FBI up in this

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I explicit wrote: "far fetched" and "absolutely unlikely"! So i know that this wont happen
I did see your disclaimer, but I've also seen others mention the NSA and CIA getting involved -- which is rubbish.

Nevertheless, do you really think just because its in a law, it dont or did not happen?
Of course not. It's well documented that in the past these agencies have spied domestically (the abuses of the Nixon administration alone would provide ample examples). However, it doesn't make any less illegal.*

My only point is that these so-called "elite" agencies would not be used in this capacity.

*With garbage legislation like the "PATRIOT" Act recently enacted, though, things might be different. In fact, I'm almost positive that these laws have curtailed since 9/11.
If the leaker is good enough to connect on Valves PC, I think he's good enough to install chained proxies servers on poor guys computers ...
And like already mentioned,if he used a wifi network for the last proxy ,
FBI and NSA and God can run forever ... :dozey:
Did any of you consider that the hackers may be international? You're all going on about how the FBI are involved and the hackers must be shitting themselves now. But what if they're from another country?
Originally posted by Oakey
Did any of you consider that the hackers may be international? You're all going on about how the FBI are involved and the hackers must be shitting themselves now. But what if they're from another country?

It wont make any diffrence, If its an OS person the FBI will just go to that country and seek an extradition for them back to the states where they would be tried.
anf why are you sure that this country will agree with a extradition ? ...
Stop consider the FBI as god :-P
Originally posted by Nightmare
Dougy this is more than just a game for a lot of people, it is millions of dollars worth code. Not to mention all the time that has gone into it.

I hope they find and nail the bugger that did it.

GL to the FBI from New Zealand :)

its only woth millions to Valve.

to me its a game.
Originally posted by SadE
anf why are you sure that this country will agree with a extradition ? ...
Stop consider the FBI as god :-P

learn to spell.

The FBI are Americas international "police", they do operate in foriegn countries a lot.
"MAY 30, 2002 ( IDG NEWS SERVICE ) - Organizational changes announced yesterday by the FBI included honing its focus on combating computer-related crimes.
In a Top 10 list of priorities detailed during a press conference at the FBI's headquarters in Washington, FBI Director Robert Mueller pegged cybercrime prevention as its third most important priority behind battling terrorism and fighting espionage ...


"The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) in implementing the President's National Strategy to Secure Cyberspace and the Homeland Security Act of 2002, has created the National Cyber Security Division (NCSD) under the Department's Information Analysis and Infrastructure Protection Directorate... National Cyber Security Division (NCSD) containing also CSTARC which will detect and respond to Internet events; track potential threats and vulnerabilities to cyberspace; and coordinate cyber security and incident response with federal, state, local, private sector and international partners..."



Even if they will be never caught, chances are quite high that there will be some general shift/change in priority in the future or that it has already begun!

Smells to me like some ppl have to prepare for harder times anyway...
Originally posted by Gage
VALVe: So you guys are here to find out who took the source code?

FBI: The wha? Actually we're here to ask you if there's a release date yet...

ahahahahahaha!!!! thats pricekess
Originally posted by Dougy
learn to spell.

The FBI are Americas international "police", they do operate in foriegn countries a lot.

Stop being so ignorant, maybe English isn't this persons first language, did you consider that? Are you American by any chance?

And tbh, there's shit the FBI can do. Look at Dimitry Skylarov, he was arrested and tried for something that was illegal in the US but not illegal in Russia (his 'crime' was comitted in Russia), the FBI couldn't arrest him until he stepped foot on US soil (where he came to do a presentation on the 'crime').
but see, what dimitry skylarov did wasn't illegal where he was.

but what these hackers did was very illegal everywhere. their local country would be happy to prosecute them, maybe not extradite, but at least they would handle it themselves.
they can only prosucute someone from another country if they come to this country or if that country has the same internatinal law agreement as us. most dont with computer crimes :bounce:
their local country would be happy to prosecute them, maybe not extradite, but at least they would handle it themselves.

Why would they be happy to prosecute? You think maybe said government are HL2 fans? Or maybe you're just assuming that because you'd be happy to prosecute them?

Maybe the hackers were from Libya? Or Israel? Or some other run down, pos country whose governement wouldn't care less?
most likely if it was outa country it woulda been the uk or germany, germany is filled with mygs