fcuking cops

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Good night Harij, thanks for this awesome thread.
youre welcome... im surew im gonnar egret shit tp,prrpw
I'll take over the responsibilities if he's unable to.
next time im shitfaced of my faced maybbde;MM::. :D :D DD::DDDDD
dude, make sure you know where the toilet is...honestly
LOL wtf this IS instant messaging in a forum..
You need to sleep, young man. Gotta get up bright and early.
ddue its saturday fr tormorwow.. ij ****ed.. i lost my frineds fly ias we wll, and thi think i have to pay back for it, but whateeverf
im going to sleep now anywayt s atda ! Dsuth dfu ;;; dufoy rhe advice odo yut hthdnax;; so .ogadhgad dthrerghe neg.
crazyharij...how much buutttsseeecckkkssss did you have tonight?
Yeah, you are going to laugh your ass off when you read this sober.

HOLY SHIT...Just picturing Harij with a cone on his head ftw.
Part of it is boredom.

The other part is ranting/raving.

The other other part is the knowledge that you look like a jackass. And you take pride in that.

He did it for the lulz.
I think this needs to go up on the banner for "Awesome Quotes" ...just pick one at random from this thread of Harij...poor guy will never be able to live it down :D
Stop making threads when you're drunk from one beer
lol I thought they take your ID by force

but after read the storie I laughed a lot

"I just took a traffic cone and put it on my head and run around nothing more"

btw here is ilegal if a cop take out your id
If he did, he wouldn't have gotten caught by the cops. D:
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