Favorite Upbeat Song


Jun 11, 2003
Reaction score
What's your favorite..."happy" song, one that doesn't involve death or decay or anything, possibly about love or something, nice upbeat songs.

Mine would maybe be Thank You by Led Zeppelin
Punk Rock Girl by the Dead Milkmen

Take the Skinheads Bowling by Camper Van Beethoven

anything by They Might Be Giants, Proclaimers
Yes - Roundabout makes me happy, and so does Yes - Homeworld (The Ladder)

It has to be Oasis, Supersonic:

I need to be myself
I can't be no one else
I'm feeling supersonic
Give me gin and tonic
You can have it all but how much do you want it?

Make's me feel alive!
Shiny Happy People by R.E.M.

It's just so fuggen happy!
kangy: well, the original meaning of the song is the complete opposite. the song is quite bitter-sarcastic and not really happy in its core. but anyway, it doesnt matter to me because i dont like rem that much ;)

favorites at the time:

jamie lidell - multiply
m83 - teen angst
saint etienne - shower scene
dj koze - happy hip hop
paula - ich weiss zuviel
luke slater - only you
röyksopp - eple
future prophecies - september

and some alternative hymns.. but im too lazy to write them down. keke :)
anything by the shins.

or possible "The Golden Road (To Ultimate Devotion)" by the Grateful Dead, lyrics in my sig.
The Sound of Settling (Death Cab for Cutie) is without a doubt the most upbeat music I've ever heard. Listen to it. :D
BlindTelepath said:
The Sound of Settling (Death Cab for Cutie) is without a doubt the most upbeat music I've ever heard. Listen to it. :D
seconded, you can;t help but feel truly elated during and after the song, it just kicks ass
Icarusintel said:
seconded, you can;t help but feel truly elated during and after the song, it just kicks ass


oh and the shins (Ennui, good taste my friend, good taste)
Ludwig van Beethoven - An die Freude (Ode to joy)

Lots of stuff from The Offspring, like One Fine Day and Worst Hangover Ever. I know the lyrics usually aren't happy, but the music is.

And Chainsaw Juggler from TMBG :E
Deerhoof - Milkman
The whole album, really. Bonus points for Giga Dance.

The New Pornographers, The B-52s, The Tragically Hip and Bjork all fit the list as well.
Sactman John - Scatman

Funniest thing I've heard in months...and it's very upbeat and happy!
Narcolepsy said:
I'd say Airbag, the only happy Radiohead song.

Wrong. I'm sorry, but what about Lucky or Optimistic? Just look at the song titles for crying out loud.

For some upbeat tunes, I'd check out anything from the Flaming Lips "Soft Bulletin" album. It took me awhile to aquire the sound, but I love it now. They're just such a unique band.
Bohonkie said:
Wrong. I'm sorry, but what about Lucky or Optimistic? Just look at the song titles for crying out loud.
Have you listened to the lyrics of those two? You could possibly make a case for Lucky, but Optimistic is titled with savage irony.
Big fish eat the little ones/ Not my problem...
The ultimate: Thomas Newman - Loverly Spring. This might be too happy, but I'll be goat cheese if I didn't laugh and smile every time I hear it. I'm all about upbeat and happy music, and these are the last few that were in my player...
The Presidents of the United States of America - Feather Pluckin'
Shantel - Great Delay
The Cure - The Caterpillar
Definition of Sound - Wear Your Love Like Heaven
The Cult - She Sells Sanctuary
"Joey", by Bon Jovi. It's a really, really good song. Really upbeat, it's like a story crammed into the space of a five minute song.

-Angry Lawyer
Narcolepsy said:
I'd say Airbag, the only happy Radiohead song.

Everything In Its Right Place is pretty happy. Whilst it isn't "I'M REALLY HAPPY ABOUT LIFE" on the listener, it seems to be very... perfect.
I'm sorry to say that Amarillo still makes me smile after having heard it for over a gazillion times now.
Narcolepsy said:
I'd say Airbag, the only happy Radiohead song.

I Might be Wrong is a relatively happy Radiohead song, lyrics wise. Anyway, for favourite upbeat song I'd go with Queen - Don't Stop Me Now. Always gets me energised.