Favorite Weapon

Magnum , theres nothing quite as satisfying than blasting a fast zombies face off as it jumps at you , or shooting a combine soldier in the head and watching it do an awesome back flip.
i love the little green alien gun from opposing force. It was so cute when Adrian petted it.

All i could do was go, awwwwwwww :3
Magnum , theres nothing quite as satisfying than blasting a fast zombies face off as it jumps at you , or shooting a combine soldier in the head and watching it do an awesome back flip.

Pretty much; there's nothing like a bit of power.
Magnum or shotty only with downloaded sounds
Shotgun. It feels so good to run through an area gunning down Combine with it. The altfire is tasty as well.
i love the little green alien gun from opposing force. It was so cute when Adrian petted it.

All i could do was go, awwwwwwww :3

Well if we are alowed to go with guns from other games too then this would be third after shotgun. Its just a nice little addition to it that makes it feel more realistic.
Instead I'd definitively choose the super gravity gun, nothing is quite so satisfying as annihilating enemies by yanking them towards you and throwing them back to kill 3 more enemies. >:)
Second place is shotgun, hands down. It will kill anything in the game if you have a full box of ammo to work with.
Third place .357...if it actually carried enough ammo to be used effectively more than a few times. As it stands I feel like I need to conserve ammunition too much.
lol, what a suiting name for a 'favorite weapon' thread, Sledgehammer.

My favorite would be the cinder block.. It's small, packs a damn fine punch, and is a ****ing cinder block.

Number 2 choice is crossbow.
Well if we are alowed to go with guns from other games too then this would be third after shotgun. Its just a nice little addition to it that makes it feel more realistic.

he never said that it needed to be FROM HL2. And Op Force IS in the hl univerce.

And who can deny it's purring? :3
Instead I'd definitively choose the super gravity gun, nothing is quite so satisfying as annihilating enemies by yanking them towards you and throwing them back to kill 3 more enemies. >:)

it's especially funny when you fire a Soldier feet first so it looks like he's karate kicking the other guys.
I agree with you about the .357, but the fact that you can only hold 12 extra shots is a large turn off.
It's between the shotgun and the .357
I think the super gravity guns a little cheap.
The shotgun. It's got quite a punch and the altfire is great. And don't even get me started on the super gravity gun. It's the cheapest weapon in the whole game. "OLOL I CAN PICK UP MAI ENUMIEZ NAO". I just found it a little easy.
Shotgun. I find it useful is most situations because it has the 2 firing modes.

That, and I have the memory of blowing a Combine soldier back, breaking a fence and falling off of a cliff in Highway 17.
The shotgun. It's got quite a punch and the altfire is great. And don't even get me started on the super gravity gun. It's the cheapest weapon in the whole game. "OLOL I CAN PICK UP MAI ENUMIEZ NAO". I just found it a little easy.

I don't know about you but I quite enjoy killing enemies by shooting them with their comrades. It's more about the comedy of flinging corpses as weapons than anything else.
Indeed, and it can lead to extreme hilarity, but I just found it easy first time round.
crossbow. Nothing better to me than pinning a few Combine to the wall by their necks.

Instead I'd definitively choose the super gravity gun

Where/how do you get this, and how come you can't impulse 101 it?
Gravity Gun for me.

I'm currently playing through HL2 again and I'm at the part where Alyx abandons you against 50 soldiers in the cells of Nova. I love killing 20 or so soldiers with one barrell that I keep picking back up whipping at he next guy. If the turrets fall down I pick them and throw them at them. When there are only a few I pick up a turrett and walk around with it. It uses up no ammo either. When they throw a grenade I grad it and chuck it back. Before i fell in love with the Grav gun I used to hate wasting ammo on those stupid manhacks. Now I grav the peckers and chuck them back at the soldiers or up against a wall.
There's a command... Something like enable_mega_physcannon.

i thinks its physcannon_mega_enabled 1, but it only exists in eps 1 and 2.

As for my favourite weapon, nothing beats smacking the combine in the head with a crowbar.
The saw disc, when combined with the gravity gun.

Conventionally, the shotgun goes to town on all b**ches in HL2. As does the magnum, but I primarily rely on it for long-ranged shots to kill whatever moving pixels outside the shotgun range.
I like that big meaty Combine assault rifle. The bass on it is awesome. Probably my favourite weapon in any FPS game.
Once again i'll have to say the shotgun, it seems to me as the best weapon we get, and if not for the fact that you can shoot a guy about a mile away with it and still get a one hit kill i'd say it was the best, but that little fact i just don't understand in the least and makes me wonder why it's called a shotgun when it could just as easily be called the 'overpowered-wide-spread-long-ranged gun'
I use the shotgun the most because it is so effective, but my favorite is the crossbow, because it can turn my enemies into art. ಠ_ಠ
Honestly I love all weapons in Half-Life (with a possible exception of the OpFor wrench), but my all-time favorite is a tie between the HL1's Gluon (or Egon) Gun and the AR2 Pulse-Rifle. The AR2 sounds hella tight, kicks ass, the alt-fire is amazing, and has a really, really awesome design. Always loved it. And the Gluon Gun...well, it's just pure pwnage. I also love how it's really damn loud. (also the sound just after you finish firing is really cool)