand times and it'd still be hilarious.

''Der's more tah Ireland... dan dis.''
Prison Break
I don't watch much TV :(
I also just finished both seasons of I'm Alan Partridge. I could watch that show a thousand times and it'd still be hilarious.

''Der's more tah Ireland... dan dis.''

Good slogan for the tourist board!

Seriously, it really is infinitely rewatchable. Me and a few mates I know could probably recite every episode line for line... :o
24 better redeem itself next season, last season overall was just crap, the opening was just brilliant though up to the explosion going off then it just went down hill, still the odd moment of classic 24 though. By the way, i never bothered watching it to the end, can someone sumarise like whaat happened lol.
I gave up on 24 on the third season. It was so incredibly lame and unimaginative that I took it off my Tivo :angry:

God I miss Tivo...
Doctor Who
Top Gear
Family Guy

Those are the only 4 things I will actively turn on the TV to watch.
My current favorite is the new season of Curb Your Enthusiasm.
I like to rewatch Firefly all the time too.
I like to rewatch Firefly all the time too.

Hell yeah, Oh shit... I need to watch it again.

I watch it all the way through and end it with Serenity like every month. :D
This calls for a ROFL situation.

You have no idea what sort of twisted and horrendous religion it is at my school. I'd be socially lynched if I didn't watch it. Then have my lunch money stolen. But by god am I now converted.

It's a guilty pleasure like Big Brother or Wife Swap.
I'm assuming anime doesn't count,

The Office
Arrested Development
Curb Your Enthusiasm
Home Movies