Favourite animal?

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SHIPPI said:
Awwww it's such a cute ickle snail :D

hehe I'll get pics of my giant african land snails later :P they're biiig

and cuddleh

I'd like to see them. You play with them or something? I can't imigine snails being a pet that is handled.
Raziaar said:
I'd like to see them. You play with them or something? I can't imigine snails being a pet that is handled.

Nah I don't think they're pets you can 'play' with.. I just put them on my hand and they crawl around. They really don't mind being handled, in fact I think they quite like it :)
SHIPPI said:
Nah I don't think they're pets you can 'play' with.. I just put them on my hand and they crawl around. They really don't mind being handled, in fact I think they quite like it :)

Ahh. Neat. Can't wait for the screenshots. Since you say those things are big.
Raziaar said:
Ahh. Neat. Can't wait for the screenshots. Since you say those things are big.

a snail that is bigger than a hippo..scary. :O
KoreBolteR said:
a snail that is bigger than a hippo..scary. :O

I would ride those things so fast! Well... I mean, slow. Snails are slow.

But I would jump at the opportunity so fast to ride them if they were that big! :cheese:
Well mine aren't quite that big..

They're both sleeping, or something, right now.. didn't want to disturb them :) But I found a pic I took of Speedy (the other's Bobrick :P) a few months ago.. they've grown a lot since then :)
SHIPPI said:
Well mine aren't quite that big..

They're both sleeping, or something, right now.. didn't want to disturb them :) But I found a pic I took of Speedy (the other's Bobrick :P) a few months ago.. they've grown a lot since then :)

LOL, cool
*supersnail breaks plant pot in rage* :laugh:
Girl, you really got two biggies :O

(ha .... ha .... ha... I know... but it had to be :p)
Snails are friggin' awesome! Had an African chum who had a fairly big collection of the gigantic ones... but I still keep wondering whether they were legally bought or he'd abducted them on his last trip home :O

For some reason I like creatures like crabs or lobsters or snails or fish or arachnids or beetles or whatever, but don't particularily care for critters like cats or horses. I'm a sucker for chinchillas though. They're furry! :imu:

Hmm, a chailillarabsterishnideetle. Uberpet!
Edcrab said:
Snails are friggin' awesome! Had an African chum who had a fairly big collection of the gigantic ones... but I still keep wondering whether they were legally bought or he'd abducted them on his last trip home :O

For some reason I like creatures like crabs or lobsters or snails or fish or arachnids or beetles or whatever, but don't particularily care for critters like cats or horses. I'm a sucker for chinchillas though. They're furry! :imu:

Hmm, a chailillarabsterishnideetle. Uberpet!

How about cuttlefish? I been doing some research on those, and they seem to be INCREDIBLY intelligent and sentient, able to recognize your presence.

Heh, was reading this experience a group of people had with them at an aquarium. Quite amusing.

South of the city of Singapore is an island called Sentosa. Sentosa has been converted into a tourist haven, and you can reach it by cable car. The most interesting attraction there, for us, was the aquarium.
These cuttlefish live there in a huge floor-to-ceiling tank. When we first approached them, they were all lined up, hovering, facing us, watching the tourists. Some of them lurked back in the rocks, others were closer to the front of the tank, but all of them were facing the same direction. Except for the undulations of their fins and the languid posturing of their tentacles, they were motionless. Their bodies rippled with changing color patterns.
We all stood and stared at them, and they stood and stared back at us. We found the positioning of their tentacles fascinating. It looked so purposeful. We speculated as to whether they were communicating among themselves with the color changes and the tentacle positions.

One of us suggested that we try talking to them using our fingers as tentacles. Each of us came close to the glass, put our fingers in front of our faces, and arranged our fingers in gestures similar to theirs.
One cuttlefish came forward out of the crowd to meet each of us. Mike had a cuttlefish. I had a cuttlefish. Megaera had a cuttlefish. And Malachi, who is the smallest of us, had a small cuttlefish. We gestured at them and they gestured at us. "What's he saying? What's he saying?" Malachi kept asking. Malachi's cuttlefish didn't do much gesturing. It just stared at Malachi, and we had the impression that it was another child, staring like a toddler with its mouth hanging open.
Another tourist saw what we were doing, and joined us. Another cuttlefish came forward to meet her. After a moment, she darted all her fingers at it suddenly, and it jumped back. It slowly came forward to face her again. Then it shot its syphon out at her. She squealed and leapt back.
Mike's cuttlefish then shot its syphon out at Mike a few times. Mike answered by flicking his fingers at the cuttlefish. Neither of them jumped.
We finally had to leave because the power went out.

We wonder if anyone else has tried talking to the cuttlefish of Sentosa, or any other cuttlefish. Is there a way to decode their language, or teach them some code of ours?

Cuttlefish are predacious carnivorous cephalopods related to squid and octopus. Cephalopods are a class of mollusks, a phylum that also includes snails, chitons, clams and slugs. The ammonites are an extinct group of cephalopods, and nautiloids are almost extinct. We later met some nautiloids in a tank in an aquarium in Yokohama, but they showed not a glimmer of intelligence.


Well mine aren't quite that big..

They're both sleeping, or something, right now.. didn't want to disturb them But I found a pic I took of Speedy (the other's Bobrick ) a few months ago.. they've grown a lot since then

Wow, those are big! I like the last pic best :)
Cuttlefish = win. They're just like aliens. Um, 'cept they're native. Nautillus's (stupid plurals) are also pretty damn cool.

But thinking of communicating with "unintelligent" animals, my dad once had a five minute conversation with my tarantula. He was just tapping the glass, and, assuming that I'm not insane and they do communicate through vibration, she responded, waving and tapping her legs in response.

Conversation probably boiled down to:

Dad's hand: woo zing requirement upper huckleberry retalliation

Tarantula: My god, man! You're all bald and pink!

DH: ergo stoat me lad revolving collander

T: You poor senile fool.
That's the problem with carnivores... try being sociable with a close friend when you have to explain that yes, those cute little chirrupy crickets you keep have relatives that Ms. Tarantula regularly devours :o
Raziaar said:
How about cuttlefish? I been doing some research on those, and they seem to be INCREDIBLY intelligent and sentient, able to recognize your presence.

Heh, was reading this experience a group of people had with them at an aquarium. Quite amusing.

Heck, yes. There's one at the Melbourne Aquarium that I'd swear knows exactly what's going on outside its tank...

Edcrab said:
Cuttlefish = win. They're just like aliens. Um, 'cept they're native. Nautillus's (stupid plurals) are also pretty damn cool.

But thinking of communicating with "unintelligent" animals, my dad once had a five minute conversation with my tarantula. He was just tapping the glass, and, assuming that I'm not insane and they do communicate through vibration, she responded, waving and tapping her legs in response.

Conversation probably boiled down to:

Dad's hand: woo zing requirement upper huckleberry retalliation

Tarantula: My god, man! You're all bald and pink!

DH: ergo stoat me lad revolving collander

T: You poor senile fool.

Okay, that made me laugh so hard I had a minor asthma attack...
A liger. It's pretty much my favourite animal. It's like a lion and a tiger mixed, bred for its skills in magic.
I don't mind dogs; don't especially adore them like some guys though. Can't stand most cats, mind. It's like the damn things are fully aware they're half-intelligent and thus think it gives them the right to be so stuck up about it.

Just some off-topic advice, Brian... trying saying "ergo stoat me lad" into a microphone, record the sound and then reverse it-depending on your tone and accent it'll sound... interesting :naughty:
1) Damn you, Dan, damn you to Hell, you said what I was going to say :D

2) I choose the cat. Why, you ask? Well, take a look at my list, comparing cats to a certain "other" species of animal.

Cats look cute, rather than droolingly stupid, when they sleep.
Cats meow, rather than bark incessantly twenty-four hours a day.
Cats can climb things.
Cats can actually hunt worth a damn.
Cats are affectionate, and not just because you know where the food is.
Cats have catnip. Dogs have... sticks.
Cats can sleep on your bed without making it smell like a wet dog.
When cats bite, they don't pierce the skin and/or skeletal structure.

Therefore, cats are superior.
Penguins, owls, wolves, lil' monkeys, fish, sloths, snails are quite cuddly too.

Oh and the usual dogs and cats.
anything related to cats(thats lions, tigers etc.), dogs, bear(including panda), some lizzards, not all. anything thats small and cute, or big furry, and cute
stigmata said:
When cats bite, they don't pierce the skin and/or skeletal structure.

I see you never met a cat like our Twink.

The Thing said:

I am not an animal.

Not "The". "A". Without a capital, too.

The sort of thing that people point and shout "What is that thing!?" at... like slime moulds and camel spiders.

Strong followers of the earth, defensive in nature. While the eternal Eagle hunts it, the Turtle is equipped to repel those who wish to do it harm.