FBI's on IRC?



Did a whois on some guy named JA_West, and here's what i got:

Whois: JA_West ::
Info: [email protected] jaw
Reg Nick :: JA_West
Channels: #***** +#hl2 #albinoblacksheep
Server :: ubergoth.lcirc.net
Idle: Been idle for 7s •• End of Whois ••

Intresting eh? and what a poor job of being stealthy (if he really is from FBI that is)
Look at the hostmark.

and in channels, #m-y-g-0-t is censored here for some reason
[email protected]?

I don't think so.. Company emails are usually your first name and last initial, or vise-versa. Just somebody wanting attention. He's on #albinoblacksheep too, lol must be downloading soundboards or something. :)
he's probably not that interested in being stealthy (again, if he is FBI)
the email location is from www.fbi.gov that pretty much gives it away.

I dont know if its legit but looks like it.
The law isn't allowed to mess with pirates and people that post warez on icr due to some law clinton passed.
Originally posted by G·Man
[email protected]?

I don't think so.. Company emails are usually your first name and last initial, or vise-versa. Just somebody wanting attention. He's on #albinoblacksheep too, lol must be downloading soundboards or something. :)

its the fbi, they dont really have to follow "company" policy.

More likely its someone using a remotely operated dummy account but off their site, if so its pretty ballsy, stealing a email account from the fbi lol
I know what to do... BUSH! He's got to be a HL fan, I mean look at him! We need him to direct some homeland security officals and creat a new security wing.
It may be just some office worker or part of a support staff rather than an agent who is on irc for personal reasons.
At this time of day tho, outside of office hours that is less likely.
How fakable are irc lookups?
haha im in there right now

nothing going on.....west was fake fbi. not real.
*edit fyi:JA_West was kicked/banned from lirc
Hes not an FBI agent...

Its called a Host Spoof, or if you want to get more technical. Its an
I:Line in the ircd.conf file. If you type /dns his.host in mirc, it wont resolve. Which means it is not real.
IF the FBI do get involved then it'll be their job to stake out most places online. These forums, the quakenet irc channel, the ***** irc channel, *****s forums, several other forums, several other irc channels, etc, etc.

theisonews.com's community has FBI agents daily. I remember reading about the raid on one guys house. Disturbing stuff.
Isonews Siteop was busted for mod chip sales, not software piracy.

And I believe isonews is totally legal, they just talk about stuff, and ban requesters.
Originally posted by TheFURY
Isonews Siteop was busted for mod chip sales, not software piracy.

And I believe isonews is totally legal, they just talk about stuff, and ban requesters.

correct, and that siteop is actually getting out of prison pretty soon, like within two weeks i believe.
Originally posted by TheFURY
Isonews Siteop was busted for mod chip sales, not software piracy.

And I believe isonews is totally legal, they just talk about stuff, and ban requesters.

I'm not talking about the owner, I was talking about one of the communities respected members. He created a thread about his experience, made interesting reading - went on for pages and pages.

Look it up if you can, well worth it.
Damn you Xtasy0, beat me by about 10 seconds :E