FEAR is really a poorly designed game..

I agree. FEAR is a poor game. And many things are lame, suck as:

- You keep killing the same enemies trough the whole game
- The story sucks
- The enemy can take to much damage
- Poor level design. You get the feeling that you are in the same place the whole time
WaterMelon34 said:
Other than what Samon said about the levels, throwing in those "real" environments JUST LIKE they are IRL is an unimaginative thing to do. After all, we play games because we are bored of "real".

I dont know about that for me, I like when games look realistic, and when you can just crank up the graphics all the way and feel like you are there.
I like fear, perfect 10. ;)
I didn't like the graphics, the textures looked low res, the weapon models looked too small or too large, the lighting looked awkward, and the whole game had that shiny look going on ( unless it was covered in blood of course ). The exception here is explosion and some of the effects at the end which were amazing. The end alone for me was worth it though. I have never seen something like that in a game before. Also those black cloaking things were very nice.

I did not like the sound. Gunshots, The car noises, bullet impacts, explosions, crashes, whatever I didn't like it. The exception here being the voice acting, which really wasn't that good but compared to most games it was amazing.

All of the weapons looked, felt (escpecially the sub-machinegun and assault rifle ), and sounded poorly. This probably ruined the game for me more than anything else. It all felt very cheap. The assault rifle and sub-machinegun really stand out here as the one click for a burst was really got on my nerves.

The enviroments felt cramped, linear, and bored me. I have a fairly powerful system and it ran very well on top settings, so that wasn't the problem as far as my graphics complaints go.

I would say its overrated, but everyone appears to love it so much. I guess im just different ;( . As far a redeeming qualities go, the only one this game has in my eyes is the excellent ai, which I feel would have been much more impressive in a different enviroment. And of course the ending, which was so amazing it almost made it worth playing through the horrible levels leading up to the end.
Narcolepsy said:
The levels could be uninspired, yes, but for me, it was all about the combat. With slow motion cranked up, FEAR is one of the most visceral experiences you can have on the PC. In fact, I'm going to go ahead and say that the pure combat in FEAR is the best since Halo in pure fun factor.

Yeah if you lik going into slo-mo and then shooting the dude with a shotgun and then doing THE SAME DAMN THING ALL THE WAY THROUGH THE GAME because all the guns are either poop or have no ammo (The exception being the shotgun.) Hell Halo was mountains better than FEAR for action. At least they made you think about it. Rather than FEAR's "Slo-Mo and kill them all before they react bollocks.

I also agree on the sound as someone brought up earlier. Sounds what makes the game and FEAR really was lacking.
FEAR only sucked in two areas:

Everything else was perfect.
Venmoch said:
Yeah if you lik going into slo-mo and then shooting the dude with a shotgun and then doing THE SAME DAMN THING ALL THE WAY THROUGH THE GAME because all the guns are either poop or have no ammo (The exception being the shotgun.) Hell Halo was mountains better than FEAR for action. At least they made you think about it. Rather than FEAR's "Slo-Mo and kill them all before they react bollocks.

I also agree on the sound as someone brought up earlier. Sounds what makes the game and FEAR really was lacking.
I did think about the action in FEAR. I made each confrontation into an epic dance of bullets and martial arts, making use of each and every gun when it was needed. The slo-mo did make it a bit easy at times, yes, but the action itself was just so much fun, I didn't care. If you didn't think it was fun though... well, you just didn't. It's too bad, really.

But the sound... did you play it with headphones? I thought the sounds of the guns themselves were the best in a long time - none of that paper weaponry in games like Doom 3.

Actually, what was the setup like that you played it on? I can see how this is the type of game that would only be fully enjoyed on high detail settings, as half the fun is watching the bullets, shell casings, sparks, and smoke fly as you decimate your surroundings.
Narcolepsy said:
But the sound... did you play it with headphones? I thought the sounds of the guns themselves were the best in a long time - none of that paper weaponry in games like Doom 3.

Actually, what was the setup like that you played it on? I can see how this is the type of game that would only be fully enjoyed on high detail settings, as half the fun is watching the bullets, shell casings, sparks, and smoke fly as you decimate your surroundings.

Yeah and an night in an attempt to scare myself (It didn't) but when I didn't feel like headphones I use my surround setup. Problem is the sound is till flat and ininspiring. While some of the sound was awesome a lot of it was unimpressive. (Same as DOOM 3 really.)

As far as Setup I played it on my Radeon 9800 but even the super quality screenshots you can see on the internet don't impress me. Half-Life 2 did, why? It managed to use graphics to make the world look realistic. FEAR used its graphics to make the world look shiny and bump-mapped. It just looked dodgy.
Unfocused said:
Why is there a new thread bashing FEAR?
Because people are bored and just want to stir things up or can't get it to run well on their PC :E. FEAR is a decent game to be sure, but nothing as incredible as most people seem to make it out to be. The combat, like Stern said, is seriously intense, but the corridor crawling/uninspired level design gets old fast. Too bad because it has so much potential...maybe the sequel will be better. :)
Raziel-Jcd said:
Game runs perfect on my pc highest settings soft shadows 1024.

Game looks insane. Game is insanely fun. Story is great. Levels ARE detailed. They look REAL. I guess people want more crates in games.

Loke said:
The most satisfactory thing I find in F.E.A.R. is killing a clone trooper with a roundhouse kick in the face all executed in slo-mo.

That was rather amusing what with your Texas Ranger avatar/sig combo. :E
Lol, I thought about Chuck when I wrote it. :E
FEAR owned. it just did! online is very fun too with the slow mo deathmatch! if you want an overrated game look no further than far cry.