Favourite Official Deathmatch Map

What is your favourite official deathmatch map?

  • dm_lockdown

    Votes: 21 33.3%
  • dm_overwatch

    Votes: 20 31.7%
  • dm_steamlab

    Votes: 22 34.9%

  • Total voters


Dec 29, 2004
Reaction score
I did a search, and apparently nobody's done this before. So here I go...

What's your favourite official deathmatch map? I've included screenshots of each to eliminate any confusion. In order, they are dm_lockdown, dm_overwatch and dm_steamlab:

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My vote goes for dm_overwatch.

I like it mainly because of the large outdoor area. There's always plenty of room for everything. With the other maps, you're always crammed into corridors and small rooms. I always seem to get me a lot of frags in dm_overwatch. It also suits teamplay, because it's Anticitzen One/Follow Freeman based, and that's when the major Resistance V. Combine war is taking place. It's especially fun when your team takes control of the roof. RPG rockets and crossbow bolts hail down upon the opposing team.

Next best I like dm_steamlab. There's plenty of stuff to throw around, and I'm a big fan of the gravity gun. I especially like the big boiler - it spells out death for anyone. I like dm_lockdown the least... I'm not quite sure why.. I just hate that map.
I agree dm_overwatch is the best, ideal for sniping with the cross-bow :naughty:
I usually perform best at lockdown, mainly because of the cramped spaces and narrow corridors in it and considering the fact that I am a gravgun whore. :D Most of the rooms, with the exception of the pulse rifle room, are exactly the right size to toss stuff around. I also think the atmosphere in lockdown is slightly better than that of the other maps.
I liked overwatch, but steamlab is much more fun if you learn the tactics of climbing up the ladders and jumping from room to room (not a glitch, the ladders are meant to go there) and stuff. Team Deathmatch is also a lot of fun in steamlab, everyone getting guns and hanging running through the map together.. which reminds me of the great weapon placement, and the great options in the map to use melee weapons around corners, I just really like the map. My only one dislike of the map is the teleporter makes no whoosh sound.. :(

Overwatch is a whore's map, and Steamlab is too confined and unbalanced.
Overwatch since I like the open area.

Though it was a hard decision, I'm a shotgun whore so I do love Lockdown due to the more cramped areas.

but really I haven't played these maps much at all.
joule said:

Overwatch is a whore's map, and Steamlab is too confined and unbalanced.

I agree, though have not played steamlabs much so cant really comment.
Steamlabs has a kinda opressive atmosphere. It feels a bit too much like Doom3 I reckon. They should've busted some holes in the ceiling to let a bit of light in, a la Lockdown.

Aesthetics out of the way though, I'd say Overwatch is my fave map. But ONLY when on team deathmatch, with a maximum of four to a team - or else it becomes a spawnkill mess.
Lockdown is awful, Overwatch is the best at this time
Steamlabs...dont care, just not enough stuff to throw with the grav gun in that map.
Those 3 have gone very stale...there are some very good user maps floating around that I prefer to waste my time on. :thumbs:
Like GnaaDXarmy, I spend most of my time on good custom maps like dm_island17 and dm_morbid. I still occasionally play the default though.

It's hard for me to choose between overwatch and lockdown. They're both really good maps.

Steamlab is okay, but for me, most of the fun comes from seeing noob after noob run straight past the RPG. :LOL:
I think all three are better than 90% of the maps out there.
The fact that overwatch is the best map for Slams gives it enough of an edge to trancend its occasional glitchiness though.

Steamlab and lockdown tie for 2nd place,
You can do some fairly interesting stuff in the dtail-rich environments of steamlab. But many of the rooms just go unused for me. Like the entire teleporter room contains only a single hidden medkit, so no-one really bothers to go there except for passing through.

Lockdown is great becuase it has excellent weapon placement and a perfect level of physics objects. It also has exactly enough medkits and chargers.
But it also doesn't have much beyond the basics. In steamlab, you can actually effectively hide from someone for several minutes if you're low on life, and in overwatch you are tasked with basically turning a burnt-out building into a fortress with only an RPG, physics objects and slams.
Lockdown doesn't let you get away with any such crazy shit, which is either a good or bad thing. I haven't decided.
Tight call this one bewteen lockdown and overwatch(not really played steamlabs).I was never to keen on overwatch until they introduced the s.l.a.m,its made the map a lot better cause theres loads of junk to hide the s.l.a.m behind.Seeing my name popping up in the corner when people die from my s.l.a.m is mightyly satisfying.

But lockdown just nicks it.The flow of the map is nearly perfect,weapon placement is good too_Overall it seems to have a good mixture of open areas and corriders.

My fav map overall has to be dm_refinery by keeved.Valve should really give this guy a job.
joule said:

Overwatch is a whore's map, and Steamlab is too confined and unbalanced.

Agree! Overwatch is for campers...
Steamlab - Great map for classic shooting deathmatch, not much throwing of junk here. Also fun for crowbarring.

Overwatch - Great SLAM map, but rocketwhoring spoils it a bit

Lockdown - Great gravity gun map, when used well it will give you a top 3 ranking. But sometimes relies a bit too much on it.

Overall: Steamlab.
I go for steamlabs, overwatch is crap with the RPG campers on the roof. Still, I like all the maps. With lockdown, I always get too greedy with the charger that gives you 200 suit power and get something thrown at me. :(
Overwath is horiblely poorly made.

Lockdown is my favorite wiht steamlabs in second.
steamlab is the best.

lockdown is 2nd. overwatch is 3rd.

I frequently play all the them. And I like all of them in different ways but steamlab blows the others out of the water. I think its because I prefer small enclosed spaces for killing. I like the way the corridors are tight so you can get some good kills with the gravity gun.
Overwatch is my personal favourite. Loads of room and plenty of cover. I hate how its very easy to the the RPG and pwn everyone since they'll start whining and say "Your shit without the rocket huh?" or "using noob weapons is ghey"
I can be a bit of an RPG whore when it comes to that but I play fair.
I like lockdown and really hate overwatch. too many ways for noob kills with grav and rocket. I got killed by a paint can when I had full health. sigh.
steamlabs is okay, haven't played much. I really only play the default when I cant find a server that has a map I already have, and dont want to wait though.
Well, it seems fairly even soo far... i'm suprised that steamlab is up there with the others... I dont like it too much, definately not a fav anyways..

Lock down does it for me, best for DM style playing.. Aslong as people dont go crazy with the plasma balls...
Mechagodzilla said:
There aren't any paint cans in overwatch, I'm fairly certain.
oh i think there is, but maybe that was in lockdown, and I was upset because we just finished overwatch. Overwatch seems like just a fragfest to me
Lockdown, easily. It's got a nice combination of open areas and cramped hallways, with interesting weapon placement.