Favorite weapon?


Jul 3, 2003
Reaction score
I'd make a poll except I'm still playing the game... :p

So far (Nova Prospekt), it's the shotgun. I've been using it since I got it.

So what is everyone elses' favorite weapon?
I liked the Combine Assault Rifle a lot but the shotgun was pretty badass. :D I'd have to go with the shotgun though.
I like the RPG and the magnum.
satch919 said:
I liked the Combine Assault Rifle a lot but the shotgun was pretty badass. :D I'd have to go with the shotgun though.

I don't like the combine assult rifle very much... I so much enjoy the force (and quick death) of a shutgun blast. :cheers:
Crossbow. It's just so satisfying to get off a good shot and actually manage to pin a moving combine to a wall. It's also really damn useful against the Elites.
The grav gun. Nothing's as fun as dragging along a large sheet of metal to protect ya from enemy fire.
Shotgun! Just love the secondary fire option up close and verry, verry personal.
The shotgun is quite useful, especially the alt-fire double-blast. The effect with the alt-fire on the assault rifle is amazing.

For my money - I love the crossbow. As powerful as a sniper rifle, but you've got to work at it and lead people to make it work. The added bonus is pinning them to the wall.
Shotgun is very powerful hitting fast moving enemy such as undead zombie(althrough much weaker than hl1 which you can carry 8 + 120 armo(hl2 shotgun only have 6+30 armo =3=)
Magnum is useful in mid-way head-sniping but there are only 6 + 12 armo too less for me