FEAR is really a poorly designed game..


Dec 28, 2004
Reaction score
What's the attraction with this game?

I'm not going to say this game is boring, as the other thread about FEAR stated.

I'm just going to say it's straight up horrible.

The environments are all so generic and bland, the graphics engine needs about 6 more months of optimization work done on it, it runs like garbage and looks like it too. The story is straight up LAME and dull... Do they really need a objective screen every mission... if the objective is always "Capture Paxton Fettel"? That's like having a huge loading screen in BF2 that says "Mission: Capture the Flag" during every load. After a few times you get it already. The girl isn't scary either.. Every "scare" reminds me of cheap horror movies from the 1980s..

I don't know what else to say other than I've given this game a bunch of different chances.. figured I had to be the crazy one with everyone saying how great it is... even took a week off to see if it could regain some fun factor.. Nope.. Played for about 10 minutes last night before I couldn't take it anymore. It runs like a frickin slide show, even when the settings are dialed down to the point where they look Medal of Honor on Playstation 2... The time demo even said I have above 40 fps 85% of the time.. cept in the actual game I can't even aim properly because it's so choppy. (in 1024x768 even - meanwhile I play BF2 and the high res modded HL2 in 2048x1536 with near perfect smoothness)

So... I'm happy if those of you with FX-55s and 7800 GTX SLI have fun with the AI because that's the ONLY thing this game has going for it.... imo of course. Sorry for the negative review but I had to get my opinion out there.

Oh and did you hear the news about the expansion pack? Gamespot forums says there's an expansion pack to be released 1st quarter, where the clones have taken over another dimension.. Wow.. Sound's terrific.... Tell me that one wasn't rushed.
F.E.A.R is overrated beyond belief. We got so little decent shooters last year, that everyone overlooks the pure average ness of FEAR and welcome it with open arms. Sad, but true story.

I mean, its almost worse than Quake 4. Almost.
P43.2/1Gig/X800P said:
Looked and ran real nice on my computer 1024x 768 medium - high settings
same here...except i have a 6200 and it ran really nice
Mine ran great on my X800XL

And for the resord I loved Quake 4 and FEAR =P
Samon said:
F.E.A.R is overrated beyond belief. We got so little decent shooters last year, that everyone overlooks the pure average ness of FEAR and welcome it with open arms. Sad, but true story.

I mean, its almost worse than Quake 4. Almost.

In your opinion. Don't speak for everyone.
awww, I loved F.E.A.R alot first I thought the demo kinda sucked but when I got my first 800uds paycheck I had to that Game, Im glad I did.
Game runs perfect on my pc highest settings soft shadows 1024.

Game looks insane. Game is insanely fun. Story is great. Levels ARE detailed. They look REAL. I guess people want more crates in games.
NJ it should definitely run better than you describe...it's obviously not the game engine itself but something about your rig...

Edit: Holy crap that was a lot of posts in those couple of minutes...

But I agree, FEAR was a bit overrated...still fun
Raziel-Jcd said:
Game looks insane. Game is insanely fun. Story is great. Levels ARE detailed. They look REAL. I guess people want more crates in games.

Just because they look real, doesn't make them good. The levels are linear in design, mostly. Its like, office to office, office, office to office. More of these 'real' environments would have been nice.
I only played the demo, hate corridor crawls and hate horror themed games even more yet even I can recognize it was an exceptional game combat-wise. You guys are far too critical of any game that people seem to like a lot
i spent like $50.00 on f.e.a.r.

then wal-mart actually let me return it after a week!!! i was so happy

wal-mart ownz

when f.e.a.r. goes on the shelves for like $9.99 like diablo 1 is right now... i may consider buying it again
The combat is indeed fun. The AI is great. However, games need more than just good Artificial Intelligence. I mean you can cut the artificial right out of the equation by just going online in CS:Source, BF2, or any other shooter... and play against REAL intelligent players... that should be more fun than any AI.

So for a single person game to be truly great, at least to me, it need's other things that online battles cant offer. In other words, not just good AI, but also a great and captivating story, good (optimized) graphics, and varied environments.. and enemies for that matter.

I hate to be a hater, but to me, FEAR just can't cut it...
I <3 FEAR. End of story. Not much replay value whatsoever, but I <3 it nonetheless.
Yep, it sucks so bad it was nominated for game of the year by many publications.
Haven't touched SP, but I love MP, when I find a nice TDM server with 15 other people, is always fun.
Raziel-Jcd said:
Game runs perfect on my pc highest settings soft shadows 1024.

Game looks insane. Game is insanely fun. Story is great. Levels ARE detailed. They look REAL. I guess people want more crates in games.

I dont know about you, but I have loads of supply crates and explosive barrels just laying around my city...:thumbs:
Yawn, old news.

The only people still hyping it up are the people who were boning it up to the release, and just can't bring themselves to admit fear was an average game.
JellyWorld said:
That's odd, I can run it at 1280*1024 on my 6600GT.

I take it because of your high resolution, you were running it without anti-aliasing (or at least with 2x)

I understand what the thread creator is saying, any (new) games engine requires a long period for optimization purposes, thats the main reason why ES: Oblivion was pulled back from its original release date
Way overrated indeed.
Original Storyline my ass.
Have you seen "The Ring"?
Ya,i thought so.
so is hl2 . . .

do we really need another thread bashing fear on here ? aren't there like 3 already, go join one of those.
NJspeed said:

Oh and did you hear the news about the expansion pack? Gamespot forums says there's an expansion pack to be released 1st quarter.

HFS where?
NJspeed said:
Played for about 10 minutes last night before I couldn't take it anymore. It runs like a frickin slide show, even when the settings are dialed down to the point where they look Medal of Honor on Playstation 2... The time demo even said I have above 40 fps 85% of the time.. cept in the actual game I can't even aim properly because it's so choppy. (in 1024x768 even - meanwhile I play BF2 and the high res modded HL2 in 2048x1536 with near perfect smoothness)
Turn down light details. I can run it about 30 FPS, greater then HL2 ,BF2, or COD 2. Also better graphics for its FPS.
The High Res barely takes any extra resources.
I have a Radeon 9600 Sapphire, you should have no problem running it.
EDIT: Ring... original? The little girl is way back from Japan. Nothing is original nowadays. Don't complain, its been done somewhere before some other time.
Sheikah42 said:
i spent like $50.00 on f.e.a.r.

then wal-mart actually let me return it after a week!!! i was so happy

wal-mart ownz

I suppose you opened and played the game before returning it..How did you do it? Did you tell them a very ingenious lie? Or did you re-wrap it using a cellophane wrapping machine?
But in my opinion FEAR wasn't as good as everyone told me, the AI isn't exactly the smartest but still smart. (I stood next to an enemy for 30 seconds and he did not see me.)
Samon said:
F.E.A.R is overrated beyond belief. We got so little decent shooters last year, that everyone overlooks the pure average ness of FEAR and welcome it with open arms. Sad, but true story.

I mean, its almost worse than Quake 4. Almost.
Sounds like an excelent marketing strategy.
I take it because of your high resolution, you were running it without anti-aliasing (or at least with 2x)

I understand what the thread creator is saying, any (new) games engine requires a long period for optimization purposes, thats the main reason why ES: Oblivion was pulled back from its original release date
There was some news on December 24th sayin the game was complete 2 months ago....

...they're just trying to make the XBOX360 version work right.

Stupid consoles.
/me walks away muttering.
I suppose you opened and played the game before returning it..How did you do it? Did you tell them a very ingenious lie? Or did you re-wrap it using a cellophane wrapping machine?

Yes I did open it, and yes I played it for a week. They knew I opened the game because I told them I opened the game. The lady behind the desk first told me "you can't return this because it's been opened." Then I just showed her the back of one of the paper cases and showed her the cd-key. I told her that you need this key in order to play the game, and she called some guy on the phone and told him what I just said, and he said "okay take it back" So I got all my money back. I didn't argue or anything...

I know I could've gone out of my way to copy all 5 cd's and write down that cd-key number, but F.E.A.R. was such a shitty game I didn't even wanna waste my blank CD's or a piece of paper.

The End.
Samon said:
F.E.A.R is overrated beyond belief. We got so little decent shooters last year, that everyone overlooks the pure average ness of FEAR and welcome it with open arms. Sad, but true story.

I mean, its almost worse than Quake 4. Almost.
Agreed. :imu:
I'd read so many threads like this when I first got FEAR, I was expecting nothing more than polished mediocrity. What I got instead was the most fun I've had with a game in a very long time, and the best recent PC FPS barring Half-Life 2.

The levels could be uninspired, yes, but for me, it was all about the combat. With slow motion cranked up, FEAR is one of the most visceral experiences you can have on the PC. In fact, I'm going to go ahead and say that the pure combat in FEAR is the best since Halo in pure fun factor.

Yes. The best since Halo.
Narcolepsy said:
I'd read so many threads like this when I first got FEAR, I was expecting nothing more than polished mediocrity. What I got instead was the most fun I've had with a game in a very long time, and the best recent PC FPS barring Half-Life 2.

The levels could be uninspired, yes, but for me, it was all about the combat. With slow motion cranked up, FEAR is one of the most visceral experiences you can have on the PC. In fact, I'm going to go ahead and say that the pure combat in FEAR is the best since Halo in pure fun factor.

Yes. The best since Halo.
I dunno, I've not played FEAR, but the action in max payne 2 was pretty damn fun... :E
Crushenator 500 said:
I dunno, I've not played FEAR, but the action in max payne 2 was pretty damn fun... :E

The combat in F.E.A.R. is like Max Payne 2's, only better imo.

The most satisfactory thing I find in F.E.A.R. is killing a clone trooper with a roundhouse kick in the face all executed in slo-mo.
Raziel-Jcd said:
Game runs perfect on my pc highest settings soft shadows 1024.

Game looks insane. Game is insanely fun. Story is great. Levels ARE detailed. They look REAL. I guess people want more crates in games.

Other than what Samon said about the levels, throwing in those "real" environments JUST LIKE they are IRL is an unimaginative thing to do. After all, we play games because we are bored of "real".
FEAR was the best fps I played in 2005 from 2005, but there wasn't really much competition unlike 2004. I thought it was of fairly high quality and they set the mood fairly well most of the time. Environments were fairly bland and there are only like 2 save spaces but for the most part it was a good game.
I agree. FEAR is a poor game. And many things are lame, suck as:

- You keep killing the same enemies trough the whole game
- The story sucks
- The enemy can take to much damage
- Poor level design. You get the feeling that you are in the same place the whole time