Fear expansion dated!

Awesome. (I bet the next 10 posts or so can be summarized to "meh" or "FEAR sucks lolololol")

Liked the demo, especially those invisible ghosts dude near the end..god damn even in slow mo they kicked my ass D:
Awesome. (I bet the next 10 posts or so can be summarized to "meh" or "FEAR sucks lolololol")

Liked the demo, especially those invisible ghosts dude near the end..god damn even in slow mo they kicked my ass D:
cant wait for Samon's Post
Awesome, can't wait for this. I loved FEAR to daeth, will more than likely love this Expansion Pack. :D
i cant wait either i love fear so much. it was creepy and intense at the same time.
Fear is scary. :(

I will have to get this either way, though...

.bog. - wimp
I thought this was out.

Samon, why dont you just rename yourself to Meh?
Original was fun but I just couldn't bring myself around to finishing it... I'm sure this will probably be good though for those who liked FEAR.