Did a whois on some guy named JA_West, and here's what i got:
Whois: JA_West ::
Info: [email protected] jaw
Reg Nick :: JA_West
Channels: #***** +#hl2 #albinoblacksheep
Server :: ubergoth.lcirc.net
Idle: Been idle for 7s •• End of Whois ••
Intresting eh? and what a poor job of being stealthy (if he really is from FBI that is)
Whois: JA_West ::
Info: [email protected] jaw
Reg Nick :: JA_West
Channels: #***** +#hl2 #albinoblacksheep
Server :: ubergoth.lcirc.net
Idle: Been idle for 7s •• End of Whois ••
Intresting eh? and what a poor job of being stealthy (if he really is from FBI that is)