So with every good TV show coming to an end what next?

I should say that I finished watching Dexter and Sons of Anarchy, great shows. Dexter was absolutely awesome, can't wait for the new season.

I did watch an episode of Mad Men yesterday since I needed a new show for the gym. I actually liked it. It's great if you like racist and sexist jokes.
Why whould you need a show for the gym... You're supposed to be training.
Currently watching: Reruns that show up on my DVR and The Colbert Report. Summer is for staying away from television.
Fringe would be a great thing to watch, but they just finished the second season. Recently.
thought i'd resurrect this topic because a few people mentioned wanting to but having not watched twin peaks.

I just rented twin peak's first season and so far have only 2 episodes left to watch and I'M LOVING IT!

Admittedly not much of the inherent weird creepy **** expected of lynch has turned up yet. I expect more of that come season 2 (where apparently the show goes downhill halfway through). The show has some great writing and it has kept me guessing all the way through. The first season is only 8 episodes long but i've watched 6 out of 8 since i got it just last night! So yeah i HIGHLY recommend it :D

I have been wanting to watch the first season, but I have such a long list of things I'm doing that I just can't find the time. It certainly rises in priority to hear that you love it as well.
Currently watching Fringe, I love it. Just wish there were more shows like it.
I just recently started watching Trailer Park Boys. I didn't think that i would like it at first but it's starting to grow on me.

Can anybody tell me after which season the first movie was released?
Nahhh most good stuff out at the moment is being slaughtered before it has the chance whilst all this **** is still being aired. Firefly, need I say more?
Do recommend Life on Mars though. and Dollhouse was pretty good. oh and Supernatural anyone?
Haha of course the UK version, one of the best shows ever to grace british television. The US version was an insult to humanity.
Definately... Why make a US version!? Just pointless....
The original was genius.
Wasn't the problem with the show is the Americans couldn't keep it simple like the British version?
No the problem was mere fact that the Americans made a remake in the first place.
Heh, it was probably because broadcasting companies didn't think America could understand the British humour. :P
And it's not just the humour, you guys talk funny over there. Can't understand you.
British humor is 19th century. But then again, most American humor is retarded 21st century shit.
British humour is awesome on the most part. And the language you speak is English so I think it's fair to say that it's country of origin does it right :P It's America where the language has been distorted. Al[oo]minum!? seriously? :P
Although that having been said, sooo many British people abuse the language horrendously...
British humour is generally what's known as Good Humour, so long as you're watching the right shows.
British humour is generally what's known as Good Humour
