FBI up in this

I'd find a bunch of flesh eating insects to slowly eat him/her/them alive.
Duct tape him to the floor and set off the fire alarms in his house and scream "OMG THE ****ING HOUSE IS ON FIRE!". Then dump re-used urine on his keyboard and make him suck it out of between the keys with a straw.
After I tell his mom, I'd have his father sack him and then I'd take a picture and make an "own3d" pic out of that and use it here.
You are all assuming it was a "he". what if it was a SHE!? hehe What if SHE is some fine hot little hacker bunny? LOL

Sydney Bristow got tired of waiting for the Gold Release, so SD-6 sent her to Valve, but K-Directorate beat her to it. :cheese:
Spit you do realize that Headcrabs only exist in the game....he already has the game.....soooooooooooooo #l_ll<1n funny
I got that bluddy w32-worm blaster.

Bastards made me re-format.
Microsoft had a fix for that I believe.. I know I had to use it, and never had to reformat.
so what happens if the hacker used wi-fi? He simply logged onto a open network carried out his attack and realsed the source code from a diff open network and from there it spred...

wi-fi is un-traceable and i highly doubt the fbi could catch the person if that was the case^
i had that damn blaster worm too, didnt know i even had it till i saw a link to it some place and thought hmm....lets just check out htis new worm thats out there for shits and giggles. took a look at what it does and realised i had the little bitch in my system. thank god i found that since i didnt feel like reinstalling 20gigs worth of stuff and then down loading another 20 gigs
HAxXoRs BeWaRe!! The Actual G-Man will get u!!
who would have thought that at some point in the future the FB bloody I would get involved in a wait for it....... a Computer Game

jesus christ this is pathetic.

*please note i do not condone hacking, i just merely think the FBI is over kill*
Originally posted by Dougy
who would have thought that at some point in the future the FB bloody I would get involved in a wait for it....... a Computer Game

jesus christ this is pathetic.

*please note i do not condone hacking, i just merely think the FBI is over kill*

Not if you consider the short and long term repricussions of this act. Also, that this could be a precedent case for online security. There's a lot going on here.

Dougy this is more than just a game for a lot of people, it is millions of dollars worth code. Not to mention all the time that has gone into it.

I hope they find and nail the bugger that did it.

GL to the FBI from New Zealand :)
They should have Doug Lombardi go on TV and say,

Originally posted by Dr-X
Where in NZ you at Nightmare? I'm in Tauranga :) :p

Nice to know there are some other kiwis on this board :). I live on a small farm about 30ks north of CHCH.
Originally posted by He@t!
HAxXoRs BeWaRe!! The Actual G-Man will get u!!

Damn straight. 0mgz, jo0's are s0 pwnt!!11
I got the Blaster 32 fix before there was even a problem. So I got no trouble.
Originally posted by Defcon-one
Really hope they will get them!

Maybe truly a bit far fetched...But i hope there are some HL-Fans under the NSA executives too.
If the FBI wont get them, maybe the NSA would be able to...
(even if i know such an involvment is absolutely unlikely, they surely would have the equipment, knowledge and power to trace down almost everyone everywhere! Especially with all the Information of phonecalls, internettraffic and emails etc. they're gathering and storing constantly worldwide 24/7. And hey, why cant hacking & industrial or economic espionage of an US company be seen as a national security thread!?!)

By law, the NSA is forbidden from doing any sort of domestic intelligence gathering on American citizens. And to think they'd have the slightest interest in this is case is patently absurd. However, there are agreements in place for foreign intelligence services (UK, Israeli) to spy on American citizens and share information, and vice versa. Still, the notion that these entities would be used for the purpose of tracking down some lame-ass hackers that stole some game code is preposterous.

A lot of people here need to get some much needed perspective. This case, in terms of the FBI's priorities, is probably as close to the bottom as it gets -- and rightfully so. If it WERE (and it's not) a high priority, I'd say Uncle Sam owes me some of my tax dollars back. Funding investigations for a silly game code theft is not how intelligence tax dollars should be spent.
id say the best bet of getting them is to follow the tree.. of the source of source thief :p

work their way up the tree :]

got it ?
Everybody might want to be aware that if the FBI is on this case, they will likely be browsing things like, say, um, this board and IRC channels. Maybe they even registered. Wonder what they chose as their avatar? Maybe something subtle like a badge graphic with FBI in big black letters on the top. Forum name: T3h_S00t.
discouraging hackers of any kind is an important thing for the FBI. itd suck if this happened to more companies.
Originally posted by Democritus
Everybody might want to be aware that if the FBI is on this case, they will likely be browsing things like, say, um, this board and IRC channels. Maybe they even registered. Wonder what they chose as their avatar? Maybe something subtle like a badge graphic with FBI in big black letters on the top. Forum name: T3h_S00t.

Yes, the FBI is browsing this forum...because we all know how much valuable and insightful information this community provides. :rolleyes:

Agent 1: Ohhh, Look! Look! A screenshot's been posted!

Agent 2: I think it's a fake...

Agent 1: You never know, I think we should dispatch the SWAT unit.

Agent 2: Yeah, sounds good...*long drag off cigarette*
I believe what they will do is use a governemnt program called "En-Case" on Gabe's PC, this tool can find the "footprints" left over from connections to a specific PC, even after multiple formats (i believe its 7 max) anyway it wont be long till they are caught, En-Case, Ip gained, cross refernece with IP to ISP, ISP database cross check, match account to fone number, match fone number to address.......G A M E O V E R .... the meer possiblity of the fact that Half Life 2's delay could well have been as a result of this insanity is enought to make me look forward to the "Half (Life 2) Hackers Caught with stolen source)" headline!!!

oh, this is my first post, but ive followed the game since first scoops of it here in the UK, and am very pleased to finally become a part of the community, hope u can welcome me here!!!!

Chances are the IP will be of a trojan affected computer (that the hacker used as a springboard to valve) and the user doesnt even know what the heck half life 2 is about
Originally posted by Dougy
who would have thought that at some point in the future the FB bloody I would get involved in a wait for it....... a Computer Game

jesus christ this is pathetic.

*please note i do not condone hacking, i just merely think the FBI is over kill*

Wow... and some million dollar piece of art is any different? Games are a form of art, and quite frankly, helluva lot more valuable than a piece of trash canvas covered in pastel or watercolor... I mean, you can't even shoot things in it or anything!


Not mention, its a high profile case, this game and havok info means millions and millions of dollars worth of property.
I guess that if they don't know who it is who hacked Valves computer you would treat it as Corporate Espionage until proven otherwise. I don't know the caveats of theAmerican judicial system but is it not a federally covered crime?
Originally posted by Nige_Reconman
I guess that if they don't know who it is who hacked Valves computer you would treat it as Corporate Espionage until proven otherwise. I don't know the caveats of theAmerican judicial system but is it not a federally covered crime?

Doubt it. Why go through all the trouble of stealing valve's work if you ultimately couldn't use it. On top of that, why would they then release it for all to see. Until proven otherwise, I'd say this is most definitely the work of asshat teenagers...from America no doubt. They breed by thousands here.
Originally posted by Azul
Doubt it. Why go through all the trouble of stealing valve's work if you ultimately couldn't use it. On top of that, why would they then release it for all to see. Until proven otherwise, I'd say this is most definitely the work of asshat teenagers...from America no doubt. They breed by thousands here.
Agreed. Take one of our better game developers, and steal some intellectual property that could potentially cost them money. If you win, you have fewer games to pick from in the future. If you lose, you can get a nice bunk in prison. Maybe the guy in the next bunk won't tell you to grab your ankles twice a day. I wouldn't take my chances though.
@ Azul

Come on :)

I explicit wrote: "far fetched" and "absolutely unlikely"!
So i know that this wont happen

Nevertheless, do you really think just because its in a law, it dont or did not happen? With all those possibilities and this huge power? p.e. just take the example that you mentioned yourself with the trade-off of intelligence... Ok this was a bit off-topic

But i surely know that this wont have any priority for them and that there are more important things in this world, but...
(hmm let's name it like a "fieldexercise" and hunt em down and provide a delta-team too to deliver a definitive solution - those hackers wont be able to pay the damage anyway! :flame: )

And dont get me wrong, i m not even a big halflife-multiplayer-fan for as it has had always too many cheats available there.
But this incident surely gives an huge advantage to all those non-skilled cheater-bastards! And this kind of makes me mad :sniper:

A bit overreactin and unreal wishin should be allowed.. ;)

But serious..hey, i wont shed a single tear for those kids that just want to do harm to others, getting sacked!
And on the other hand, if i get u right, i find the attitude that hacking,virii etc is kind of a minor crime or not important also is very dangerous and questionable. Think about the damage that is done by this every year worldwide, officially or unofficially!
