Favourite Half-Life Series Sci-Fi Weapon

Favourite Weapon

  • Gluon Gun / Egon Gun

    Votes: 6 8.2%
  • Tau Gun / Gauss Gun

    Votes: 5 6.8%
  • Zero Point Energy Field Manipulator / Gravity Gun

    Votes: 27 37.0%
  • Aperture Science Handheld Portal Device / Portal Gun

    Votes: 16 21.9%
  • Hopwire / Black Hole Grenade

    Votes: 3 4.1%
  • Pulse Rifle / Pulse Machinegun / Strider Gun / Hunter Chopper Gun / Gunship Gun

    Votes: 8 11.0%
  • Power Core / Energy Ball / Combine Ball / Pulse Rifle Secondary Fire Orb

    Votes: 5 6.8%
  • Strider Cannon / Gunship Cannon / Supression Device

    Votes: 2 2.7%
  • Displacer / Telerporter Gun / BFG Clone

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Strider Buster

    Votes: 1 1.4%

  • Total voters


Staff member
Dec 31, 2004
Reaction score
I know portal isn't even out yet, but mine is already the portal gun. It just looks so fun ^_^
Narbacular Drop has gotten me very hyped.

My top 5 in order:
  1. Aperture Science Handheld Portal Device
  2. Hopwire
  3. Power Core
  4. Pulse Machinegun
  5. Gluon Gun
Definitely the energy core. Deep fried overwatch!!

In second place is the displacer (BFG clone, as you called it :frown: )
Gravity Gun. Such an origonal design and a tool thats still fun 2 years later. No fight is the smae with this weaopon of destruction.
I'm going with the strider cannon for it's sheer destructive awesomeness. Which is the Gluon gun and the Displacer? I feel bad, I should know.
In order:

Gauss Gun, Power core, Strider Cannon, Egon
Gravity gun not in your top 5? :O

The strider cannon's wanna my favs, id love a hand held version of that beast.
I love all those experimental weapons, especially ASHPD, Zero Point Energy Field Manipulator and Tau Cannon.
And nice Displacer is not BFG clone but Project XV11382... :frown:
Portal Gun. Using it in real life would *just* be slightly cooler than a gravgun.
No doubt the Gravity Gun, it opened so many new possibilities that had never been possible in former FPS games. And using it to kill Combine soldiers with a weelbarrow, it just doesn't get more freaked out than that :p
Power core all the way. Watching people disintegrate slowly as it bounced about is still one of the hallmarkss of HL2 for me.
Gravity gun, portal gun, hopwire, Combine ball, strider cannon.
What about the Crowbar?
I don't see Stunstick in the list.
Niether of those are sci-fi weapons :p

Which is the Gluon gun and the Displacer? I feel bad, I should know.
The Gluon gun is a very powerful energy weapon in HL1 that uses depleted urantium as ammuntions (As does the tau cannon). The Displacer is a gun in Opposing Force that acts
A: As a standard issue BFG
B: As a teleporter that can bring you to Xen (which usually leads to death or suppies)
It also uses depleted uranium as an ammuntion source.
Egon, for three reasons:

1. It looks cool. A swirling blue beam of energy.
2. It rips people apart.
So Egon is the blue beam one, and Gluon is the Orange zappy one? I've played with them, just don't know the guns by their specific names.
I hate the hive hand.

That thing sucks... Too weak and ugly-looking

My top 3 would be:
1. Portal gun with the grav gun included
2. OISPR, becouse fun to shoot and the energy balls are just cool at disintegrating shit...
3. Egon - Very usefull becouse it's powerful accurate and has awesome sounds
2. OISPR, becouse fun to shoot and the energy balls are just cool at disintegrating shit...
You're getting mixed up. The OISPR is a gun that was cut from the final game that didn't have energy balls. You're thinking of the OSIPR/Overwatch Standard Issue (Pulse Rifle)/AR2.
Hopwire makes me feel happy.

Closely followed by the ASHPD, then the G-Gun, then the Gluon Gun, then probably the black hole grenade.
You're getting mixed up. The OISPR is a gun that was cut from the final game that didn't have energy balls. You're thinking of the OSIPR/Overwatch Standard Issue (Pulse Rifle)/AR2.
The OICW was cut. The OISPR is a typo.

1. Grav Gun
2. Portal Gun
3. Tau Cannon (Shoots through walls and gives you a boost jump)
What the hell is the black hole grenade?

Gravity gun and Portal gun.
There is a console command you can input in Episode 1 that gives you a grenade that sucks enemies into it.
There is a console command you can input in Episode 1 that gives you a grenade that sucks enemies into it.

Saw that on youtube... wish I had hl2, or a compatable computer... *stares at lump of shit PC* I'm burning you on the 12th... (That's my b.day... I'm getting a new computer. :D)
you can use the OICW in the HL2:CTF mod. They did a good job recreating it. My vote goes to the gravgun. Any game I play now just feels weak because I dont have the gravgun to toss stuff at enemies