Favourite movie director?

Coen Brothers, Scorsese, Copolla, Kubrick, Lucas, Spielberg, Sergio Leone
Knock knock.

Who's there?


Uwe who?

No, Uwe Boll.
Sulkdodds said:
Knock knock.

Who's there?


Uwe who?

No, Uwe Boll.

Corniest. joke. ever.

+10 Cool points. :D
Kubrick - great movies in order:

2001 = the ending blows your mind
Clockwork Orange = got to love alex
Dr. Strangelove = so funny - got all the great characters trying to stop nuclear holocaust
Shining = simply for the great atmosphere he put in that hotel - frickin creepy!
Jack Nicholson's performance in that movie was the greatest acting I've ever seen. I'll never forget "here's johnny" when he breaks that door down.

How weird was the ending to 2001? I still don't get it, but then again maybe that was Stanley's intention?

Also, Strangelove is so funny, You know that Peter Sellers improvised that scene when he was talking to the Russian Premiere over the phone?
Martin Scorsese (sp?) pretty much because he directed my all time favorite movie (Taxi Driver)