fcuking cops

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You know, there is an edit feature. Infact, you don't even have to click post if you can generally see there's a typo or two in the box.

How about growing up, Harij.

edit: Wow, you sobered up quickly, Harij. See, editing posts is easy.
i was out with firends and shit, and i decide for sum reason t o run around with a traffic cone on my head, the ****ing cop stoppped me and take my ID, i go back and place it in the right spot and they dont give it back
Hey harij, this is a forum. Not a instant messenger. Just in case you didnt realize.

Also, they probably took it for being drunk in public.
no theyre not allowed to take adagit just like that, but this guy just took trsragd
You didn't handle the situation properly, Crazy. Those cops were violating your god-given right to frolic with a traffic cone-helmet. Get a lawyer. Say it was racial discrimination.

Every American should be granted the right to be drunk in public.
Then you need to sue them for letting their xenophobia contaminate the justice system.
sweet. i can suet hem!!!!!!

krynn: 11, 12, 1, 3, 5, 6, etc are moving
what aalamariss, lol theres ua fkcing traffic once ont his atpcutre
Lol, none of them are moving harij.

And you should have just pulled the cone down over your whole body and hidden in it.

No your not. Anyone could do it. Those cones have a lot more space inside than you think.
That must have been a small cone then.

But you should go take that cone and keep it. They took your ID for it, so it should be yours anyways. Only give the cone back when they give you your ID.
he took o back and said, like, " go back and put it wher eyoiu took it", i did that and i didnt have my id, how the **** do i get bit back
haha drunks <3...but seriously what is with people and posting on forums when they're really bombed?

I know i do it a hell of a lot, to tell you the truth i don't know the answer to my own question.. :(
How far away was it. You can probably just walk there and take it.
im going to sleep, i just happened to sit ath te ocmpeuter right now, sorry ates

krynn are you ****ing seriou`??? the coip tuck thate ufci IID!
Part of it is boredom.

The other part is ranting/raving.

The other other part is the knowledge that you look like a jackass. And you take pride in that.
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